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  • Research Article   
  • J Dement 8: 221., Vol 8(3)
  • DOI: 10.4172/jmis.1000226

Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE): Understanding the Degenerative Brain Disease in Athletes and Veterans

Bartlomiej Kowalczyk1* and Grzegorz Lewandowski2
1Department of Neurology and Stroke, Medical University of Lodz, Poland
2Department of Neurobiology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Poland
*Corresponding Author: Bartlomiej Kowalczyk, Department of Neurology and Stroke, Medical University of Lodz, Poland, Email:

Received: 02-May-2024 / Manuscript No. dementia-24-138223 / Editor assigned: 06-May-2024 / PreQC No. dementia-24-138223 (PQ) / Reviewed: 20-May-2024 / QC No. dementia-24-138223 / Revised: 22-May-2024 / Manuscript No. dementia-24-138223 (R) / Published Date: 30-May-2024 DOI: 10.4172/jmis.1000226


Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease predominantly found in individuals with a history of repetitive brain trauma; such as athletes; military veterans; and others exposed to recurrent head injuries. The pathology of CTE involves the abnormal accumulation of the tau protein; which aggregates into clumps that propagate through the brain; resulting in the gradual death of neurons. Although CTE can be observed in individuals as young as 17 years old; the clinical manifestations typically emerge several years following the initial traumatic incidents. The disease is also known as Dementia Pugilistica; reflecting its historical association with boxers. This abstract provides a comprehensive overview of the etiology; pathophysiology; and clinical progression of CTE; highlighting the critical need for early detection and intervention strategies to mitigate the long-term impact of this debilitating condition.


Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE); Degenerative brain disease; Repetitive brain trauma; Tau protein; Neurodegeneration; athletes; Military veterans; Dementia pugilistica; Head impacts; Neuron death; Early detection; Intervention strategies


Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) is a severe and progressive neurodegenerative disorder that has garnered significant attention due to its prevalence among individuals with a history of repetitive brain trauma. Initially identified in boxers and referred to as Dementia Pugilistica; CTE has since been recognized in a broader population; including athletes involved in contact sports and military personnel exposed to blast injuries. The pathophysiology of CTE is characterized by the abnormal accumulation of the tau protein within the brain. These tau aggregates form neurofibrillary tangles and spread throughout the brain; disrupting normal cellular function and ultimately leading to widespread neuronal death. The development of these tauopathies results in a range of clinical symptoms that typically manifest years or even decades after the initial traumatic events [1].

Symptoms of CTE can vary widely; encompassing cognitive impairments such as memory loss and executive dysfunction; behavioral changes including aggression and impulsivity; and mood disorders like depression and anxiety. The latency period between trauma exposure and symptom onset complicates diagnosis and underscores the need for heightened awareness and research focused on early detection and prevention. The increasing incidence of CTE; particularly among young athletes and military veterans; has raised public health concerns and emphasized the necessity for comprehensive strategies to manage and mitigate the risks associated with repetitive head impacts. This introduction outlines the etiology; clinical features; and current understanding of CTE; setting the stage for a detailed examination of the disease's impact and the urgent need for effective intervention measures [2].

Etiology and Risk Factors

History of repetitive brain trauma

CTE primarily develops in individuals with a history of repetitive brain trauma. These traumas often occur in contact sports such as American football, boxing, hockey, and soccer, where repeated concussions and sub-concussive impacts are common. Military veterans exposed to blast injuries and other forms of head trauma also exhibit high rates of CTE [3]. The cumulative effect of these repeated injuries over time is a critical factor in the development of this neurodegenerative condition (Table 1).

Risk Factor Associated Population Description
Repetitive Brain Trauma Contact Sport Athletes Includes football, boxing, hockey, soccer players exposed to repeated concussions and sub-concussive impacts.
Blast Injuries Military Veterans Veterans exposed to explosions and blasts that cause traumatic brain injuries.
Genetic Predispositions General Population Genetic variations, particularly in the APOE gene, that may increase susceptibility to CTE.
Early Exposure to Contact Sports Young Athletes Early involvement in sports with high risks of head impacts, leading to cumulative trauma.
Inadequate Protective Equipment Contact Sport Athletes, Military Veterans Lack of proper head protection increasing the risk and severity of brain injuries.
Alcohol and Illicit Drug Use General Population Lifestyle factors that can exacerbate the effects of brain trauma and influence disease progression.

Table 1: Risk Factors and Associated Populations for CTE.

Genetic predispositions

Research suggests that genetic factors may influence an individual’s susceptibility to CTE. Certain genetic variations, particularly in the APOE gene, have been linked to an increased risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases, including CTE. However, the genetic underpinnings of CTE are not fully understood, and more studies are needed to elucidate the specific genes and mechanisms involved.

Environmental and lifestyle influences

Environmental and lifestyle factors can also contribute to the risk of developing CTE. Factors such as early exposure to contact sports, inadequate recovery time between injuries, and the absence of proper protective equipment can exacerbate the likelihood of developing CTE. Additionally, lifestyle choices such as alcohol consumption and illicit drug use may interact with brain trauma to influence disease progression [4].

Pathophysiology of CTE

Tau protein accumulation

The hallmark of CTE is the abnormal accumulation of tau protein in the brain. Tau proteins, which normally stabilize microtubules in neurons, become hyperphosphorylated and aggregate into neurofibrillary tangles in CTE. These tau aggregates disrupt neuronal function and spread through the brain, leading to neurodegeneration.

Neuronal death and brain atrophy

The progressive accumulation of tau protein in CTE leads to widespread neuronal death and brain atrophy. This neurodegeneration predominantly affects regions such as the frontal and temporal lobes, which are critical for cognitive functions, behavior, and mood regulation. The loss of neurons and brain tissue underlies many of the clinical symptoms observed in CTE.

Mechanisms of disease progression

The mechanisms driving the progression of CTE involve a complex interplay between tau pathology, neuroinflammation, and other molecular changes. Repeated brain trauma triggers inflammatory responses that exacerbate tau pathology and neuronal damage. Understanding these mechanisms is crucial for developing interventions to halt or slow disease progression [5].

Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis

Cognitive symptoms

Cognitive impairments are a primary symptom of CTE, often manifesting as memory loss, executive dysfunction, and difficulties with attention and concentration. These cognitive deficits can significantly impact daily living and quality of life.

Behavioral and mood disorders

Behavioral and mood disorders are also common in CTE, including symptoms such as aggression, impulsivity, depression, and anxiety. These psychiatric manifestations can precede cognitive symptoms and are often distressing for both patients and their families. Diagnosing CTE remains challenging due to the overlap of symptoms with other neurodegenerative diseases and the current reliance on post-mortem examination for definitive diagnosis. Emerging diagnostic tools, including advanced neuroimaging techniques and biomarkers, are being developed to improve the accuracy and timeliness of CTE diagnosis in living individuals [6].

Epidemiology and Demographics

Prevalence among athletes

CTE is notably prevalent among athletes involved in contact sports. Studies have found high rates of CTE among former professional football players, boxers, and hockey players. The prevalence highlights the significant risk associated with repeated head impacts in these sports. Military veterans, particularly those exposed to blast injuries and repetitive head trauma, are also at increased risk for CTE. The high prevalence of CTE in this population underscores the need for targeted prevention and management strategies within military contexts.

Age and gender considerations

CTE has been observed in individuals as young as 17, though symptoms typically emerge years after the initial trauma. While most studies have focused on male athletes, there is growing recognition that female athletes and veterans are also at risk, necessitating more inclusive research [7].

Current and Emerging Diagnostic Techniques

Neuroimaging advances

Advances in neuroimaging, such as PET and MRI scans, are enhancing the ability to detect early signs of CTE. These imaging techniques can identify tau deposits and brain atrophy, providing critical insights into the disease’s progression and aiding in early diagnosis. Biomarkers, including tau and neurofilament light chain (NfL) levels in blood and cerebrospinal fluid, show promise for the early detection of CTE. Identifying reliable biomarkers is a key research focus, as they could enable earlier intervention and better disease management. Currently, definitive diagnosis of CTE is made post-mortem through histopathological examination of brain tissue. Identifying characteristic tau pathology and brain atrophy remains the gold standard for confirming CTE, guiding ongoing research into earlier diagnostic methods [8].

Management and Treatment Strategies

Managing the symptoms of CTE involves a multidisciplinary approach, including pharmacological treatments for mood disorders, cognitive therapies, and supportive interventions to improve daily functioning. Addressing individual symptoms can significantly enhance the quality of life for patients. Preventive measures focus on reducing the incidence of repetitive brain trauma. This includes implementing stricter safety protocols in sports, such as limiting contact during practice, improving protective gear, and enforcing concussion management guidelines. In the military, strategies include enhancing protective equipment and revising training protocols. Therapeutic interventions for CTE are currently limited, with no cure available. Research is ongoing to identify potential treatments that can modify the disease course, including anti-tau therapies, neuroprotective agents, and interventions targeting neuroinflammation [9].

Implications for public health and policy

The growing awareness of CTE has led to significant changes in safety regulations across various sports. Implementing rules to limit head impacts, improving concussion protocols, and educating athletes and coaches about brain health are essential steps in reducing CTE risk. For military personnel, revising protocols to better prevent and manage head trauma is critical. This includes enhancing helmet design, improving training to minimize head injury risk, and providing comprehensive post-deployment screenings for brain health. Educational initiatives are vital to raising awareness about CTE among at-risk populations, healthcare providers, and the general public. Support programs for individuals with CTE and their families can provide necessary resources and coping strategies to manage the disease’s impact.

Future directions in CTE research

Future research should focus on innovative approaches to understand and combat CTE. This includes developing animal models to study disease mechanisms, exploring new therapeutic targets, and leveraging advances in genetics and molecular biology. Longitudinal studies tracking individuals with a history of repetitive brain trauma over time are crucial for understanding the natural history of CTE [10]. These studies can identify early biomarkers, elucidate disease progression, and inform preventive strategies. Research into disease-modifying treatments holds promise for altering the course of CTE. Potential therapies targeting tau pathology, neuroinflammation, and other molecular pathways are under investigation, with the goal of slowing or halting the disease’s progression and improving outcomes for affected individuals (Table 2).

Symptom Category Specific Symptoms Diagnostic Tools Description
Cognitive Symptoms Memory loss, Executive dysfunction Neuropsychological testing, Cognitive assessments Evaluations to measure cognitive impairments and executive function deficits.
Behavioral Disorders Aggression, Impulsivity Behavioral assessments, Psychiatric evaluations Assessments to identify changes in behavior and personality.
Mood Disorders Depression, Anxiety Psychiatric evaluations, Self-report questionnaires Tools to diagnose mood disorders and assess their severity.
Neuroimaging Brain atrophy, Tau deposits MRI, PET scans Imaging techniques to visualize brain structure and detect tau protein accumulation.
Biomarkers Elevated tau, Neurofilament light chain (NfL) Blood tests, Cerebrospinal fluid analysis Biomarker tests to identify early signs of neurodegeneration and monitor disease progression.
Post-Mortem Analysis Neurofibrillary tangles, Brain atrophy Histopathological examination Examination of brain tissue after death to confirm CTE diagnosis through tau pathology.

Table 2: Symptoms and Diagnostic Tools for CTE.

Result and Discussion


Prevalence and risk factors

Our study of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) reveals a significant prevalence among populations exposed to repetitive brain trauma, such as contact sport athletes and military veterans. The data indicate that early and frequent exposure to head impacts significantly increases the risk of developing CTE. Genetic predispositions, particularly involving the APOE gene, further elevate this risk. Environmental and lifestyle factors, including inadequate protective measures and substance use, also contribute to the disease's onset and progression.

Pathophysiological findings

The analysis confirms the presence of tau protein accumulation as a central feature of CTE pathology. Tau aggregates form neurofibrillary tangles that spread throughout the brain, leading to neuronal death and brain atrophy, particularly in the frontal and temporal lobes. These regions are crucial for cognitive function and emotional regulation, correlating with the observed clinical symptoms [11].

Clinical symptoms and diagnosis

CTE manifests with a spectrum of cognitive, behavioral, and mood disturbances. Cognitive symptoms include memory loss and executive dysfunction, while behavioral changes often present as aggression and impulsivity. Mood disorders such as depression and anxiety are also prevalent. Current diagnostic criteria rely heavily on post-mortem analysis, but advancements in neuroimaging and biomarker research are promising for early detection.


The prevalence of CTE is notably high among former professional athletes and military veterans. While most cases have been documented in males, increasing evidence suggests that females engaged in similar activities are also at risk. Age at onset varies, with some cases identified in individuals as young as 17, though symptoms typically appear years after the initial trauma.

Diagnostic advances

Emerging diagnostic techniques, such as advanced neuroimaging and the identification of biomarkers in blood and cerebrospinal fluid, offer potential for earlier and more accurate diagnosis. Neuroimaging has shown effectiveness in detecting tau deposits and brain atrophy, while biomarkers like tau and neurofilament light chain (NfL) provide insights into the neurodegenerative processes.

Management strategies

Current management focuses on symptom alleviation through pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions. Preventive measures, including enhanced safety protocols in sports and military settings, are critical for reducing the incidence of CTE. Ongoing research aims to develop therapeutic interventions that can modify the disease's progression [12].


Interpretation of findings

The results underscore the importance of recognizing CTE as a significant public health issue, particularly among populations with high exposure to repetitive brain trauma. The high prevalence among athletes and military veterans calls for targeted prevention and management strategies. The role of genetic predisposition and environmental factors highlights the complexity of CTE's etiology and the need for a multifaceted approach to risk reduction.

Pathophysiology and clinical implications

Understanding the pathophysiology of CTE, especially the role of tau protein accumulation, is crucial for developing effective treatments. The spread of tau pathology and subsequent neuronal death correlate with the clinical symptoms, emphasizing the need for early intervention to mitigate these effects. Advances in neuroimaging and biomarkers hold promise for early diagnosis, potentially allowing for timely therapeutic interventions.

Future research directions

Future research should focus on longitudinal studies to track the progression of CTE from early exposure to clinical manifestation. Innovative research approaches, such as developing animal models and exploring new therapeutic targets, are essential for advancing our understanding of CTE. Additionally, identifying disease-modifying treatments remains a critical area of investigation, with the potential to significantly impact patient outcomes [13].

Public health and policy implications

The findings highlight the need for stringent safety regulations in sports and revised military protocols to prevent head injuries. Educational programs aimed at raising awareness about CTE can empower at-risk populations to take preventive measures. Support programs for individuals with CTE and their families are also vital for providing necessary resources and improving quality of life.


In conclusion, CTE is a complex and multifaceted neurodegenerative disease with significant implications for athletes, military veterans, and other at-risk populations. Comprehensive strategies involving prevention, early diagnosis, and innovative treatments are essential to address the growing public health challenge posed by CTE. Continued research and advocacy are crucial for advancing our understanding and management of this debilitating condition.



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Citation: Kowalczyk B (2024) Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE): Understanding the Degenerative Brain Disease in Athletes and Veterans J Dement 8: 221. DOI: 10.4172/jmis.1000226

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