Detection of visible and invisible cardiovascular changes on organ representation areas of face including eyebrows, upper & lower lips, early detection of cancer from rapidly changing QRS-complex of ECG, detection of Borrelia burgdorferi infection of SA-node area and atriums from ECG as one of the major causes of atrial fibrillation which can lead to strokes
Editor assigned: 01-Jan-1970 / Reviewed: 01-Jan-1970 / Revised: 01-Jan-1970 /
Cardiovascular disease & cancer can be detected non-invasively and rapidly by the following 5 methods 1) Using organ representation area of the different parts of the face including eyebrows, ala of nose, upper & lower lips. The author found visible and invisible appearance of cancer related changes. Some of the visible changes are deep crease formation, protrusion, discoloration, change of the color of the hair of eyebrows to white color or disappearance of the hair. 2) Using Mouth, Hand & Foot Writing Form completed by patient which takes anywhere from 5 ~ 10 minutes, we can screen or make a diagnosis of cardiovascular disease, cancer and neuromuscular problems without having any information about the patient. 3) Using rapidly changing QRS-complex of ECG, cancer can be identified rapidly and when QRScomplex is more than 1.2 mv we can often detect cancer parameters. But, when QRScomplex is less than 1.2 mv we can often detect presence or absence of certain cancers. 4) Normally when Thymus gland immune system is very weak, organ representation area of the back of each hand becomes less negative. When thymus functions are normal, Thymosin α1 & Thymosin β4 are usually anywhere between 5 ~ 50 ng. Values lower than 1 ng indicate an immune deficiency. 5) Using urine of less than 1 cc, we can detect presence or absence of cancer in less than 30 sec. And identify the type of cancer it will take additional 5-10 min for each different cancer. Since we often find multiple cancers, each additional cancer requires same additional time duration. By utilizing these methods cancer can be detected long before standard hospital laboratory tests can detect cancer.
When we identify cancer with our methods, we recommend the patient to be examined by standard hospital laboratory tests at least twice a year, which sometimes cannot detect the cancer at this early stage. Some typical examples of these methods will be presented. With concerning atrial fibrillation which is a major cause of stroke, the author found from ECG corresponding area of SA-node (although SA-node ECG is not visible because of extremely low voltage) and visible atriums.
In the presence of Lyme disease, Borrelia burgdorferi spirochete infection exists in SA-node area and visible atriums on ECG using Bi-Digital O-Ring Test which received a U.S. patent in 1993. The Bi-Digital O-Ring Test utilizes the highly sensitive electromagnetic field resonance phenomenon between 2 identical substances or molecules including Borrelia burgdorferi spirochete on a microscope slide. And the author found these infections at SA-node and atriums as one of the major causes for atrial fibrillation and treatment should be use of safe and effective antibiotics such as optimal dose of Amoxicillin together with optimal dose of vitamin-D3 which has 10 unique beneficial effects rather than often harmful Doxycycline. In many textbook pictures of the ECG of Atrial Fibrillation we can often detect presence of Lyme disease infection. Often in the presence of Borrelia burgdorferi infection Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) happens to be increased as it is released in the atrium due to atrial distention caused by the infection. The gene at 1p36.22 region on chromosome 1 encodes the peptide.