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Nursing Journals

France is officially known as the French Republic. France is one of Europe’s largest countries. It is bordered by six countries other nations: Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg to the northeast, Switzerland and Italy to the southeast and Spain to the southwest. The United Kingdom borders France via the English Channel. The country is considered to be the gateway to Europe as there are several large international airports (two of these can be found in Paris), ferry terminals and the French rail service.

Metropolitan France extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel and the North Sea, and from the Rhine to the Atlantic Ocean; due to its shape, it is often referred to in French as l'Hexagone ("The Hexagon"). France is one of only three countries (with Morocco and Spain) to have both Atlantic and Mediterranean coastlines. Metropolitan France is situated mostly between latitudes 41° and 51° N, and longitudes 6° W and 10° E, on the western edge of Europe, and thus lies within the northern temperate zone.

A member of the Group of 7 leading industrialized countries, as of 2014, it is ranked as the world's ninth largest and the EU's second largest economy by purchasing power parity.[14] With 31 of the 500 biggest companies in the world in 2015, France ranks fourth in the Fortune Global 500, ahead of Germany and the UK. Famous French scientists of the 20th century include the mathematician and physicist Henri Poincare, physicists Henri Becquerel, Pierre and Marie Curie, remained famous for their work on radioactivity, the physicist Paul Langevin or virologist Luc Montagnier, co-discoverer of HIV AIDS. Hand transplantation was developed on 23 September 1998 in Lyon by a team assembled from different countries around the world including Jean-Michel Dubernard who, shortly thereafter, performed the first successful double hand transplant. France was the fourth country to achieve nuclear capability and has the third largest nuclear weapons arsenal in the world.

France has a multitude of research structures in list of Nursing journals France with different legal forms. Publicly funded research falls under the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. This initiative for extensive research in france has begun in 2010, was launched by the French Ministry of Health. Through this initiative, France Nursing journals list has 149 registered nurses, serving as principal investigators, and their teams submitted research proposals between 2010 and 2011. The Nursing journals France administrative guidelines of the funding programme are clearly oriented towards producing quantitative and exogenous nursing research. France is the coexistence of two major system. List of France journals has Research bodies, including Scientific and Technical Public Establishments (EPST) and Industrial and Commercial Public Establishments (EPIC), such as the CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research), (INRA (National Institute for Agronomic Research) and CEA (Atomic Energy Commission). The Nation produced 67 Nobel laureates so far. In Nursing journals Alliance Française is the premier French language school and cultural institute which is spearheading the nursing research in France.
