In majority of cases, correct practices regarding newborn care were poor among mothers and this should be promoted through improved coverage with existing health services. In spite of the fact that most of the mothers were literate, harmful newborn care practices were common. This can be attributed largely to dias as most deliveries were at home and harmful practices were observed most often in these cases. Besides traditions, community practices also seem to be important contributors as harmful practices were observed even in some institutional deliveries or after discharge from the institution. There is an urgent need to educate mothers and train health care providers including traditional birth attendants and anganwadi workers on newborn and early neonatal care. Various behavioral change communication strategies through mass media and interpersonal education during antenatal visits may be studied for their effectiveness. Prevailing unhealthy practices in the area also should be discussed with health care providers including dais and local practitioners, so that they take special action in preventing these. The Government should take necessary steps in terms of increasing awareness of mothers through IEC activities about the safety measures for handling infants.
Last date updated on December, 2024