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  • Mini Review   
  • Epidemiol Sci, Vol 12(12): 473
  • DOI: 10.4172/2161-1165.1000473

An Overview on Epidemiology Airborne Transmitted Diseases

Peter Frank*
Department of epidemiology, University of Alabama, Bhutan
*Corresponding Author: Peter Frank, Department of epidemiology, University of Alabama, Bhutan, Email:

Received: 01-Dec-2022 / Manuscript No. ECR-22-83550 / Editor assigned: 05-Dec-2022 / PreQC No. ECR-22-83550 / Reviewed: 19-Dec-2022 / QC No. ECR-22-83550 / Revised: 22-Dec-2022 / Manuscript No. ECR-22-83550 / Published Date: 30-Dec-2022 DOI: 10.4172/2161-1165.1000473


The transmission of an infectious disease through microscopic particles suspended in the air is known as airborne or aerosol transmission. Among the infectious diseases that are capable of airborne transmission are many that are of significant importance to both human and veterinary medicine. The relevant infectious agent could be bacteria, viruses, or fungi. They can be spread by breathing, talking, coughing, sneezing, raising dust, spraying liquids, flushing toilets, or any other activity that produces aerosol particles or droplets. Diseases brought on by air pollution are not included in this category; rather, it refers only to the transmission of an infectious agent. Smaller droplets and aerosols also contain live infectious agents and can remain in the air longer and travel farther. Individuals generate aerosols and droplets across a wide range of sizes and concentrations, and the amount produced varies widely by person and activity. Larger droplets greater than 100 m typically settle within 2 m. Smaller particles can carry airborne pathogens for extended periods of time. However, this distinction is no longer used. While the grouping of airborne microorganisms is more prominent inside 2m, they can travel farther and gather in a room.


Epidemiology; Diseases; Aerosol particles


The customary size cutoff of 5 μm among airborne and respiratory drops has been disposed of, as breathed out particles structure a continuum of sizes whose destinies rely upon ecological circumstances notwithstanding their underlying sizes [1]. Indoor respiratory secretion transfer data suggest that droplets/aerosols in the 20 m size range initially travel with the air flow from cough jets and air conditioning like aerosols, but fall out gravitationally at a greater distance as "jet riders." This error has informed hospital-based transmission-based precautions for decades [2]. Diseases that are spread by the air can be passed from one person to another. Any kind of microbe can be transmitted as a pathogen, and they can be spread through aerosols, dust, or droplets. Aerosols could be produced by infection sources like an infected person's bodily fluids or biological wastes. Aerosols that are infectious may remain suspended in air currents long enough to travel significant distances; Airborne pathogens or allergens typically enter the body through the nose, throat, sinuses, and lungs [3]. Sneezes, for instance, can easily release infectious droplets that can travel for dozens of feet (ten or more meters). The respiratory system is impacted when these pathogens are inhaled, and they have the potential to spread throughout the body. Inflammation of the upper respiratory airway symptoms include congestion in the sinuses, coughing, and sore throats.


Airborne diseases are significantly influenced by air pollution. SARS-CoV-2, measles morbillivirus, chickenpox virus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, influenza virus, enterovirus, norovirus, and less frequently other species of coronavirus, adenovirus, and possibly respiratory syncytial virus are examples of common infections that spread via airborne transmission [4]. Some pathogens that have multiple modes of transmission are also anisotropic, which means that their various modes of transmission can result Poor ventilation increases transmission by allowing aerosols to spread undetected in an indoor space, and crowded rooms are more likely to contain an infected person. Francisella tularensis, which causes tularemia, and Yersinia pestis, which causes the plague, are two examples. Both of these bacteria can cause severe pneumonia if transmitted by inhalation [5]. The likelihood of transmission increases the longer a susceptible individual remains in such an environment. The Wells-Riley model can be utilized to make straightforward estimates of infection probability. Some airborne diseases can affect non-humans. Airborne transmission is complicated and difficult to demonstrate unambiguously. For instance, Newcastle disease is an airborne avian disease that affects many different kinds of domestic poultry worldwide. It has been suggested that airborne transmission should be classified as obligate, preferential, or opportunistic; however, there is a lack of research demonstrating the significance of each of these categories [6]. Obligate airborne infections can only be spread through aerosols; Tuberculosis is the most prevalent example in this category. Aerosols are the most common way that preferential airborne infections like chickenpox can be contracted. Other methods are also possible. Influenza and other opportunistic airborne infections typically spread through other means; in any case, under ideal circumstances, spray transmission can happen [7].


To slow the spread of a transmissible disease, a risk-management strategy with multiple layers of interventions aims to reduce risk. Risk reduction is a possibility with each intervention. Preventive measures can include disease-specific vaccination as well as nonpharmaceutical interventions like wearing a respirator and limiting time spent in the presence of infected individuals. Wearing a face mask can reduce the risk of airborne transmission to the extent that it limits the transfer of airborne particles between individuals. The type of mask that is effective against airborne transmission is dependent on the size of the particles [8]. A layered approach can include interventions by individuals (such as mask wearing and hand hygiene), institutions the use of filtration masks rated at N95 (US) or FFP3 (EU) is required for smaller particles that form aerosols. The use of FFP3 masks by staff members managing patients with COVID-19 reduced acquisition of COVID-19 by staff members. Engineering solutions that aim to control or eliminate exposure to a hazard are higher on the hierarchy of control than personal protective equipment (PPE). Fluid-resistant surgical masks prevent the inhalation of large droplets At the level of physically based engineering interventions, effective ventilation, high frequency air changes, or air filtration through high efficiency particulate filters reduce detectable levels of viruses and other bioaerosols [9], thereby improving conditions for everyone in an area. Portable air filters, such as those that were tested in Conway Morris A et al.'s study, are one example. provide an easily deployable solution when the existing ventilation is insufficient, such as in repurposed COVID-19 hospital facilities. The CDC in the United States advises the general public to get vaccinated and to follow strict hygiene and sanitation guidelines to prevent airborne diseases. Physical distancing, also known as social distancing, is one method that many experts in public health use to prevent transmission. Variant influenza infection is more likely to affect people who spend more time around animals, especially birds and pigs. This includes farm workers, farm residents, people who keep pigs, birds, or other animals as pets, and animal exhibitors. Variant influenza viruses typically do not infect humans; however, when they do infect humans, the virus can be transmitted directly from animals to humans or between humans. As a result of human-to-human transmission, agricultural workers' families and close friends are also at increased risk of contracting influenza. Unfortunately, agricultural communities also have less access to health care, which makes it harder to prevent and deal with influenza outbreaks [10]. During the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, multiple factors were found to make agricultural workers and their communities more vulnerable. Substandard housing, immigration status, scapegoating, economic barriers, cultural and communication barriers, and discrimination were among these factors. Steege et al., found that 75% of agricultural workers did not have health insurance, which made them less likely to get the flu shot and less likely to get medical care when they were sick.


The effectiveness of airborne disease transmission is influenced by the environment; Temperature and relative humidity are the most obvious environmental conditions. The transmission of airborne diseases is influenced by all factors that influence temperature and humidity, both in human (indoor) and meteorological (outdoor) environments. pH, salinity, wind, air pollution, solar radiation, and human behavior can all influence the spread of infectious droplets. Most airborne infections reach the respiratory system, where the agent is present in aerosols (infectious particles less than 5 millimeters in diameter). These include dry particles, which are typically the remnants of an evaporated wet particle called nuclei, and wet particles.


A 2011 study came to the conclusion that vuvuzelas—a type of air horn used by football fans, for example—posed a particularly high risk of airborne transmission due to the fact that they were dispersing a significantly greater number of aerosol particles than, for example, shouting. Infection is not guaranteed by exposure. Important factors that contribute to the overall risk of infection include the production of aerosols, adequate aerosol transport through the air, inhalation by a susceptible host, and deposition in the respiratory tract. Additionally, the virus's ability to infect must be preserved throughout these stages. In addition, the capacity of the host immune system and the quantity of infectious particles ingested influence the infection risk. Pneumonic plague and other airborne bacterial primary infections can be treated with antibiotics.


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Citation: Frank P (2022) An Overview on Epidemiology Airborne Transmitted Diseases. Epidemiol Sci, 12: 473. DOI: 10.4172/2161-1165.1000473

Copyright: © 2022 Frank P. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
