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China or officially known “People’s Republic of China”, with its 23 provinces, five autonomous regions, four municipalities and two special administrative regions is world’s most populated and second largest country of the world in land area. With its roots in past and vision in future it has most fast developing economy of world.
Being second largest country in land area after Russia, it has largest combined land border in world. China has a diverse landscape ranging from deserts like Gobi and Taklamakan in north to subtropical desert in south. Mountain ranges in south of country like Karakoram, Himalaya, Pamir and Tian Shan separates it’s from South and central Asia.
In spite of its large population China is the second largest economy in the world. About 344.7 billion USD is spent by China for research and development in year 2014 which is next to USA 473.4 billion USD. Presently China’s economy is market economy and one of the best examples of state capitalism. China with its outstanding advancements in telecommunications, transportation and infrastructure has become world’s fastest growing economy.