Journal of marine science research & development is one of the top journals in the current field of earth science which publishes novel work in the form of different article types such as research or review articles. This journal acts as a barrier for exchange of scientific knowledge among researchers and scientists.
Microorganisms in the seas influence the creation and utilization of "nursery" gasses, the biogeochemical cycling of numerous components, structure the premise of marine nourishment networks, and can help humans from harmful impacts to people and whole ecosystems. The oceans set to the biggest environment on Earth and over 90% of its biomass is microbial. The differences of microbial life in the seas are amazingly high and compasses all known gatherings of Microbes. On the other hand, this difference is exceedingly under examined and an intensive understanding of the character and physiology of marine microorganisms and their communications is a real field of exploration where advance critically requested.
OMICS Group has more than 700+ peer-reviewed journals which are publishing quality articles. Although OMICS Group is an open access publisher, it provides subscription based journals called Scitechnol journals. All the journals have strong support from Editorial Board to ensure quick and quality review process.
Authors have an opportunity to use the newly launched Translation Services. Experienced translators translate the submission to the required native languages such as French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese or English. Therefore, we guarantee the best exchange of knowledge and expertise to your targeted audience. The translation process is always followed by strict review procedures to ensure absolute accuracy. This guarantees free communication and exchange between scientists and creates more opportunities for future research on around the world.
Last date updated on March, 2025