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  • Review Article   
  • J Clin Exp Neuroimmunol 8 : 173, Vol 8(2)

A Review : Targeting Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

Takashi Kudo*
Department of Mental Health Promotion, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Suita, Osaka, Japan
*Corresponding Author: Takashi Kudo, Department of Mental Health Promotion, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Suita, Osaka, Japan, Email:

Received: 02-Mar-2023 / Manuscript No. jceni-23-94246 / Editor assigned: 04-Mar-2023 / PreQC No. jceni-23-94246 (PQ) / Reviewed: 18-Mar-2023 / QC No. jceni-23-94246 / Revised: 24-Mar-2023 / Manuscript No. jceni-23-94246 (R) / Published Date: 30-Mar-2023


Epilepsy is a common brain disorder characterized by a persistent propensity to produce spontaneous seizures. The means by which epilepsy develops are still a mystery. In both human and experimental temporal lobe epilepsy, prolonged seizures cause significant neuroinflammatory responses, which are thought to mediate epileptogenesis. At the moment, there is a lot of evidence that anti-inflammatory treatments might be a good alternative to medication, especially if antiepileptic drugs don't work. By reducing the calming exercises of epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs), dissolvable epoxide hydrolase (sEH) has been viewed as an expected remedial objective for epileptic seizures. The physiological functions of EETs-sEH metabolism in the central nervous system, the connection of the EET-sEH pathway to neuroinflammation and neuromodulation, and the relevance of neuro inflammarion to the pathophysiology of epilepsy are all examined in this review. The significance of sEH inhibition in regulating inflammatory responses and abnormal hyperexcitability associated with epilepsy has been defined by a number of recent studies. Even though there are some differences between different experimental models or between pharmacological inhibition and genetic deletion of sEH, the fact that sEH is involved in the onset and progression of epilepsy suggests that sEH could be a promising therapeutic target.


One of the most common neurological conditions, temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is characterized by episodes of abnormally high and synchronous electrical discharges in the temporal lobe of the brain. In TLE, medical intractability is a significant clinical issue. Patients with TLE who continue to experience seizure attacks despite taking adequate medications require additional surgical treatment. Although numerous potential underlying mechanisms of epileptogenesis have been investigated, the pathogenesis of epilepsy remains largely untreated [1].

Epilepsy progression is influenced by immune processes and brain inflammation, according to more recent research. There is mounting evidence that epileptogenic pathologies and the onset and progression of epilepsy are influenced by both innate and adaptive immune responses triggered by seizures. Epileptic neurotic adjustments, containing neuronal cell passing, abnormal receptive gliosis, axonal growing , improved neurogenesis in hippocampal arrangement and the brokenness of blood mind boundary , that prompting network hyperexcitability and diminished seizure limit, have been proposed to be related with fiery response , suggesting an etiological job of neuroinflammation for focal pathogenesis in epileptogenesis and ictogenesis [2]. As needs be, further comprehension of the systems hidden epileptogenesis-related provocative responses is principally significant for the improvement of helpful procedures against epilepsy. When antiepileptic medications are ineffective, anti-inflammatory approaches to managing epilepsy have recently been considered a promising alternative therapeutic strategy. Various mitigating focuses for epilepsy counteraction and treatment have been shown in both clinical and exploratory examinations . Inhibitors of interleukin-1 (IL- 1)-converting enzyme/caspase-1 and antagonists of IL-1 receptors, as well as cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors and antagonists of tolllike receptors, may have therapeutic potential in proinflammatory processes in the epileptic brain when combined with anticonvulsant activity demonstrated in experimental studies.

In the current research, it has been demonstrated that soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH), a potential target enzyme for anti-inflammatory treatment of epilepsy, participates in regulating inflammatory responses and brain excitability in epileptic animal models [3-6]. The predominant enzyme in the metabolic conversion and degradation of anti-inflammatory epoxy-fatty acids to their corresponding inactive dihydroxy-fatty acids is sEH, a phase I xenobiotic metabolizing enzyme that is widely distributed in mammalian tissues. Epilepsyrelated neuroinflammation Neuro inflammation is a underlying component of a wide variety of neurodegenerative diseases and their associated neuropathology. Epilepsy-related tissue has been found to contain neuroinflammation, which has been identified in both clinical and experimental evidence. Strong glial activation and the release of a variety of inflammatory mediators, including cytokines, chemokines, and lipid metabolites, from injured neurons and reactive glial cells are significant inflammatory responses triggered by seizures. This sets off pro-inflammatory signaling cascades around the affected brain regions. Numerous studies have demonstrated that the proinflammatory cytokines interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) are significant inflammatory factors linked to epilepsy. Pro-epileptogenic overexpression of proinflammatory cytokines has been observed in epileptic patients and experimental models , and it is regarded as such in a wide range of epileptic animal models.

Non-esterified arachidonic acid (AA) is released from phospholipids in an inflamed brain and converted to bioactive eicosanoids by COXs, lipoxygenases, and cytochrome P450 (CYP) epoxy genases into prostaglandins (PGs), leukotrienes, and EETs, respectively . Eicosanoids have been found to be expressed in neurons, astrocytes, cerebral vascular endothelial cells, and cerebrospinal fluid in the central nervous system (CNS). They also play a role in synaptic function, the regulation of cerebral blood flow (CBF), apoptosis, angiogenesis, and gene expression under normal conditions . In neurological disorders, they also play a crucial role in initiating and maintaining inflammatory responses . Notwithstanding supportive of provocative cytokines, upguideline of COX-2, the key compound expected for PGs biosynthesis, has been displayed to add to the systems prompting neuroinflammation, neuronal harm and abnormal neurogenesis in cerebrum locales defenseless to seizures and epilepsy. Either attenuation or escalation of epileptogenesis has been demonstrated by manipulating COX-2 activity with inhibitors or genetic deletion . This likely depends on the various profiles of PGs production and their specific actions in models of seizure and epilepsy .

Epoxyeicosatrienoic acids and solvent epoxide hydrolase digestion in the mind

Rather than the proinflammatory eicosanoids incorporated from AA by acting through COXs and lipoxygenases, CYP epoxy genases inferred eicosanoid particulars, the EETs are calming , which present a many significant natural impacts to the vascular, neuronal and renal frame . Late documentations have recommended that EETs flagging might assume particularly colorful corridor in CNS capability varied with that of borderline apkins [8,9]. EETs have been shown to affect synaptic neurotransmission and malleability(), to regulate neuropeptide and neurotransmitter release to reply neuroprotective goods that alter microglia activation during ischemic injury and excitotoxicity to suppress ischemia- elicited seditious responses in the brain rotation and to modulate neuronal pain processing in the brainstem . Inhibiting sEH has been considered a implicit strategy for adding the bioavailability and salutary goods of EETs because the EETs are primarily catalyzed to dihydroxy eicosatrienoic acids( DHET) with reduced natural exertion. It has been demonstrated that sEH is a bifunctional enzyme that participates in the biosynthesis of cholesterol and protein iso-prenylation via an N-terminus lipid phosphatase sphere while also hydrolyzing EETs to DHET . In the mortal and rodent smarts, immunolocalization of sEH has been described in non-vascular and vascular regions, with cell- and region-specific differences . sEH has been set up to be expressed in the soma and processes of neuronal cells, oligodendrocytes, and astrocytes in the brain parenchyma as well as in the vascular smooth muscle cells of arterioles and micro vessels in the brain vasculature . These findings suggest that sEH may play a part in EETs- intermediated multiple neuronal functions and cellular signaling throughout the

In addition, chronically stressed mice with depression- suchlike actions and depressed cases had elevated situations of sEH expression in their smarts. This suggests that sEH may play a part in the development of certain internal ails like bipolar complaint, schizophrenia, and depression. In the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus of sEH knockout( sEH KO) mice, increased expression of brain- deduced neurotrophic factor( BDNF) and phosphorylation of its receptor tyrosine- related kinase B( TrkB) were set up after repeated social defeat stress. still, these mice didn't parade depression . This suggests that sEH plays a pivotal part in the pathophysiology of depression by modulating BD also, the physiological goods of sEH inhibition on synaptic function and the conformation of learning recollections have been anatomized [9,10]. 12-( 3- adamantan-1-yl-ureido) dodecanoic acid( AUDA), a picky sEH asset, increased synaptic neurotransmission and malleability in the prefrontal cortex. This was associated with increased expression of postsynaptic glutamatergic NMDA subunits NR1, NR2A, NR2B, and AMPA subunits GluR1, GluR2, and enhanced synaptic longterm potent . Epilepsy neuroinflammation and brain excitability pharmacological and inheritable intervention The anti-ictogenesis and anti-inflammatory goods of sEH inhibition on TLE models other than GABAA receptor enmity models have also been proved . Two mouse models of TLE, wild- type( WT) C57BL/ 6 mice and sEH knockout( sEH KO) mice, established by pilocarpine- convinced SE and electrical amygdale energy, independently, were used to probe the part of sEH in neuroinflammation, seizure generation, and epileptogenesis. Pharmacological inhibition of sEH enzymatic exertion was shown to reduce seizure- related neuroinflammation and ictogenesis, but inheritable omission of sEH was not.

By reducing EETs declination and IB phosphorylation, two distinct sEH impediments-AUDA and TPPU- downgraded up- regulated proinflammatory cytokines – IL - 1 and IL - 6-in the hippocampus of WT mice subordinated to pilocarpine- convinced SE. also, the completely burned mice's seizure- induction threshold was increased and the frequency and duration of robotic motor seizures in the pilocarpine- SE mice were both dropped as a result of AUDA's anti-ictogenesis parcels.


Epilepsy is a complex brain complaint characterized by a patient predilection to robotic seizures. The cause( pathogenic mechanisms) and effective treatments for this condition haven't yet been discovered. The pathophysiological part of inflammation in the mechanisms underpinning patient excitability changes that may contribute to epileptogenesis has been the subject of more recent exploration, which also sought to identify implicit remedial targets and exploit new approaches to curing epilepsy. There's growing substantiation that both pharmacological and inheritable manipulations of sEH give salutary issues for complaint operation, making sEH an charming target for neuroinflammation in epilepsy given their impact on a number of seditious or inflammation- linked conditions . Adding the position of EETs has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and neuro modulatory goods in both the central and supplemental nervous systems and is being considered as a implicit treatment for a number of neurological conditions, including epilepsy and seizures still, it's intriguing to note that pharmacological inhibition and inheritable omission of sEH parade inconsistencies, as do differences in the antiinflammatory and anti-ictogenesis goods of sEH inhibition on colorful models of seizures and epilepsy. These findings give substantiation that sEH participates in the generation and progression of seizures and epilepsy, even though the precise part of sEH in the pathophysiology of brain hyperexcitability remains unknown at this time. To clarify the physiological functions of the two functional sEH disciplines in the brain and to expand our knowledge of the metabolic differences of sEH- EETs in the epileptic brain and remedial counteraccusations , further comprehensive studies deduced from experimental models and mortal subjects are needed


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Citation: Kudo T (2023) A Review: Targeting Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. J Clin Exp Neuroimmunol, 8: 173.

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