"Journal of Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology is one of the top journals in Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology which publishes novel work in the form of research or review articles. Nanomedicine & nanotechnology journal act like a podium for the enhancement of scientific knowledge among researchers and scientists of the associated field.
Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology mainly deals with the design and construction of unit processes that involve biological organisms or molecules, provides comprehensive aspects molecular nanotechnology, nanosensors, nano particles, nanodrugs, drug delivery, nanomaterials, nanobiotechnology, nanobiopharmaceutics, nanoelectronics, nano-devices, nanorobotics.
OMICS Group has more than 700+ peer-reviewed journals which are publishing quality articles and conduct around 3000+ International Scientific Conferences worldwide. Although OMICS Group is an open access publisher, it provides subscription based journals called Scitechnol journals. All the journals have strong support from Editorial Board to ensure quick and quality review process. OMICS Group Conferences provide the podium for exchange of information and global networking as many of the renowned scientists become a part of the conferences.
Nanomedicine can design, build, manipulate, and optimize biological components at the nano-scale level. This includes the applications of nanomaterials and the fabrication of nanodevices to be used in nanodiagnositic, nanodrug delivery and drug discovery and regenerative nanomedicine. Nano-scale components can be artificially synthesized and self-assembled back into a system. This bottom-up approach uses the chemical and biological properties of single molecules to create a self-organized system. This artificial-synthetic system can function like a natural biological complex system.
Last date updated on March, 2025