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  • J Oral Hyg Health

A Note on Diagnosis of Xerostomia

Marcus HT Fung*
Department of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong, Prince Philip Dental Hospital, Kowloon, Hong Kong
*Corresponding Author: Marcus HT Fung, Department of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong, Prince Philip Dental Hospital, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Email:

Received: 20-Oct-2021 / Accepted Date: 03-Nov-2021 / Published Date: 10-Nov-2021


Xerostomia, otherwise called dry mouth, is dryness in the mouth, which might be related with an adjustment of the piece of spit, or decreased salivary stream, or have no recognizable reason.

This symptom is very common and is often seen as a side effect of many types of medication. It is more common in older people (mostly because this group tend to take several medications) and in persons who breathe through their mouths. Parchedness, radiotherapy including the salivary organs, chemotherapy and a few illnesses can cause decreased salivation (hypo salivation), or an adjustment of spit consistency and thus a protest of xerostomia. In some cases there is no recognizable reason, and there may some of the time be a psychogenic justification behind the grievance. The differential of hypo salivation altogether covers with that of xerostomia. A decrease in spit creation to around half of the ordinary unstimulated level will normally bring about the impression of dry mouth. Modified spit organization may likewise be liable for xerostomia [1].

Salivary stream rate is diminished during rest, which might prompt a transient vibe of dry mouth after waking. This vanishes with eating or drinking or with oral cleanliness. When related with halitosis, this is now and then named "morning breath". Dry mouth is likewise a typical sensation during times of tension, presumably attributable to upgraded thoughtful drive. Parchedness is known to cause hyposalivation, the aftereffect of the body attempting to ration liquid. Physiologic age-related changes in salivary organ tissues might prompt an unassuming decrease in salivary yield and to some extent clarify the expanded commonness of xerostomia in more established individuals. Nonetheless, polypharmacy is believed to be the significant reason in this gathering, with no critical abatements in salivary stream rate being probably going to happen through maturing alone Aside from physiologic reasons for xerostomia, iatrogenic impacts of prescriptions are the most widely recognized reason. A medicine which is known to cause xerostomia might be named xerogenic. More than 400 meds are related with xerostomia. In spite of the fact that medication prompted xerostomia is generally reversible, the conditions for which these prescriptions are recommended are as often as possible persistent. The probability of xerostomia expansions comparable to the absolute number of drugs taken, if the singular meds are xenogeneic. The impression of dryness normally begins soon after beginning the culpable medicine or subsequent to expanding the dose. Anticholinergic, sympathomimetic, or diuretic drugs are typically capable. Xerostomia might be brought about via immune system conditions which harm salivation delivering cells. Sjogren's condition is one such illness, and it is related with manifestations including weakness, myalgia and arthralgia. The infection is described by incendiary changes in the dampness creating organs all through the body, prompting decreased emissions from organs that produce spit, tears and different discharges all through the body. Essential Sjogren's disorder is the mix of dry eyes and xerostomia [2]. Auxiliary Sjogren's condition is indistinguishable from essential structure yet with the expansion of a blend of other connective tissue problems like foundational lupus erythematous or rheumatoid joint inflammation [3].


The fruitful treatment of xerostomia is hard to accomplish and frequently unsatisfactory. This includes tracking down any correctable reason and eliminating it if conceivable, however by and large it is preposterous to expect to address the actual xerostomia and treatment is suggestive, and furthermore centers around forestalling tooth rot through working on oral cleanliness. Where the manifestation is brought about by hypo salivation optional to basic constant sickness, xerostomia can be viewed as long-lasting or even progressive. The management of salivary gland dysfunction may involve the use of saliva substitutes and/or saliva stimulants.


  1. Weng CT, Huang SL, Yang HW, Kao CC, Wei CC, et al. (2021) Oral microbiota in xerostomia patients-A preliminary study. J Dent Sci 108:73-85.
  2. Thakkar JP, Lane CJ (2021) Hyposalivation and Xerostomia and Burning Mouth Syndrome: Medical Management. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am 48:312-314.
  3. Amézaga J, Ugartemendia G, Larraioz A, Bretana N, Iruretagoyena A, et al. (2021) Omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids in red blood cell membrane are associated with xerostomia and taste loss in patients with breast cancer. J Dent Sci 173:102336.

Citation: Fung MHT (2021) A Note on Diagnosis of Xerostomia. J Oral Hyg Health 9: S5:005

Copyright: © 2021 Fung MHT. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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