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  • Case Study   
  • J Anal Bioanal Tech 2023, Vol 14(6): 535

Case studies on Capillary Electrophoresis: A Powerful Analytical Technique

Dr. Brondz Mika*
University Cote d'Azur, CNRS, INSERM, Institute of Biology Valrose (iBV), Parc Valrose, Nice, France
*Corresponding Author: Dr. Brondz Mika, University Cote d'Azur, CNRS, INSERM, Institute of Biology Valrose (iBV), Parc Valrose, Nice, France, Email:

Received: 01-Jun-2023 / Manuscript No. jabt-23-102183 / Editor assigned: 03-Jun-2023 / PreQC No. jabt-23-102183 / Reviewed: 16-Jun-2023 / QC No. jabt-23-102183 / Revised: 19-Jun-2023 / Manuscript No. jabt-23-102183 / Accepted Date: 25-Jun-2023 / Published Date: 26-Jun-2023 QI No. / jabt-23-102183


Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is a powerful analytical technique used for the separation, identification, and quantification of charged molecules based on their electrophoretic mobility. It utilizes the principles of electrophoresis to separate analytes in a narrow capillary filled with an electrolyte solution. The migration of analytes is driven by an applied electric field, and separation is achieved based on differences in charge-to-size ratio. This abstract provides a concise overview of capillary electrophoresis, highlighting its principles, advantages, and applications. It emphasizes the versatility and wide range of analytes that can be analyzed using CE, making it a valuable tool in various fields, including pharmaceuticals, biochemistry, environmental analysis, and forensic science. The abstract also briefly discusses the future prospects and ongoing advancements in capillary electrophoresis techniques.


Capillary electrophoresis; Separation; Electrophoretic mobility; Charged molecules; Analytes; Applications


Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is a powerful analytical technique that has gained significant popularity in the field of separation science. It offers exceptional capabilities for the separation and analysis of a wide range of charged molecules, including ions, small organic molecules, peptides, proteins, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates. The principle of capillary electrophoresis is based on the differential migration of analytes in an electric field within a narrow capillary filled with an electrolyte solution. The separation is achieved by exploiting the differences in electrophoretic mobility, which is influenced by the charge, size, and shape of the analytes. As the analytes migrate through the capillary, they experience a separation based on their individual properties, leading to distinct peaks in the resulting electropherogram. One of the key advantages of capillary electrophoresis is its high separation efficiency, which arises from the small diameter of the capillary and the absence of packing material typically found in other separation techniques like liquid chromatography. The narrow diameter of the capillary allows for rapid heat dissipation, enabling efficient separations even at high voltages. Moreover, the small sample volumes required in CE make it ideal for applications where sample availability is limited. Capillary electrophoresis offers several modes of separation, including capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE), capillary isoelectric focusing (CIEF), micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC), and capillary electrochromatography (CEC). These different modes allow for the separation of a wide range of analytes based on their charge-to-size ratios, isoelectric points, hydrophobicity, or interaction with micelles or stationary phases. The application areas of capillary electrophoresis are diverse and continue to expand. In the pharmaceutical industry, CE is utilized for the analysis of drug substances, impurities, and formulations. It plays a crucial role in the quality control of pharmaceutical [1-8] products and the assessment of drug stability. In the field of proteomics, CE is valuable for the separation and characterization of proteins, peptides, and amino acids. Additionally, CE finds applications in forensic analysis, environmental monitoring, food analysis, and biomedical research. The field of capillary electrophoresis is continuously evolving with ongoing advancements in instrument design, detection methods, and separation strategies. These developments aim to improve sensitivity, resolution, and versatility, opening up new possibilities for its application in various scientific disciplines. The combination of CE with mass spectrometry, fluorescence detection, and electrochemical detection has further expanded its capabilities and enhanced its analytical power.

Several factors influence the performance and outcomes of capillary electrophoresis (CE). These factors need to be carefully considered and optimized to ensure successful separations and accurate results. Here are some key factors that impact capillary electrophoresis

Capillary selection: The choice of capillary is critical as it determines the separation efficiency and resolution. Factors such as capillary length, internal diameter, and surface coating can affect the electroosmotic flow, analyte diffusion, and sample loading capacity. Proper selection of the capillary is crucial to achieve optimal separation.

Buffer selection: The composition and pH of the buffer play a significant role in capillary electrophoresis. The buffer affects the electrophoretic mobility, electroosmotic flow, and analyte separation. The buffer concentration, buffering capacity, and additives (such as salts or surfactants) should be optimized to achieve desired separation and resolution.

Voltage and current: The electric field strength applied across the capillary determines the migration speed and resolution of analytes. Optimization of the voltage and current parameters is crucial to ensure efficient separation without compromising the integrity of the Table 1 capillary or causing excessive heating. Higher voltages can lead to faster separations but may also result in peak distortion or resolution loss.

Sample preparation: Proper sample preparation is essential for successful capillary electrophoresis. Factors such as sample pH, concentration, cleanliness, and matrix compatibility can significantly impact the separation. Techniques like sample dilution, filtration, and derivatization may be required to ensure accurate and reliable results. Detection method: The choice of detection method depends on the analytes of interest. Common detection techniques in capillary electrophoresis include Table 2 UV-Vis absorption, fluorescence, electrochemical detection, and mass spectrometry. The sensitivity, selectivity, and compatibility of the detection method with the separation conditions need to be considered for optimal detection and quantification of analytes.

Application Description
Pharmaceutical Analysis Quantification of drug compounds, impurities, and degradation products
Proteomics Analysis of proteins, peptides, and amino acids
DNA Sequencing Determination of DNA base sequences
Forensic Sciences Analysis of forensic samples such as DNA, drugs, and explosives
Environmental Analysis Monitoring of pollutants and contaminants in water and soil
Food Analysis Detection of food contaminants, additives, and allergens
Table 1: Applications of capillary electrophoresis.

High separation efficiency
Rapid analysis times
Minimal sample requirements
Ability to analyze complex mixtures
Versatility in analyte types (ions, molecules, proteins, nucleic acids)
Low operating costs
Automation and high-throughput capabilities
Compatibility with various detection techniques
Table 2: Advantages of capillary electrophoresis.

Materials and Methods

Capillary electrophoresis system: Capillary: Select a capillary with suitable dimensions (length, internal diameter) and coating based on the analytes and separation requirements.

Capillary Electrophoresis Instrument: Choose a CE system that provides the necessary voltage and current control, temperature control, and detection capabilities.

Buffer solution: Prepare the appropriate buffer solution based on the analytes and separation conditions. Consider the pH, ionic strength, and additives (e.g., salts, surfactants) for optimizing the separation.

Sample Preparation:

Analyte solution: Prepare the sample solution containing the analytes of interest. Ensure that the sample is properly dissolved, filtered (if necessary), and at the appropriate concentration for injection.

Calibration Standards: Prepare a set of calibration standards with known concentrations of the analytes for quantification and calibration of the CE system.

Quality control samples: Prepare quality control samples with known analyte concentrations to assess the accuracy and precision of the method.

Capillary conditioning: Rinse the capillary with suitable cleaning solutions to remove any contaminants or residues from previous runs.

Perform background electrolyte conditioning by flushing the capillary with the buffer solution to stabilize the capillary surface and establish the desired electroosmotic flow.

Sample injection: Select the appropriate injection method based on the sample properties and separation requirements (e.g., hydrodynamic injection, pressure injection, electrokinetic injection).

Optimize injection parameters such as injection time and pressure/ voltage to achieve proper sample loading without disturbing the separation.

Capillary electrophoresis conditions: Voltage and Current: Set the appropriate voltage and current parameters based on the capillary and analytes. Adjust the parameters to achieve optimal separation efficiency and resolution while avoiding capillary damage or excessive heating.

Temperature control: Maintain a constant and controlled temperature throughout the capillary to minimize temperature-related effects on separation.

Detection: Choose the appropriate detection method based on the analytes (e.g., UV-Vis absorption, fluorescence, electrochemical detection, mass spectrometry). Set the detection parameters accordingly.

The field of capillary electrophoresis (CE) has witnessed significant advancements and continues to hold great promise for future applications. Here are some potential future directions and areas of development in the field of capillary electrophoresis

Miniaturization and microchip electrophoresis: One of the emerging trends in CE is the miniaturization of systems, leading to microchip-based electrophoresis. Microchip CE offers advantages such as reduced analysis time, lower sample and reagent consumption, and the integration of multiple analytical functions on a single chip. Further developments in microfabrication techniques and chip design are expected to enhance the capabilities and versatility of microchip electrophoresis.

Results and Discussion

High-throughput analysis: Efforts are being made to increase the throughput of capillary electrophoresis systems. This involves the development of parallel and array-based CE systems, enabling the simultaneous analysis of multiple samples. High-throughput CE techniques have the potential to significantly increase the sample throughput and accelerate analysis times, making them suitable for applications requiring rapid and efficient screening of large sample sets.

Capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry (CE-MS) hyphenation: CE-MS combines the separation power of capillary electrophoresis with the detection and identification capabilities of mass spectrometry. CE-MS allows for the analysis of complex samples, such as biological fluids and proteomic samples, providing detailed structural information and molecular identification. Ongoing advancements in CE-MS instrumentation, interfacing, and data analysis methods are expected to further enhance its sensitivity, resolution, and applications in metabolomics, proteomics, and pharmaceutical analysis.

Capillary electrophoresis in pharmaceutical analysis: Capillary electrophoresis is increasingly being recognized as a valuable tool in pharmaceutical analysis. Its ability to separate and quantify pharmaceutical compounds, impurities, and degradation products with high efficiency and sensitivity makes it well-suited for drug development, quality control, and pharmacokinetic studies. The future scope of capillary electrophoresis in pharmaceutical analysis lies in its integration with advanced sample preparation techniques, highthroughput automation, and robust method validation.

Capillary electrophoresis in point-of-care testing: The development of portable and user-friendly capillary electrophoresis devices holds promise for their integration into point-of-care testing (POCT) platforms. POCT aims to bring analytical techniques closer to patients, allowing for rapid and on-site analysis of clinical samples. Capillary electrophoresis-based POCT systems have the potential to provide quick and reliable diagnostic information in fields such as clinical chemistry, hematology, and infectious diseases.


In conclusion, capillary electrophoresis (CE) is a powerful analytical technique that offers numerous advantages in the separation and analysis of charged species. It has proven to be a versatile tool with applications in various fields, including pharmaceutical analysis, biotechnology, environmental analysis, forensic sciences, and clinical diagnostics. Throughout this article, we have explored the fundamentals of capillary electrophoresis, including its principles, instrumentation, and key factors affecting its performance. We have also discussed the materials and methods involved in conducting capillary electrophoresis experiments, as well as the future scope and potential developments in the field. Capillary electrophoresis provides exceptional separation efficiency, high resolution, and rapid analysis times compared to traditional separation techniques. It allows for the separation of a wide range of analytes, including small molecules, ions, proteins, nucleic acids, and complex mixtures. The ability to analyze samples with minimal sample requirements and the potential for automation and high-throughput analysis make CE a valuable tool in many laboratory settings. The future of capillary electrophoresis looks promising, with ongoing developments in miniaturization, high-throughput analysis, hyphenation with mass spectrometry, pharmaceutical analysis, pointof- care testing, and multidimensional separations. These advancements are expected to enhance the performance, versatility, and application range of capillary electrophoresis, enabling researchers and analysts to tackle complex analytical challenges more efficiently.


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Citation: Mika B (2023) Case studies on Capillary Electrophoresis: A Powerful Analytical Technique. J Anal Bioanal Tech 14: 535.

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