Can Energetic Vaccines, Based on Physics, be the Sound Options for COVID-19 and Other Pandemics, in the Absence of Pharmaceutical Vaccines?
Received: 06-Nov-2020 / Accepted Date: 20-Nov-2020 / Published Date: 27-Nov-2020 DOI: 10.4172/2332-0877.1000441
The aim of the study is to rapidly produce an energetic SARS-CoV-2 vaccine for an urgent clinical trial.
The methods used to conduct the study: (1) a process of serial dilutions in water media and mechanical impacts, as used in homeopathic preparation from viral culture; (2) imprint of electromagnetic field of the virus through a therapeutic frequency imprinting device into water media, without physical exposure of the virus (US patent, August 2020, number pending).
Results of the study: This method presents substantial scientific and clinical support for the efficacy of an energetic vaccine. Among this, laboratory evidence for specific immune response induced by analogous energetic vaccines prepared from influenza viruses and other microorganisms. Both basic research and clinical evidence is presented on behalf of therapeutic frequency imprinting technology in its ability to induce positive biological effects through microbial energetic vaccines.
Other relevant considerations: Besides the fact that energetic vaccines can literally be produced within minutes, they have a very low safety risk and a virtually non-existent cost factor. Note the fact that a few pharmaceutical vaccine trials were halted due to volunteer illness. Also, the novel vaccines can be readily mass distributed and administered. Furthermore, in the event of continued mutation of the virus that may present a considerable challenge to sustaining the effect of pharmaceutical vaccines, the energetic vaccines can be rapidly remade.
Conclusion: A positive clinical trial would set a precedent in the prevention and resolution of future pandemics or occurrences of infections carrying high morbidity or mortality such as Ebola, Zika and other viruses in the absence of effective vaccines. Likewise, the method can be extended to increasing incidences of antibiotic and antifungal resistant infections as well as vector-borne endemics such as Lyme disease and others.
The method, due to its ontological synergism between molecular and electromagnetic biology is fully in line with physicians’ training in infectious diseases that would render its introduction in their medical practice intuitive.
Keywords: Energetic SARS-CoV-2 vaccine; Synergistic medicine; Integrative medicine; Translational medicine; Information medicine; Homeopathy; Antibiotic resistance; Vector-borne infections
The current pandemic of COVID-19, causing over a million deaths, economic and social devastation worldwide, has exposed the same shortcomings of pharmaceutical medicine against other recent serious pandemics, in the absence of pharmaceutical vaccines. Among these are SARS, H1N1 and Ebola with combined mortality in the hundreds of thousands of lives and economic losses in the hundreds of billions of dollars, worldwide.
In the US, H1N1 infected some 61 million people with the death toll over 12,000, in 2009 and 2010 flu season [1]. A recent, 2017-2018 influenza epidemic caused over 61,000 deaths in the US alone, with the flu vaccine being only partially effective [2,3].
While pharmaceutical vaccines have successfully contained many devastating epidemics, yet their deficiency for many vector-born endemics and shortcomings against influenza, herpes, Ebola, Zika and other viruses remain. Flu vaccines are still unable to offer public protection in cases of the sudden epidemics, due to a prolonged production process, or the uncertainty in matching seasonal strains. The ongoing viral mutations may also undermine the efficacy of annual flu vaccines, leaving 40%-60% of the vaccinated population unprotected. The efficacy of the future SARS-CoV-2 vaccine has already raised concerns, as the virus has displayed serial mutations, since being detected in China and other strains in Italy [4-6].
Safety, with the current time pressure is another concern with vaccines’ known iatrogenicity, including rare anaphylaxis and death [7,8] with some questioning the paradigm’s need for change [9]. One must disagree with labeling that report, “a dangerous paper” that supports antivaccine proponents, since finding solutions to problems in science conflicts with their concealment [10]. Among other pharmaceutical limitations against influenza viruses is a poor penetration of intracellular compartments by antiviral drugs that it seeks to overcome through nanomedicine that incidentally, homeopathy represents [11-13].
A non-lasting immunity among the recovered from SARS-CoV-2 adds to the challenges [14]. These facts and a clinical success of this author in treating viral and other infectious diseases with energetic vaccines have led to the confirmation of this approach in the scientific literature. Among this, was a sponsored by NIH study to explore viable alternatives to this type of crisis, flu epidemic in the absence of pharmaceutical vaccine. The study authors, mainly conventional virologists, recommended a homeopathic flu isode or a vaccine, prepared from an influenza virus, Influenzinum, as “an ideal choice” [11]. (Isodes, nosodes, represent the homeopathic model of isopathy that utilizes remedies prepared from etiological agents of pathology).
Similar recommendations for “homeopathic nosodes,” to render public protection from infectious and toxicological agents for which vaccination is unavailable and reducing morbidity and mortality were made by another conventional academician and homeopathy researcher, Professor Wayne Jonas, MD, and the researchers associated with the US FDA and Department of Defense [15,16]. The latter noted that the homeopathic approach remains obscure due to neglected research efforts. Influenzinum and another isode, Influenza A, have registered specific immune responses as well as 90% efficacy and 97% safety record in clinical studies [17,18].
Materials and Methods
In a survey, the Influenzinum isode indicated 90% efficacy as a flu preventive, over a 10 year period [19]. Other trials indicated significant preventative or therapeutic benefits of homeopathy against meningitis, influenza, and Japanese encephalitis, acute respiratory infections and Chikungunya, through isopathic and other models [20-27].
By far, the most impressive evidence of efficacy of isopathy on as many as 2.3 million people was produced by conventional immunologists and infectious disease specialists in Cuba, using a multi-strain isode of leptospira bacteria to prevent an annual endemic of leptospirosis [28]. This displayed a dramatic efficacy, comparable with a pharmaceutical vaccine, and was 10 times less costly. A department of the Indian government, the equivalent of the NCCIH under NIH, AYUSH, invited homeopathic practitioners to treat COVID-19 patients, as have several hospitals. A medical school faculty member, Dr. Masiello presented COVID-19 cases, with severe respiratory symptoms and an elderly, confirmed by laboratory tests, who recovered through individualized homeopathic treatment [29]. However, homeopathy remains a medical taboo in conventional medicine due to the alleged conflicts with science, with the foremost of these being its “implausible” and “unknown” mechanism of action because of its highly diluted remedies, especially those beyond Avogadro number.
The other implausible aspects, deemed by the dominant pharmaceutical paradigm, are the law of similar that uses remedies for diseases which produce similar disease and vital force or animal magnetism which the founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, MD, deemed as the source of health and response to remedies. In addition, in order to produce true healing remedies must somehow replay symptoms of the past diseases. It seemed logical that the pharmaceutical paradigm called for homeopathy’s funeral, once some meta-analysis studies equated it to a placebo [30]. However, besides the copious evidence to the contrary, independent scientists consider the epistemology of the pharmaceutical medical model to be so scientifically limited that it is unable to comprehend the bioenergetic paradigms such as homeopathy and acupuncture [31]. Science educators and other scientists blame this on an enormous amount of information in the health sciences to the sacrifice of such fundamental sciences like physics, without which molecular biology ignores its ontological level of cells “electrome” [32- 34]. The statement of Harvard University biology Professor Edward O. Wilson, Ph.D, “biologists do not know what an electron is and confuse a string theory in physics with violins” underscores this gap [35]. Once homeopathy was examined through more integrated scientific knowledge, by the mainstream academicians and multidisciplinary scientists, its conflicts vanished and it was deemed a frontier in medical science [36]. Among the supporters, a medical Nobelist and virologist, Professor Luc Montagnier, MD warned that “excluding homeopathy from medicine would constitute a monumental mistake” [37]. Since homeopathy is also practiced and consumed by over 500 million people worldwide, the following information to support these statements and application of energetic vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 and other infections, might be useful to physicians and research grant institutions.
The law of similars
This principle that applies to the SARS-CoV-2 energetic vaccine is not in assaulting the body with the same pathogen, but to stimulate its defense mechanisms with attenuated version of the same or similar morbid agent. This serves preventative and therapeutic purposes by stimulating the defense mechanisms. In 400 BC, Hippocrates attested to this principle when bee venom was used to relieve inflammation and pain. “By similar things a disease is produced and through the application of the like is cured.” Modern medicine successfully uses similars in vaccinology, allergy desensitization, and pharmacology: botulin in neurology, beta-blockers in CHF and amphetamines in ADHD.
In physics, superimposed waves of sound or water with the same format display distinct interactions. Science of hormesis demonstrated beneficial health effects, including extended lifespan by diluted toxic substances. Such dilutions, with mechanical agitations used later, represent original homeopathic preparations. Hormetic remedies neutralize pathogenesis of their morbid counterparts and share common metabolic mechanisms with homeopathy [38-43]. Double blind experiments demonstrated mitigation of the cellular damage through the same very diluted toxic substances. A registered production of heat shock proteins is deemed to “unequivocally support the principle of similarity at the cellular level” [44]. In numerous toxicological studies on the living, homeopathic isodes of the toxicological agents, registered protective and curative effects, against the corresponding agents [45- 75].
A dissimilar toxicological isode failed to produce biological protection [76]. Expedited recoveries over the control group, were reported in thermal injuries, too when a milder thermal impact was applied close to their sites [77-81] and a reduction of hypoxic damage in myocardial infarction, through mild hypoxic stress [82].
A small group of arthritis patients, reported improvement from homeopathic remedies, in dilutions far exceeding Avogadro number, which electromagnetic frequencies were similar to the ones of their serums, with dissimilar frequencies rendering no benefit [83]. All of this data supports Hahnemann’s observation that two similar diseases cannot exist in the same space, due to their mutual cancellation, and reminds us that evolution itself has been fundamentally based on the principle of similar. The adaptation to stressors such as elements, infections and pollutants, over billions of years, was based on the development of mechanisms of tolerance of the same assaults, instead of resorting most of the time, or at all, to the opposite measures, whether heat against cold, antiseptics or purifications. From this ontological perspective, homeopathic remedies, by delivering the same attenuated stressors tend to expedite adaptation from long years to hours, days or weeks and have been viewed as adaptogens [84].
Return of past diseases and cell memories
Physiologist Pert demonstrated that widespread network of neuropeptides may account for a global psychosomatic system and act as subconscious mind in somatic cells [85]. This is corroborated by the experience of many organ transplant recipients displaying new emotional and physical preferences, matching ones of the donors who they had not known [86]. Quantum physics supports a holographic nature of cellular information storage and the evidence exists for energetic coupling between body and brain consciousness, through neural and connective tissues, as well as the crystalline properties of water [87,88].The experiments of Becker registered that following a perceptive message changes of DC field on periphery preceded ones in the brain [89]. More references on the subject are presented elsewhere [90]. These residual pathological cellular memories, which homeopathy uniquely reactivates, raises challenging implications that recovery from signs of disease may not equate with its complete resolution and the long-term health ramifications.
Overdilution violating science law
This constitutes the main presumptive fallacy against homeopathy, as expressed in this common cliche: “highly diluted material that overtly flies in the face of science and has caused homeopathy to be regarded as placebo therapy at best and quackery at worst” [91]. From here, this computer virus corrupts the rest of the data, by deeming homeopathic biological effects and mechanisms of action as impossible and therefore, credible positive RCTs and meta-analysis studies flawed.
But what actually “flies in the face of science,” quoting materials scientists: “placebo-water reflects naïve dilution concept, the simpleminded argument” and “ignorance in and distortion of science” [92]. The ignorance involves scientific understanding of the nature of water that is not just the bulk of a passive diluent, but a material with “extraordinary properties” [93-96]. Among these are its crystallinity, that British Nobelist in physics Brian Josephson, among other scientists, attributes to retention of information in homeopathic remedies based on physics of crystals. Detected crystals in water form specific for each remedy and its potency structural networks which amplify information of the original solute in the homeopathic preparation process that negates the constraint of Avogadro number [97-99]. Additionally, electromagnetic layer at water surface, an exclusion zone (EZ), possesses prominent conduction properties and is amenable to recording of information, like a CD, rendering Avogadro number irrelevant, also [100-102]. A leading water scientist, Pollack, who absolves homeopathic remedies of scientific conflicts, sees water “tomorrow’s wonder drug,” through therapeutically programmed EZ [100]. Materials scientists and physicists state the importance of mechanical agitations, potentization, which accompany each dilution cycle and generate a high amount of kinetic energy for chemical, structural and electromagnetic changes in homeopathic solutions. These gain, in the process, charged particles of silicate and other ions released from glass vials, nanobubbles from dissolved gas and redox-active materials, nanostructure, forming stable cluster networks which retain information or memory of the starting material [103-107]. Yet, potentization is either ignored or dismissed as “a ritual,” by the “overdilution” proponents.
Overall, chemical composition based information is superseded by one of physical radiative structure, with water structure being sensitive to perturbations of mechanical, electric and magnetic nature. The clusters and bubbles of nano-scale heterogenous structures in homeopathic solutions possess different electric and magnetic susceptibilities from the rest of the surrounding “bulk” water. Epitaxy and quantum phenomenon of coherence (molecules oscillating in phase and time), where trapped electromagnetic fields of nanostructures are responsible for superradiance, resemble a laser effect with formed water structures acting as mini-lasers [108-121].
Smith highlighted the importance of a concept of coherence in homeopathy, health and medicine [122-124] and Widom offered support of physics to the experiments of the French immunologist, Professor Jack Benveniste, MD whose career was ruined over the demonstration of the homeopathic biological effects on immune cells [125,126].
Other research also supports electrical and magnetic properties of the remedies which represent energetic signals [127-131]. Smith and Endler correlated a number of potentizations, with an exponential rise in electrical frequency of the remedies [132]. Most of NMR and similar instrumentation registered different emission patterns between potentized homeopathic solutions and controls, contradicting the “overdilution” dogma, too [133-145].
Many of the cited studies were conducted on remedies diluted beyond Avogadro number, with some studies, still, detecting nanoparticles of the original substances present in high dilutions [146]. Different testing methods have established distinctive patterns between remedies of the same potencies, as well as potentized remedies and just serially diluted water [147,148]. A great potential for rapid mass production of energetic vaccines can be deduced from the Brazilian research, where a liter of water with only 10 drops of a homeopathic remedy, far exceeding Avogadro number, impregnated a 2,200 m3 lake. Its water samples, 50 ml each, yielded a physical pattern of the remedy for 72 hours, until the natural outflow of water abolished it [149]. The experiment was blinded, with control water samples from an adjacent, untreated 1,385 m3 lake not exhibiting the remedy pattern. Numerous placebo-controlled and other studies indicated homeopathic biological effects through EEG patterns and immune responses in infections, allergies and cancer. Among these are basic research and positive clinical trials in pediatrics and veterinary medicine which essentially excluded placebo effect [150-184].
The National Cancer Institute accepted in its best case series several documented cases of total regression of malignancies which deemed incurable under oncological, but responded to homeopathic care [185]. Frenkel, a lead author of the study that demonstrated apoptosis of human breast cancer cell cultures induced by homeopathic remedies, expressed their potential in oncology [170]. Even the academicians of pharmacology, the science that has been notoriously dismissive of homeopathy, encourage their colleagues to seriously examine scientific evidence for homeopathy [186,187]. The statement of the Russian professor of chemistry, Vladimir Voeikov, PhD offers a closure to the overdilution fallacy, “Homeopathy does not contradict modern physics or chemistry, it has a very solid scientific foundation” [188].
Animal magnetism, vital force and are biology and medicine only physics?
As contemporary biology routinely uses terms, “information,” “chemical code,” and “molecular signaling,” it is yet to define their fundamental source that also answers the important puzzles concerning the key issue of health and medicine, homeostasis.
The puzzles are: The source of chemical molecular codes through which gigantic biochemical machinery is so flawlessly coordinated, globally? How do trillions of cells and thousands of genes synchronize their functions? How can a low for the task speed of biochemical reactions assure optimal functioning of homeostasis, particularly under sudden life-threatening stress? How would the organism be routinely meeting an enormous energy demand that is necessary for the maintenance of instantaneous information exchange and coordinated global adjustments? [189].
The NIH has acknowledged these as “a lack of comprehensive understanding of the cellular and molecular states and interactive networks” [190]. The same stated by other sources: “many well-documented biochemical processes lack a molecular mechanism,” including proteins and DNA or even, “how enzymes distinguish between sodium and potassium?” [191]. In the 1950s, medical Nobelist, biochemist Szent-Györgyi pointed to physics of electromagnetism and water for the answers, with another biochemist and molecular biologist, Ling, stating at the time that molecular reductionism cannot be truly fruitful without physics [192,193].The first scientific discovery of electromagnetism in the living was made by the Russian biologist, Alexander Gurwitch in the 1920s [194]. In the same decade, the French physicist Louis de Broglie was awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery of the wave nature of matter that transformed into the major principle of physics, particle-wave or matter-energy duality of all matter in nature. British physicist Herbert Frohlich introduced a groundbreaking integration between living matter and quantum physics, in 1969, that invoked further research [195-198]. Quantum field theory underscored the role of coherence, water and molecular oscillatory communications in the living [199-208].
It also drew a mutual physico-chemical synergism between coherence and metabolic chemical reactions in meeting the body’s high energy demand [209]. A major role in coherence is relegated to water, the dominant constituent of proteins, cell membranes and cytoskeleton, with the significant electromagnetic properties of its interfacial layer [210-214]. Some of these are owed to water’s minerals and trace elements or metalloids, which are electromagnetic conductors. Water’s connection, interaction with DNA [215-227] and the role in evolution has been also emphasized [228-233].
Physics version of biblical “genesis” and Darwinism is that instead of “spirit hovering over the earth,” and before the onset of the race of the fittest, life began evolving through natural electromagnetic radiation, cosmic, first, then, aquatic and later on, earth’s. Physics draws a link from nature’s electromagnetic spectrum of cosmic rays, lightning, thunderstorms, light, sound and gravitational forces to the birth of evolution through water [234,235]. Not a coincidence that many living organisms, including human brain and tissues, display electrical activity in ELF, the same range as Schumann resonances on the surface of the earth and ionosphere, which are crucial to health [236-238].
Ultimately, all organic molecules and then, cells evolved with their own electromagnetic fields which form chemical codes and represent ordered electromagnetic structures, as all matter in the universe [239- 253]. Einstein summed this up, “Everything in life is vibration” and “matter is only an optical illusion.” These vibrations conduct both internal and environmental communications, of DNA and epigenetic too, and constitute the first and main language of all life, including humans and microorganisms. The experiments registering resonant distant intercellular interactions between the separated cell cultures support this [254-264].
Smith presented physics of the living as ontological macro-quantum systems where all molecules communicate through resonances at speed exceeding one of chemical reactions by thousands of time [265- 270,258]. The same epistemology equates the living with bio-computers due to the common properties in conduction, storage and processing information, based on electromagnetism and electronics, with the latter enabling superspeed conduction, through quantum tunnelling [271- 276].
Physicist Gariaev and his group developed a theoretical and experimental model of the DNA-wave biocomputer wave genetics and immunity with holographic information storage. They claim experimental reversals of pathologies through stem cells, wave-based gene repair [277-283]. This model would explain biophysical functioning of DNA and that it is millions of times more efficient in storing information than a computer’s hard drive [284-286].
It seems certain that electromagnetic properties and communication “appear to play a fundamental part, both in the processes of morphogenesis and in the physiologic functions of all organisms” [287]. The emerged fundamental model of organism is one of global storage and use of information in a holographic mode and coordinated regulation, exceeding the speed of light. This model solves the molecular-chemical puzzles in pharmaceutical medicine and supports the necessary working synergism between important conventional medical knowledge and physics based interventions, including homeopathy, with a great potential for quality healthcare.
Other sources present additional supporting information concerning the interface of biology and physics, homeopathy and the related molecular-energetic synergism of energetic vaccines [288-294].
RCTs and meta-analysis studies proved homeopathy a placebo
Besides this statement being factually incorrect, since formally the number of meta-analysis studies demonstrating the opposite have prevailed, [295] statistics can only display trends not proof due to an inherent arbitrariness and crude nature of the method. Its crudeness may conceal a significance of a phenomenon and its medical benefits for individual patients, behind mass data, and arbitrariness that is often influenced by bias with “as to what one is willing to accept as scientific information” [295] compelled a comparison with “statistical alchemy” by some [296]. Numerous authors pointed to the flaws in both RCTs and meta-analysis studies and questioned their reliability, as well as a methodological and clinical strength of both a placebo and blinding [297-308].
As notoriously exposed by Kuhn, bias is common in science [309] and especially in medicine with its divisive paradigms, where the common “lack of open-mindedness, political and economic interests foster bias” [310].Within the conventional medical paradigm, itself, interventions fall victims to bias too, when the interpretation of the same data is influenced by the professionally and economically rivaled specialties [311,312]. Since a major factor in bias commonly correlates with its familiarity, including the mechanism of action, homeopathy with its alleged unknown mechanism is particularly tagged for bias. Quoting Kuhn and others, “not fitting the box” and “unknown is unloved” [313-315]. which virtually represent the same tribal instincts that invoke racial, religious and other bigotries. The instinct rejects even good quality, positive RCTs and meta-analysis studies of homeopathy. 398 researchers, reviewers for a respected medical journal, concluded that a drug effect significantly exceeded one of a homeopathic remedy, even though the entire data, unknown to them, was equally fictitious [316]. The American College of Cardiology lamented encountering bias in the mainstream peer-reviewed journals, particularly against bioenergetic interventions such as homeopathy, and the opposite bias in CAM literature, confirming universality of tribal loyalities [317].
The cited Cuban study, demonstrating a successful mass homeoprophylaxis of leptospirosis, was rejected for a publication by several mainstream peer-reviewed journals, without a single scientific reason, according to the lead author, immunologist Gustavo Bracho, MD. Such obstructionism to the simple, effective and low-cost energetic vaccine for public’s mass protection with a proven benefit of saving lives, is particularly appalling in light of already over a million dead in this pandemic.
When some reviewers admitted that a major meta-analysis study, with homeopathy exceeding a placebo effect, was “technically superb meta-analysis,” they still managed to eliminate the effect through their own recalculations [318,319]. Another study, considered of low-quality, had to exclude 90% of the data, in order to equate homeopathic effect with placebo [320-327]. Overall, meta-analysis reviews for homeopathy produced conflicting conclusions and independent reviewers noted the publication bias against it in conventional medical journals [328-331].
Likewise, conflicting evidence concerning statistical outcomes of the efficacy of pharmaceuticals versus homeopathy was reported [332,333]. To mention that the published statistical proof of drugs’ benefits can be undermined by the “uncertainty principle,” in industry sponsored research that may amount to as many as 50% of falsely positive studies [334,335].
A reminder to all medical paradigms that statistical and scientific weight are not, necessarily, directly proportional is a known failure of initially revered evidence-based medicine (EBM) that is based on RCTs, to improve quality care [336]. Among the reasons are that “the evidencebased movement in the health sciences is outrageously exclusionary and dangerously normative with regards to scientific knowledge” and that drugs work poorly for individual patients that is the main focus of homeopathy [337-342].
While RCTs have been placed on the top of the science hierarchy pyramid, with case reports and experts’ opinions at the bottom, EBM has stifled physicians’ creativity and turned their entire education into a bulletin board of drug studies, and so has the grant approval process [343-350]. Drugs do have their necessary place in medicine, but the fact is that complex systems, such as the living, cannot be properly studied and managed without multidisciplinary approaches [351-353]. The NIH expressed this in its desperate and sound translational research initiative, “to remove organizational barriers,” which preclude the bench to translate its research into quality care at bedside, that would be better served if this direction is mainly reversed. Why can’t physicians advise the stagnant, exclusively drugs focused bench with the creative, sound feedback from the medical frontline, patient care, regarding which interventions benefit their patients the most and are worth researching? [350-355]. Besides the fact that the training of the bench is limited, essentially only to drug research, the sobering economic reality is that medical research and shareholding in drug patents and profits have increasingly become one. This tends to subvert the goals of science, its integrity and duty to the sick, where important knowledge for physicians is sacrificed to important knowledge of the pharmaceutical, medical industry [356-363]. The fact that homeopathic remedies cannot be patented and are ‘priced’ as “frequencies cost nothing” [36] does not help their acceptance in this climate of “commercialized medical knowledge” [358].
Some of the referenced authors correctly emphasized the journals’ role in physicians’ education through an open forum for debating issues in depth, in search of more meaningful approaches versus unproductive “trafficking in facts” that are devoid of new insights [364]. The latter are often triggered by anomalies, such as homeopathy, to the prevailing paradigm, which having been historically recognized as the driving engine of science [351,352].
While homeopathy and its different models must establish their exact utility, yet burying a personalized approach and its viable phenomenon in a mass grave of statistics designed to test a medical retail approach, is not science. This is exactly the case when a secondary role of statistics overrides a primary one, of medical importance [365].
Both the homeopathic and mainstream researchers proposed that individualized CAM treatments, such as homeopathy with its challenge in addressing multisystemic networks in disease, unlike narrow, isolated targets of drugs, be tested through different models [366-371]. Perhaps, Hippocrates cautionary advice might be of use to statistics’ researchers before arriving at ultimate conclusions: “full discovery will be made, if the inquirer be competent, conduct his research with knowledge of the discoveries already made, and make them his starting-point; but anyone who, casting aside and rejecting all these means attempts to conduct research in any other way or after another fashion, and asserts that he has found out anything, is and has been, the victim of deception”(Ancient Medicine 1.2 [6]).
Unknown and implausible mechanism of action
Elucidation of therapeutic mechanisms cannot be overemphasized however, denying an overarching phenomenon and its verified biological effects amounts to the same scientism as denying our existence because of the unknown exact mechanism of the Big Bang. As the great paradox in rejecting homeopathy and its energetic vaccines on this ground, is the birth of vaccinology in 1796, when in spite of its mysterious mechanism, the smallpox vaccine began saving countless lives. But “unknown” may only apply to all of the possible mechanisms of homeopathic action because of their vast number. Given the fact that both parties, the organism and the remedies, consist of mainly two in the same, water and an electromagnetic media, one can only state that the interaction is inevitable, but to determine thousands of its possible components in the process, is “impracticable” [372]. The challenge stems from the unfathomable inventory of the responding party, organism. These are: liters of water in circulatory system, inter- and intracellular compartments, proteins including the bound to DNA and RNA, 2,500 enzymes in each cell and 109 of chemical reactions occurring per second in its space [373-375]. Besides, thousands of tissues, organs and chemical substances combined, with their own energy fields and water being a part of these, can respond to electromagnetic signals of the remedies, directly and indirectly, as receiving and interacting antennas. The documented gene expressions, following homeopathic signaling further overwhelm the discovery process because of numerous components and interactions between genes regulatory networks, most of which remain unknown. This particularly concerns homeopathic actions based on totality or the dozens of phenotypical expressions of multisystemic genotype-environment interactions. The same challenges in tracing exact pathways of actions of energetic forces acting at any exceedingly complex, nonlinear and interconnected biotic system were stated in the similar atmospheric model, as “the possibly countless electrical interactions within biological material” [376].
Unlike pharmaceuticals, electromagnetic signals cannot be traced through radio isotopes to determine their exact pathways within an organism [376,377], nevertheless, a number of plausible mechanisms and results of homeopathic signals were presented. These involve cytokines, signal proteins, cell signaling, epigenetics, gene expressions, cell stress mediators and neuro-endocrine-immune responses [378- 389]. Gene expression was also registered in cancer research, following a homeopathic remedy Carcinosin, an equivalent of the cancer autovaccine or autoisode [170]. The established hormetic effects, with homeopathic solutions containing nanoparticles of the original substances detected by some studies, are known to activate stressor-specific complex mechanisms leading to documented self-repair [390- 396]. Homeopathic actions were also explained through sciences of complexity and nanopharmacology [35] and an enhanced sensitivity by inflammation of sensory neurons, to ELF (extremely low frequency) electromagnetic waves, in the range of homeopathic signals range, to trigger a variety of adaptational neuroimmune-endocrine processes [397-403].
ELF represents the dominant electrical spectrum in vertebrates and invertebrates [404] where ELF signals can be significantly amplified in biological systems and impact gene expression through nonlinear stochastic resonance effect. The latter tends to increase in a heightened state of thermodynamic nonequilibrium that is associated with pathology and enhance a state of co-resonance between a substrate and a signal, resulting in a robust response [405-407].The close range of frequencies between homeopathic remedies and biological water structures in the organism stimulate co-resonant interactions [408].
A theory of ordered chaos also allows significant effects through weak signals in a complex, dynamic system in an unstable state of bifurcation, as displayed by a computer simulation registering a tornado in Texas, triggered by a flap of butterfly wings in Brazil. Sensitivity of humans to meaningful electromagnetic signals was demonstrated in a blind study when control, plain water, and indicated homeopathics, in closed vials were applied externally with the remedies producing a statistically significant electric skin response [409].
Some researchers stated that homeopathic remedies cannot produce side effects because of their physico-chemical compatibility with molecular targets in the body [410]. However, side effects often occur not necessarily due to toxicity of a substance, but its inappropriate use or unforeseen circumstances, concerning the state of the recipient. From this perspective, the common assurance of safety, “natural,” in CAM lacks substance. Nevertheless, homeopathic remedies, short of accidental contamination, have displayed a high safety record. This has been the case even when toxic substances were diluted below Avogadro number, as reflected by the FDA and observational studies [411,412]. Also, the poison control agencies presented to the FDA only 1% or less of all reports concerning homeopathic products, with 98% of reports indicating either minor or none adverse effects [413]. A few overviews by independent researchers of safety of CAM treatments found the low to none risk of homeopathy for major side effects, and only transient mild increase in the current or return of old symptoms [414-416]. The fact that the latter remained beyond the reach of pharmaceuticals and other CAM interventions underscores the novelty and depth of homeopathic action.
Producing energetic vaccines through imprinting energy fields of microbes into water
Besides the electromagnetic interactions between mammalian cells, including human leukocytes, microorganisms displayed the same, attesting to their presence of electromagnetic fields and also were found to contain magnetic nanoparticles [417-420]. Magnetic elements were detected in humans, too [421-422]. Water is known to possess paramagnetic properties and its structure changed by magnetic fields [423-434]. Magnetoreception in humans, the existence of magnetic nanoparticles and paramagnetic crystals in organisms, magnetic properties of biological water and effects of solutions which contain magnetic fields on biochemical reactions and organisms were documented [432,435-437].Two hundred publications are cited concerning a response of organisms to magnetic vacuum and define biological magnetoreception as an universal physical mechanism [432]. Another well-known phenomenon in physics, one of natural resonant frequency of all physical structures that also includes all living and microbes further supports the viability of energetic biological vaccines. It also states that when a force is applied to a structure, mechanical as the case with the homeopathic production process or energetic through application of magnetic or other fields, natural frequency amplifies into a state of vibration. Natural frequency of the brain cells was already proposed for a new diagnostic method in clinical research [435]. Regardless whether information is imprinted in water electrically or electronically, which carry magnetic fields, or purely magnetically, transfer of molecular electromagnetic fields of microorganisms into water that delivers biological effects, is a scientific reality.
The aforementioned Professor Montagnier has produced experimental evidence of electromagnetic diagnosis and treatment of bacteria and viruses, with the therapeutics consisting of the standard and also electronically transmitted homeopathics dissolved in water [438-440].
Several experiments demonstrated positive effects of electronically transferred in water antibacterial, including against MRSA, antifungal and anticancer pharmaceutical drugs against their corresponding targets [441-444]. Likewise, numerous experiments registered biological effects of electronically imprinted and transferred information, with some of these involving homeopathics and immune cells [445-461]. Based on this molecular-energetic synergism, magnetobiology advanced a notion of informational pharmacology. Since every atom possesses a magnetic field and viruses, including the Corona family, contain bound to their proteins metal ions with paramagnetic properties [462] these add further credence to energetic vaccines prepared through magnetic imprint of viral molecules into water. Based on quantum physics, theoretical and experimental data in support of medicinal “wave vaccines” was presented [461-463].
A field of a viral culture can be transferred directly from a sealed glass container into a sealed dropper bottle with water, through a field imprinting device, alleviating any safety concerns. In the case of a homeopathic preparation, a culture would undergo a standard serial dilution and potentization process, beyond Avogadro number. Smith has observed a similar beneficial clinical response among the two groups of patients treated for allergy with the correspondingly, homeopathically and magnetically prepared desensitizing drops [464]. Regardless of the production methods, energetic SARS-CoV-2 vaccine offers a capability of being produced in seconds, or minutes, incrementally impregnate large amounts of water and be promptly distributed throughout the world. Certainly, the research in wave or energetic vaccines would have been more productive with proper funding. In 2015, this author sought a grant from both the main office of the NIH and NCCIH to conduct a clinical trial for Ebola infection with energetic vaccines, but was told of none existing for homeopathy or similar interventions.
Clinical experience with addressing covid-19 symptoms and reversing pneumonia through energetic isodes
Energetic isodes were prepared from the available homeopathic isodes, using a field imprinting device. The main reason for using energetic isodes is to enhance an element of personalized treatments by expanding the range of the potencies, where the available homeopathic isodes were in the too narrow range, for the task. In the case of unavailability of homeopathic microbial vaccines, or cultures, another homeopathic model, autoisopathy, using a patient’s infected bodily fluids are used to prepare homeopathic or energetic isodes. In my clinical experience, autoisodes demonstrated a particular efficacy in cases of suspected mutated infections, as in Lyme disease or PANDAS, following repetitive antibiotic treatments, as well as in severe immune reactions due to insect bites or other allergens. Even when autoisodes were prepared from infected blood or serum, autoimmune reactions have never been observed, as if the body’s immune cells focus primarily on the foreign invaders.
Because of the unavailability of homeopathic isodes of SARS-CoV- 2, different multiple strains of available homeopathic influenza viruses were combined into one remedy, which potency was amplified through the device, with the aim of eliciting a sufficient nonspecific immune response against the virus. The overall approach is based on the same common heuristic principle in medicine, where physicians expand treatments which are based on the same prudent, successful approach. Likewise, allergology utilizes the same desensitization principle for hundreds of foods and environmental allergens combined, without having to conduct clinical trials for each item to justly its use. Many of the drugs which are approved only for, correspondingly, CAD, CHF and HTN, have been successfully used for any of these conditions.
Those few patients in my practice who developed COVID-19 symptoms, reported recovery within 48 hours, following administration of this energetic multi-strain influenza isode. They signed affidavits with their contact information to this effect, which are available upon request. One of these cases was an employee of a New York hospital, who did not use a face mask due to their initial shortage and became very ill. Following these positive responses, some 60 patients took this remedy prophylactically, twice a week, with none reporting development of COVID-19 symptoms from March through October 2020. During my previous 25 years of using mixed influenza and nosocomial bacterial energetic strains, as a prophylaxis during flu seasons, the incidences of flu were very rare, with virtually no hospital visits. Using these energetic isodes in individual form in cases of respiratory and other infections has produced close to 100% recoveries, without resorting to antibiotics. No claims were ever made to the patients, except an attempt to raise their health resistance, with leaving an open option for receiving a conventional flu vaccine which, with rare exceptions, was refused.
Among the documented cases of recovery from infections, was a case of pneumonia that commenced in July 2019, evidenced by chest x-rays, in a middle-aged man with up to 105ºF fever, fatigue and debilitating cough with yellow-green mucous. He refused antibiotics due to sustaining severe side effects after their prolonged use, through “Lyme literate doctors,” in the past, and was treated exclusively with energetic isodes – viral, bacterial and toxicological. The latter were to address a well-known immunosuppression and respiratory problems which are caused by environmental pollutants, as he continued to smoke, work and live in a very polluted environment [465]. He returned to full time work within days, with his first follow-up chest x-ray, demonstrating a reduction of the infiltrate. He made a complete recovery and due to the absence of health insurance coverage, the second follow-up chest x-ray was delayed and showed a complete resolution of pneumonia. According to his narrative, his friend who developed the identical clinical picture of pneumonia, spent weeks in a hospital, but after receiving long courses of intravenous and oral antibiotics never fully recovered. This patient’s affidavit, contact information, and chest x-ray reports are available upon request (Figure 1).
Molecular-biophysical synergism rendering immune response to either a pharmaceutical or energetic vaccine
This method presents substantial scientific and clinical support for the efficacy of an energetic vaccine. Among this, laboratory evidence for specific immune response induced by analogous energetic vaccines prepared from influenza viruses and other microorganisms. Both basic research and clinical evidence is presented on behalf of therapeutic frequency imprinting technology in its ability to induce positive biological effects through microbial energetic vaccines.
Even as the director general of WHO, Dr. Tedros Adhanom, does not foresee a pharmaceutical vaccine as a “silver bullet” in this crisis, such a resignation contradicts the history of science, since it has always used crises for its advancement and finding solutions. This has been often accomplished through a more complete description of a problem that offers more options. The presented information has attempted this along the vertical strata of the subject and calls for its urgent probing through a clinical trial. The simplicity of the proposed solution and its negligent cost may invoke doubt, yet neither the birth of vaccinology, in the archaic 18th century, nor science itself pose any conflict with simplicity. The notorious Occam Razor Rule favors it, as reflected in both homeopathic and energetic vaccines, based on molecular-energetic synergism. However, whether our industrialized medicine will grant it an opportunity for testing and potentially saving many lives, in our supposedly enlightened 21st century might be the real issue.
A positive clinical trial would set a precedent in the prevention and resolution of future pandemics or occurrences of infections carrying high morbidity or mortality such as Ebola, Zika and other viruses in the absence of effective vaccines. Likewise, the method can be extended to increasing incidences of antibiotic and antifungal resistant infections as well as vector-borne endemics such as Lyme disease and others.
The author extends acknowledgement to Cyril Smith, PhD for his helpful clarifications concerning physics.
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Citation: Yurkovsky S (2020) Can Energetic Vaccines, Based On Physics, Be The Sound Options For COVID-19 And Other Pandemics, In The Absence Of Pharmaceutical Vaccines? J Infect Dis Ther 8:442. DOI: 10.4172/2332-0877.1000441
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