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  • Review Article   
  • J Oral Hyg Health 2022, Vol 10(12): 353
  • DOI: 10.4172/2332-0702.1000353

A Review on the Older Persons who Affected by Regular Oral Diseases

Kanchan Dhake*
Department of Orthodontics, Manipal University, India
*Corresponding Author: Kanchan Dhake, Department of Orthodontics, Manipal University, India, Email:

Received: 03-Dec-2022 / Manuscript No. JOHH-22-83621 / Editor assigned: 05-Dec-2022 / PreQC No. JOHH-22-83621(PQ) / Reviewed: 19-Dec-2022 / QC No. JOHH-22-83621 / Revised: 23-Dec-2022 / Manuscript No. JOHH-22-83621(R) / Accepted Date: 26-Dec-2022 / Published Date: 30-Dec-2022 DOI: 10.4172/2332-0702.1000353


Chronic disorders of the mouth, such as dental infections, tooth loss, benign membrane lesions, and cancer, are more likely to affect older people. Dry mouth and oral fungal infections, which can result in acute pseudomembranous fungal infection, erythroderma lesions, or angular inflammation, are additional common oral disorders in this population. The use of over-the-counter secretion replacements is another option for treating dry mouth brought on by underlying medical conditions or pharmaceutical use. Medical professionals will help elderly patients maintain wholesome oral health by evaluating risk, differentiating between typical and pathological age changes, simulating a focused examination, and, if necessary, referring patients to a dentist.


By 2035, it is conceivable that 71 million Americans, or 20% of the population, would be 65 or older. Due to advancements in oral health care, such as community water fluoridation, cutting-edge dental technology, and improved oral hygiene, an increasing number of older people still have some or all of their teeth [1]. However, this population is at risk for developing chronic oral illnesses, tooth loss, benign membrane lesions, carcinoma, and dental infections such caries and periodontitis. Growing evidence has connected oral health and general health, demonstrating a connection between disease and polygenic disease, upset, pneumonia, rheumatologic disorders, and wound healing.

Low socioeconomic position, lack of dental insurance, being confined to one’s home or in an institution and therefore the presence of physical impairments that restrict appropriate oral hygiene such as inflammatory illness and neurological impairment are all associated with poor oral health [2]. Medical professionals have the opportunity to improve oral health in this population by assessing oral health risk, diagnosing and treating common oral conditions, and, if necessary, referring patients to a dental professional. This is because older patients are more likely to visit a doctor than a dentist [3]. A brief medical history that patients may fill out at the doctor’s office or front desk will help doctors determine the danger to their oral health. Additionally, there are screening instruments that will be used in an extremely residential care facility by non-dental professionals. To execute the assessment, only a torch, some gloves, and a tongue blade are needed [4]. To help guide future actions in the patient’s care, eight oral health categories are indicated as healthy, altered, or unwell.

The shape and appearance of teeth tend to change as we age. Changes in the dentin’s underlying thickness and makeup, as well as changes in the enamel’s outer layer, result in the yellowing or darkening of teeth [5]. Additionally affecting how teeth appear are abrasion and attrition. As teeth get older, the number of blood vessels entering the tooth’s enamel and, consequently, its sensitivity decreases. The response to trauma or cavities may lessen with decreased sensitivity to external stimuli. Between the ages of ten and seventy-five, the solid body substance (i.e., the substance covering the basic surface) gradually thickens, practically doubling in size [6]. Due to the high level of organic composition of the solid body component, it is less resistant to external factors like cigarettes, sugar, and acids from soft drinks.

Decreased keratinization, dryness, and dilution of the animal tissue structures are caused by nutritional or secretory shortages as well as age-related alterations within the oral tissue layer. Additionally, as people age, the size and fiber content of the dental ligament, which may be a component of the periodontium’s attachment equipment, decrease? Another prevalent problem in older people is animal tissue recession, which isn’t generally viewed of as an age-dependent oral change [7]. Animal tissue retraction reveals the solid body substance, ostensibly creating a cavity in the root.

Any age can experience dental caries. However, elderly people are more susceptible to developing a root cavity because to periodontal disease and animal tissue recession. Sixty-four percent of people over the age of 80 have root caries, and up to ninety-six percent of people over the age of sixty have oral cavities [8]. The incidence of root caries in patients is doubles that of people under the age of thirty-five (above the gum). Cariogenic microorganisms including strep mutans, eubacterium, and eubacteria are exposed to more frequently as a result of risk factors for garland and root cavities.

Regular oral hygiene practices and expert care are part of the treatment for root cavities. In addition, halide gels, rinses, and varnishes have been demonstrated to aid in stabilizing and reducing some shallow root cavities.

Gum disease

On teeth, plaque may form as a biofilm of gram-negative bacteria and endotoxins around the edges of the animal tissue, causing irritation of the tissue. Erythroderma and dropsically animal tissue which frequently bleeds just with tool searching and gentle brushing are symptoms of periodontitis [9]. Other causes of periodontitis include smoking and trauma. Age alone is not a risk factor for periodontitis or periodontal disease, despite the fact that periodontitis is very common in elderly people. With proper oral hygiene, periodontitis can be cured.

Periodontitis develops when animal tissue inflammation leads to the dental ligament separating from the tooth structure and solid body material. This causes an increase in the depth of the animal tissue pocket, loosening of the tooth and finally tooth’s loss [10]. A lot of elderly people are vulnerable to tooth loss and dental detachment due to poor oral cleanliness and animal tissue recession. Among particular in institutionalized individuals, periodontal disease has been linked to distress, worsening polygenic disease management, poor wound healing, and bronchial pneumonia.

Daily brushing, flossing, and skillful caring are all part of the disease’s treatment, from the removal of plaque to the surgical removal of infected periodontium. In older patients who are institutionalized, oral antibiotics such antibiotic are utilized as an add-on to scaling and root planning [11]. These procedures, along with routine dental cleanings, will lessen the need for surgery and tooth extraction. Twentynine to fifty-seven percent of senior people suffer from dryness, the subjective experience of xerotes brought on by diminished secretory production. Secretion lubricates the rima oris, guards against plant and microbial infections, and prevents decay by encouraging tooth demineralization. In addition to xerotes, clinical signs of dry mouth can include a burning sensation, changes in manner, and difficulties speaking and swallowing. Although secretory flow does not decline with age alone, older people are at at risk for dry mouth due to bound drugs and illnesses.

If it is possible, a patient’s medication should be altered or stopped if they are taking a substance known to reduce secretory flow. Patients should be encouraged to drink water, abstain from alcohol, and consume fewer foods and beverages that cause dry mouth or cavities, as well as to minimize their intake of these things. Any candy or chewing gum meant to cause a shift in state should not be sweetened [12, 13]. A temporary fix may be provided by over-the-counter secretion replacements. Alkaloid and cevimeline medications, such as Salagen and Evvoia, may also be beneficial, especially for people with Jorgen syndrome. The use of electrical toothbrushes and stylostixis has been demonstrated to improve secretory flow in small trials.

Fungus species are undoubtedly present in the normal oral flora of healthy adults, but there are 40 factors that make it more likely for this to happen in older people. The pathogenicity of specific fungus strains, as well as local, as well as general variables, is all included in these situations.

It will be challenging to recognize that oral fungal infections have a variety of clinical patterns. There may be no symptoms, a distinct burning sensation, or an accompanying unpleasant salty or bitter flavor. Acute pseudomembranous fungal infection, the most common clinical pattern that is quickly diagnosed, is characterized by adhering, curd-like plaques that can be eliminated by vigorously wiping with a tongue blade or gauze [14]. Oral fungus infections can also result in plate rumor, a type of erythroderma lesion that affects people who wear dentures. An infection with Staph aureus or Candida albicans may present as angular inflammation. Erythroderma, scaling fissures in the corners of the mouth, intraoral candida infection, and generally occurs in patients with accentuated skinfolds and secretion pooling within the corners of the mouth are the symptoms of the condition.

The patient’s history, clinical manifestation, and reaction to antifungal medication are usually used to identify a presumed fungal infection. The biological science smear of the lesion stained with periodic-acid Schiff or a wet mount stained with twenty percent hydrated oxide, biopsy, or culture will be used to confirm the identity.

Topical or general antifungal medical treatment is another option for treating oral fungal infection. Topical medications like antibiotic oral suspension or cough drops are frequently successful in treating simple infections. Treatment of angular inflammation with a topical nystatin/triamcinolone ointment or cream is occasionally successful [15]. A topical antifungal should be given to the tissue layer and plate base in patients with plate rumor. A dentist may need to surgically remove the excess tissue or reline the dentures if they are not properly fitting before creating new ones. Patients should be advised to remove and clean their dentures every night at bedtime by brushing them or soaking them in a solution containing a bleaching agent.

Fluconazole, ketoconazole, and antimycotic drugs are examples of systemic medications that are effective for treating infections that are resistant to topical medication [16]. Treatments for patients who are unable to handle topical medical care for those who are at high risk of contracting a general infection and for those who are receiving therapy for cancer treatment include general medicines.

Up to 80% of oral malignancies are attributed to alcohol and tobacco use, according to research. Early carcinoma and malignant neoplasm lesions will be gentle and healthy. The majority of oral and cavity malignancies are epithelial cell carcinomas that develop from the oral tissue layer’s lining. The lateral margins of the tongue, the lips, and the floor of the mouth are where cancer most frequently develops [17]. 5% of patients with carcinoma are also diagnosed with cancer in a very close proximity, such as the lungs, esophagus, or voice box. A lesion may start as a white or red area, progress to ulceration, and then develop into an entophytic or exophytic tumour. Patients who experience any white or red lesion that lasts for a prolonged period of time should be sent to a sub-specialist for evaluation. Clinical staging and oral health promotion are used to radio-control the course of treatment.


Effective plaque removal is directly related to one’s skill level and motivation. The capacity of a person to maintain proper oral hygiene may be significantly impacted by diminished knowledge, weakened vision, or loss of strength or dexterity in the hands. To remove plaque in patients with chronic debilitating illnesses like inflammatory disease or neurological disability, specialized oral health aids may also be required, such as electrical toothbrushes, manual toothbrushes with wide-handle grips, and floss-holding devices.


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Citation: Dhake K (2022) A Review on the Older Persons who Affected by Regular Oral Diseases. J Oral Hyg Health 10: 353. DOI: 10.4172/2332-0702.1000353

Copyright: © 2022 Dhake K. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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