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  • Mini Review   
  • Biochem Physiol 2023, Vol 12(4): 413
  • DOI: 10.4172/2168-9652.1000413

A Review on the Post-Mortem Forensic Toxicology

Tony Hayes*
Department of biochemistry, Deakin University, Australia
*Corresponding Author: Tony Hayes, Department of biochemistry, Deakin University, Australia, Email:

Received: 01-Apr-2023 / Manuscript No. bcp-23-91915 / Editor assigned: 03-Apr-2023 / PreQC No. bcp-23-91915(PQ) / Reviewed: 17-Apr-2023 / QC No. bcp-23-91915 / Revised: 24-Apr-2023 / Manuscript No. bcp-23-91915(R) / Accepted Date: 21-Apr-2023 / Published Date: 29-Apr-2023 DOI: 10.4172/2168-9652.1000413 QI No. / bcp-23-91915


One of the most important aspects of a successful forensic toxicological analysis is using an accurate and efficient extraction method on the post-mortem samples. Numerous successful attempts to effectively extract poisons from post-mortem samples have been made as science has advanced. The scientific conclusions and the legal verdict can also be impacted by a lack of expert knowledge or unintentional procedural error, even if it is minor. The kind of poisons that were typically grouped together for medical and legal purposes in the past are equally dependent on a method of extraction that is systematically appropriate; Consequently, a thorough understanding of poison classification is absolutely necessary. Due to a lack of thorough forensic evaluation, deciphering such old and crucial data is difficult; As a result, the purpose of this review article is to expand upon fundamental knowledge regarding the classification of poison and its extraction for forensic purposes. In order to honour the outstanding work of the associated pioneers and inspire interested readers, this article has also included biographies of them. This abstract can append the advanced toxicologists with the beginning and comprehension of convectional toxicological works on supporting the general set of laws.


Over time, the stages of post-mortem findings, poison extraction or isolation, result interpretation, and expert testimony in the court of law followed the legal scrutiny of poisoning deaths. The medical and legal aspects of human poisoning are the primary focus of forensic toxicology, which is a hybrid of analytical chemistry and basic toxicological principles. Forensic toxicology is one of the most established and fundamental subsets of forensic chemical sciences. Traditional and contemporary connections between forensic toxicology and the field of forensic medicine or medical jurisprudence exist [1- 3]. Under the supervision of a licensed medical examiner, the postmortem examination of the deceased entails the extraction of a variety of biological samples, particularly tissue and body fluids, in order to identify the poisonous substance or substances that caused the death. After that, the expert investigation moves on to a forensic science laboratory to look for conclusive scientific evidence. Expert toxicologists use their expertise and experience to determine which poisons caused the death, if any, and then present all relevant and essential scientific facts to the court responsible for rendering the final legal verdict. After conducting qualitative and quantitative analyses of the Analytes, the analysis begins with an extraction procedure that is carried out using precise and strategic methodologies and quality controls. A forensic toxicologist is solely responsible for the analysis. The proper extraction procedure, sophisticated analysis techniques, and the receipt of accurate and sufficient autopsy specimens are absolutely necessary for any scientific investigation to be successful or unsuccessful.

When extraction procedures were being developed and the medicallegal field was developing to deal with poisoning cases, numerous wellknown analytical chemists and toxicologists’ wishedly but methodically classified poisonous substances [4]. A crucial factor in the final legal decision is the successful and precise scientific recovery of such poisons in biological samples. It is possible that a scientist will not become an expert in forensic toxicology if they do not acquire solid fundamental scientific knowledge of poisons and their extraction from biological specimens. Thus, the on-going paper has portrayed a summary of a couple forensically important frameworks of ordering harms and their laid out extraction strategies for medico-lawful and criminological greatness.

Since the disclosure of several well-known instances of criminal poisoning during the development of legal toxicology, toxicology has been an integral part of cultures since ancient times. Numerous poisoning cases occurred in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, paving the way for the modern era of toxicological research. In Europe and the United States, widespread communal fear of “poison panic,” or murder by poison, was exacerbated by the easy availability of noxious poisons in the nineteenth century. The experimental connections of distinguished chemists and expert witnesses like J. Marsh among others clearly played a significant role in the development of convectional medical-legal toxicology [5-7]. With their expertise and knowledge, these distinguished researchers made a significant contribution to the field of forensic toxicology. Another great researcher, A.S. Curry, significantly improved the status of emergency and post-mortem toxicological analysis later in the 20th century. In addition, the Indian eminent Jaising Prabhudas Modi (J.P. Modi) deserves recognition for his early twentieth-century contributions.

In terms of legal toxicology, there is no chemical that cannot be suspected of being identified. When the nature of a poison is unknown, forensic toxicologists have developed a systemized standard approach. Before knowing the classification of poisons, it is necessary to fully comprehend the definition of poison. The word ‘Toxic substance’ has been characterized a few times since its starting point. Although there are a few different definitions of poison, the one that was provided by Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim or Paracelsus (1493–1541) was correct and widely accepted [8]. A poison was first defined by Paracelsus as “all substances are poisons: There is nothing that is not a poison, and the right dose makes the difference between a remedy and a poison. Analytes as poisons/harms should be totally perceived and arranged prior to extricating them from after death tests. In medico-legal toxicology, the source was eventually squeezed, and occasionally, the classification bases shifted to their methods of isolation and extraction.

Mineral, vegetable, and animal poisons were the three categories that were used to classify poisons, but even subordinating them to a physiological category did not suffice for absolute knowledge. Taylor (1848) was of the opinion that all of these classifications are unavoidably arbitrary to some extent, but that preference is determined by the analyst’s interest. As a result, keeping toxicologists’ interests in mind, he reorganized Orfila’s classification of poisons into three groups based on how they affected the target system: (i) irritants, which cause severe abdominal pain and violent vomiting; (ii) narcotics, which affect the central nervous system and cause vertigo, paralysis, and coma, among other symptoms; and (iii) narcotic-irritants, which have a compound effect and In the past, organic and inorganic poisons were also common in India.


Since ancient times, poisoning murder has been viewed as a terrible act primarily motivated by bad intentions. The medical-legal field of toxicological analysis dates back a considerable amount of time. In the medical-legal field, an autopsy is an important tool. From countries like Spain, Belgium, Germany, and England, notable research on criminal poisoning and extraction techniques was found in authentic medicallegal toxicology records. Forensic toxicology and forensic medicine’s collaborative efforts in resolving poisoning cases in criminal cases were exemplified by a number of pivotal 18th-century court proceedings. The current article additionally looked at logical stories related with the advancement of legal toxicology from the outset of the nineteenth hundred years up to the furthest limit of the 20th hundred years [9- 10]. Using the systemic or specific extraction method procedures that are outlined in a laboratory analysis worksheet, Saferstein claims that the secret of poisons in various autopsy samples can be deciphered. By successfully isolating, a thorough understanding of poisons and a precise extraction method can easily assist in solving complex toxicological cases; however, if this is not done, the forensic result may be erroneous and change the course of the case.


In forensic toxicological sciences, the primary objective of this review was to determine the origin and status of the classification of toxic substances as well as efficient methods for dealing with their extraction from autopsy samples. In these two areas, a number of highly commendable and novel efforts have been documented in this review. The essential extraction methods have a few sorts and an extended verifiable foundation. According to reports in the literature, some of these methods have undergone transitional changes. Some of these have also been surpassed by the development of the scientific model. In the current era of forensic toxicology, only a small number of those approaches are still effective.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The author declares that he has no known competing financial interests




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Citation: Hayes T (2023) A Review on the Post-Mortem Forensic Toxicology. Biochem Physiol 12: 413. DOI: 10.4172/2168-9652.1000413

Copyright: © 2023 Hayes T. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
