Journal of Obesity and Metabolism
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  • Mini Review   
  • J Obes Metab 133, Vol 5(5)

Chondrocyte Identity and Function are Controlled by Glutamine Metabolism

Claire-Sophie Devignes*
Laboratory of Clinical and Experimental Endocrinology, Department of Chronic Diseases and Metabolism, Belgium
*Corresponding Author: Claire-Sophie Devignes, Laboratory of Clinical and Experimental Endocrinology, Department of Chronic Diseases and Metabolism, Belgium, Email:

Received: 03-Oct-2022 / Manuscript No. jomb-22-77654 / Editor assigned: 06-Oct-2022 / PreQC No. jomb-22-77654(PQ) / Reviewed: 20-Oct-2022 / QC No. jomb-22-77654 / Revised: 26-Oct-2022 / Manuscript No. jomb-22-77654(R) / Published Date: 31-Oct-2022


Correct functioning of chondrocytes is crucial for bone growth and fracture repair. These cells square measure extremely associateabolic however survive and performance in an avascular setting, implying specific metabolic necessities that square measure, however, poorly characterised. Here, we tend to show that chondrocyte identity and performance square measure closely coupled with amino acid metabolism during a feed forward method. The master chondrogenic transcription issue SOX9 stimulates amino acid metabolism by increasing amino acid consumption and levels of glutaminase one (GLS1), a rate-controlling catalyst during this pathway. Consecutively, GLS1 action is important for chondrocyte properties and performance via a triangular mechanism. First, amino acid controls chondrogenic organic phenomenon epigenetically through salt dehydrogenase-dependent acetyl-CoA synthesis, necessary for simple protein acylation. Second, transaminase-mediated aspartate synthesis supports chondrocyte proliferation and matrix synthesis. Third, glutamine-derived glutathione synthesis avoids harmful reactive element species accumulation and permits chondrocyte survival within the avascular growth plate. Together, our study identifies amino acid as a metabolic regulator of gristle fitness throughout bone development.


Endochondral ossification; Chondrocyte; Glutamine metabolism; GLS1; Histone acylation; GLUD1; Biosynthesis


Tissue growth extremely depends on ample element and nutrient offer to confirm that the necessary synthesis and bioenergetic processes proceed optimally and most tissues square measure so well vascularized. bone growth critically depends on the correct functioning of growth plate chondrocytes that, curiously, reside and performance in associate setting empty blood vessels [1]. Yet, chondrocytes square measure extremely anabolic, as their proliferation and differentiation verify bone continuance and also the living thing matrix they turn out is a scaffold for osteoblast-mediated bone formation, that is crucial for traditional endochondral ossification. this mix of high organic process in associate avascular environment suggests that chondrocytes have a selected metabolic profile so as to meet their functions properly. However, very little is understood of however these cells metabolically operate in their specific microenvironment. aldohexose is taken into account to be a vital energy supply and also the main precursor for proteoglycan biogenesis [2]. consequently, chondrocyte-specific deletion of the key aldohexose transporter GLUT1 evidently impairs chondrocyte proliferation and matrix synthesis, while not moving cell survival. Chondrocytes divert most of the glucose-derived carbons to the glycolytic pathway, that is energetically and biosynthetically less economical compared with alternative metabolic pathways. Yet, low levels of aldohexose oxidisation square measure needed to keep up associate best energy standing. Thus, the actual fact that chondrocytes use the glycolytic pathway, at the side of their high synthesis desires, counsel that alternative nutrients complement aldohexose to meet these metabolic functions [3]. A potential nutrient that meets these necessities is amino acid, the foremost swarming aminoalkanoic acid within the circulation, that includes a myriad of functions in cell metabolism. Studies in tumour cells show that amino acid will participate in adenosine triphosphate production, the generation of macromolecules and also the inhibitor glutathione, and should be concerned in glycosaminoglycan synthesis. important in amino acid metabolism is that the action of glutaminase (GLS), a rate-limiting catalyst that converts amino acid into salt, of that the GLS1 isoform is very expressed in chondrocytes [4]. However, whether or not and the way amino acid metabolism controls gristle development and performance is unknown. At the onset of gristle formation, mesenchymal precursors differentiate to chondrocytes through the action of the master chondrogenic transcription issue sex deciding region Y box nine (SOX9). throughout this transition, these cells got to adapt to associate avascular setting, however it’s unclear whether or not SOX9 conjointly controls this metabolic rewiring. We so investigated the role of amino acid metabolism in growth plate chondrocytes throughout endochondral ossification. we tend to show that SOX9 stimulates amino acid uptake and katabolism in chondrocytes. In turn, amino acid metabolism, through GLS1, coordinates chondrocyte organic phenomenon, biogenesis, and reaction balance throughout bone development [5]. We next explored whether or not the upper amino acid metabolism in chondrocytes was driven by SOX9. First, we tend to determined that in the differentiation of skeletal progenitors to chondrocytes employing a micromass culture system, the messenger RNA levels of Slc1a5 and Gls1 raised increasingly, concomitant with the rise in Sox9 expression [6]. Messenger RNA levels of Gls2, that is expressed at comparatively low levels in chondrocytes weren’t altered. Second, we tend to modulated SOX9 levels in high or low SOX9- expressing cells by knockdown or overexpression, severally, and investigated the result on amino acid metabolism. Overexpression of SOX9 in skeletal progenitors raised amino acid uptake, also as GLS1 messenger RNA and macromolecule levels, leading to increased proliferation and matrix deposition while not neutering cell survival.

In distinction [7], SOX9 deletion in chondrocytes had the other result on glutamine-related metabolic parameters and impaired their operate. Third, we tend to analyzed SOX9 binding to many domains within the attention regions of Gls1 and amino acid transporters, elect on the presence of a expected SOX9-binding motif. ChIP-qPCR analysis discovered raised SOX9 binding to the attention region of the Gls1 promoter in chondrocytes compared with skeletal ascendent cells that categorical SOX9 at low levels [8]. However, we tend to couldn’t find SOX9 binding to the attention region of amino acid transporters suggesting that the SOX9-dependent regulation of amino acid uptake is indirect. In tumour cells, the transcription issue c-MYC upregulates the expression of amino acid transporters and GLS1, leading to a general reprogramming of amino acid metabolism. Since c-Myc may be a supposed SOX9 target sequence and controls chondrocyte behavior we tend to explored a doable role for c-MYC within the SOX9-dependent regulation of amino acid uptake and katabolism [9]. we tend to determined that c-MYC levels were higher in chondrocytes compared with skeletal ascendent cells, an impact that was driven directly by SOX9 transcriptional activation as proven by ChIP-qPCR. additionally, shRNA-mediated deletion of c-MYC in chondrocytes reduced not solely amino acid uptake, however conjointly GLS1 macromolecule levels, leading to a decrease in intracellular glutaminederived substance levels. Gls1 messenger RNA levels remained constant in c-MYC-deficient chondrocytes that is in line with the posttranscriptional regulation of GLS1 by c-MYC. consequently, c-MYC knockdown in SOX9-overexpressing skeletal progenitors dull the rise in amino acid uptake and GLS1 macromolecule expression, while not neutering Gls1 messenger RNA levels, confirming necessary SOX9- mediated contribution of c-MYC [10]. Together, these information indicate that SOX9 activates amino acid metabolism at multiple levels in chondrocytes however preponderantly through induction of c-MYC. additionally to deoxyribonucleic acid and simple protein methylation, chondrogenic organic phenomenon is additionally regulated by changes in simple protein acylation. we tend to found that amino acid metabolism controls chondrocyte organic phenomenon via simple protein acylation, supported the subsequent observations. First, GLS1 inactivation in chondrocytes reduced simple protein acylation. additional specifically, acylation of simple protein 2A essential amino acid five (H2AK5Ac) and H3K (H3KAc) were cut in BPTES-treated cells, whereas H4K8Ac levels weren’t altered [11]. any analysis was targeted on H3K9Ac and H3K27Ac, since these square measure thought of as key epigenetic marks for active chondrogenic sequence promotors. In line with the BPTES-induced changes in simple protein acylation, amino acid deprivation of cultivated chondrocytes evoked a dose-dependent decrease in H3K9Ac and H3K27Ac levels. Second, we tend to performed H3K27Ac ChIP-qPCR analysis to mechanistically link the changes in simple protein acylation upon GLS1 inactivation with cut chondrocyte organic phenomenon. From a antecedently deposited H3K27Ac ChIP-seq dataset. We tend to elect chondrocyterelated genes and genes concerned normally cellular processes (Cyclin D1 for proliferation, Nedd4 Family Interacting macromolecule two, and WW domain-containing macromolecule two for macromolecule process, Xylosyltransferase one for living thing matrix synthesis) [12]. Curiously, GLS1 inhibition solely cut the acylation standing of the chondrogenesis-related genes however not of those that management additional general cellular processes . These GLS1-dependent effects in simple protein acylation were conjointly mirrored at the organic phenomenon level indicating that the decrease in chondrogenic marker organic phenomenon determined in BPTES-treated cells is directly coupled to reduced H3K acylation. Finally, GLS1 inhibition blocked the rise in H3K9Ac and H3K27Ac levels and chondrogenic organic phenomenon elicited by the simple protein deacetylase matter trichostatin A [13].


For measure of glutathione, samples were extracted the extract was centrifuged for ten minutes at 20,000xg. The column was thermostatted at 37°C. A linear gradient was dispensed exploitation solvent A (0.05% formic acid) and solvent B (60% alcohol, 0.05% formic acid). Briefly, I Chronicles solvent B was maintained for ten minutes, then raised to 100 percent B at twelve minutes and unbroken at 100 percent B for 3minutes. The gradient came to a quarter solvent B at 16 minutes and allowed to re-equilibrate till twenty one minutes. The rate was unbroken constant at 250 μl/minute. Extraction of reduced glutathione (GSH) and oxidized glutathione (GSSG) was determined at severally three and six minutes. The MS operated in elect particle watching mode following atom envelope of glutathione [14]. The prism spectroscope was set to positive particle mode, AGC target of 16 ions and a most injection time of 50 ms. The sheath gas flow was set at thirty five, the auxiliary gas rate at ten. The spray voltage was used at 3.00 potential units and also the capillary was heated at 350°C [15].


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Citation: Devignes CS (2022) Chondrocyte Identity and Function are Controlled by Glutamine Metabolism. J Obes Metab 5: 133.

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