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  • Case Report   
  • J Biotechnol Biomate 2022 12:301, Vol 12(10)

Bio Ceramics Development inside the Biometrics Sector

Amin Jahan*
Department of Orthopaedics, Erasmus University, Netherlands
*Corresponding Author: Amin Jahan, Department of Orthopaedics, Erasmus University, Netherlands, Email:

Received: 02-Sep-2022 / Manuscript No. jbtbm-22-80896 / Editor assigned: 05-Sep-2022 / PreQC No. jbtbm-22-80896 (PQ) / Reviewed: 30-Sep-2022 / QC No. btbm-22-80896 / Revised: 07-Oct-2022 / Manuscript No. jbtbm-22-80896(R) / Published Date: 14-Oct-2022


To ensure that the material implanted in a living body functions as intended, the field of biomaterials needs knowledge from a variety of quite different fields adequately. The goal of the biomaterials discipline is to achieve a proper biological interaction between the material and the host. It is based on knowledge of both biological clinical science and materials science.


Biotechnology; Materials; Biological; Science


In this regard, biomaterials serve as a prime illustration of a pluridisciplinary field in which a material created by materials scientists and engineers must undergo validation and perform its function inside the human body under the guidance of physicians and biologists; the outcome must then be examined and coordinated by all the scientists involved. The procedure begins with the identification of a specific need, continues with the development of a prospective implant, and ends with the actual insertion of the implant into a patient. Due to numerous steps, the entire procedure takes a very long time [1]. The synthesis of the materials, the design, and production of the prosthesis, together with numerous material tests, all need to be confirmed. Before being applied to patients, it must also meet all regulatory standards. It is necessary to first review certain statistical data in order to follow the direction set forth by the progress of bio ceramics within the field of biomaterials. The average life expectancy was roughly 80 years by the 20th century's end. These figures are astounding when compared to the early 20th century numbers, which are approximately 40 years, while the life expectancy in Imperial Rome was only 22 years [2, 3].

Therefore, it took 19 centuries for the expected lifetime to double, and then it did so again in the 20th century, which was just one century. The need for biomaterials is growing as a result of this phenomenal development. Due to the population's ageing, there are several issues that weren't as prevalent in the past because fewer people had reached that age. Where the prevalence of certain illnesses is more obvious [4].

A good example is osteoporosis, a condition that affects the bones when there is a significant deficiency in osseous mass. Science and technology are working to find answers to the issues brought on by an ageing population. Some of these problems can be resolved by using biomaterials. Biomaterials are "implantable materials that fulfil their function in interaction with live tissues," according to one definition.

In order to repair damaged tissues in the human body, biomaterials and tissue engineering scientist’s work to create materials that can be implanted [5]. They can be made from a wide range of materials depending on the role they are to serve. Solids' surface is where their reactivity is known to start. This broad remark is crucial in the realm of biomaterials because these materials will come into touch with water and contain proteins and cells. Modern technology makes it possible to create implants for any save for the brain, a portion of our body. Obviously, the materials used depend on the tissue that needs to be replaced. Regarding the materials to be employed, it's important to keep in mind that a variety of biomaterials will be used for body reconstruction tasks; as a result, they must carry out their duties throughout the duration of the patient's life. Additionally, a different class of biomaterials will serve temporary body support roles. This "permanent" or "temporary" aspect enables a wider and better selection of implant manufacturing materials. The decision must be made between metals, polymers, and ceramics if we concentrate on functional artificial biomaterials. Each group demonstrates some inherent benefits and For example, ceramics are the materials that are most biocompatible and can be obtained with bio stable, bioactive, or bioresorbable qualities; nevertheless, their main disadvantages are that they are hard and fragile [6, 7].

Biodegradability level

Although corrosion and toxicity are issues with metals, their mechanical behaviour is ideal. Depending on their chemical composition and structure, polymers offer a wide range of possibilities (biodegradability level, hydrophilic/hydrophobic ratio, toughness/ flexibility, etc.), but very few have demonstrated good bioactive properties (for example, Poliactive1) to guarantee the implant osteointegration. In order to achieve the optimal compromise, it is crucial to employ all three types of materials in the same implant, which is a common practise. Whole hip joint prosthesis in this instance features a metal beam that is only partially coated in a bioactive ceramic. Before returning to the topic of bio ceramics and discussing how they are made in the lab, it is important to remember that apatite is the inorganic phase of our bones. The term "apatite" refers to a mineral that is extremely common in the crust of the earth and has the general formula Ca10 (PO4)6(OH)2. Its three sub lattices can, thanks to its unique structure, hold a variety of ions. You can think of bone apatites as fundamental calcium phosphates [8].

Cells and proteins participate in a bio mineralization process that results in the formation of biological apatites in living organisms. Starting with an amorphous calcium phosphate, the development of hard tissues progresses to a Nano crystalline calcium-deficient apatite that is constantly present with carbonate ions. It is a nonstoichiometric Nano apatite as a result. Molluscan bones and shells are made of composite materials. Salt that serves both an inorganic component and an organic component. This inorganic salt is a calciumdeficient carbonated Nano apatite, which is what bones are made of. These appetites are Nan metric in size, with sizes ranging from 25 to 50 nm. They expand where the collagen molecules have undergone mineralization. Collagen fibres are created when these molecules are gathered in groups. This is a very general description of how our bones are made. Bones are the hard tissues found in vertebrate animals. The apatite in bones and dentine has nanometre-sized particles, according to X-ray diffraction. In order for the apatite particles in the enamel to successfully perform the material's protective and mastication activities, these particles are somewhat bigger and contain orientated Nano crystals that strengthen the mechanical qualities [9, 10].

Nano metric apatites

Demonstrates how it is arranged, leaving micron-sized holes. Because of this, the Nan metric apatite’s that make up our bones are organised in a hierarchical structure with micron-scale porosity, allowing cells to carry out their functions of bone creation and regeneration. Since biological apatites are in the nanometer range and cells are in the micron range, their orders of magnitude are significantly different. For the bone to accomplish a number of physiological tasks, porosity is required. Shows the intricate hierarchical structure of bone, symbolising the transition from the skeleton to the collagen molecules, where biological nanoparticles can develop in specific places. X-ray diffraction shows that the apatite mineral crystallises with a high degree of crystallinity at the Earth's crust. Living creatures produce nanometersized, poorly crystallinated biological apatites. A method of creating bone would be to merge the organic and inorganic phases to create a Nano ceramic with some viscoelasticity, allowing for cell activity and, obviously, being biocompatible. This method would be based on the natural bone model. Wet route synthesis techniques must be used in order to extract nano apatites from the biological environment. The sol-gel technique is a viable choice. Glasses and nano apatites can both be made using this process.

As we'll explore later, these glasses can be utilised as apatites' predecessors. To create calcium phosphates with a nanometer-sized size, there are numerous alternative wet route methods accessible. As a result, chemistry provides numerous ways to produce apatites in the lab that are identical in composition and size to those acquired from living organisms. Before going into greater depth about them, it is important to note which ceramics have been employed in therapeutic settings and how research on these materials has developed in the quest for better results. We may start by going over the current approaches of bone restoration that are currently being used.


The most common treatments until recently required using organic materials, such bone taken from the patient, from a bank of bone donors, or from animals. However, there are drawbacks to this approach: the first scenario, the patient must suffer two surgical procedures rather than just one, and all of them include a general risk of infection. For this reason, interest in artificial materials is rapidly growing. Apatite is given a very significant place among them. Ceramics made of inert materials form the first generation.

Zirconia and alumina are two well-known examples from a chemical standpoint. They are mostly employed to create femoral heads. However, these ceramics experiment with foreign body interactions, much like metallic and polymeric biomaterials do. Since of this, and even though they are biocompatible, the body will reject them because they are foreign, thus the implant is then encased in an acellular collagen capsule to keep them separate from the body. As a result, the substance will never turn into bone, and its artificial nature will prevail.


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Citation: Jahan A (2022) Bio Ceramics Development inside the Biometrics Sector. J Biotechnol Biomater, 12: 301.

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