To diminish the time required for some diagnostic assays including polymerase chain reaction (PCR), loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP; due to mainly DNA extraction step) and also DAS-ELISA into a minimum level, an innovative immunocapture LAMP (ICââ¬âLAMP) and immunocapture PCR (IC-PCR) protocol on the basis of Tomato Yellow Leaf curl Virus (TYLCV) genome were used and optimized. Even though DAS-ELISA, IC-PCR and ICââ¬âLAMP assays could successfully detect positive infected plant samples, considering the time, safety, sensitivity, cost, no need of DNA extraction and simplicity the last one was overall superior. The hydroxynaphthol blue could produce long stable colour change and brightness in a close tube-based approach to prevent cross-contamination risk. Altogether, as ICââ¬âLAMP is sensitive, cost effective, fairly user friendly and also can generate more accurate results than previous diagnostic procedures, we accordingly propose this assay as a highly reliable alternative viral recognition system regarding TYLCV recognition and probably other viral-based diseases.
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Citation: Almasi MA, Dehabadi SH, Eftekhari Z (2013) Immunocapture Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification for Rapid Detection of Tomato Yellow Leaf curl Virus (TYLCV) without DNA Extraction. J Plant Pathol Microb 4: 185
Last date updated on February, 2025