Our Group organises 3000+ Global Conferenceseries Events every year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open Access Journals which contains over 50000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board members.


As per available reports about 351 journals, 80 Conferences are presently dedicated exclusively to Irrigation and about 6860 articles are being published on the current trends in Irrigation. In terms of research annually, USA, India, Japan, Brazil and Canada are some of the leading countries where maximum studies related to Atmospheric Science are being carried out. As reported in above mentioned articles, Irrigation is the artificial application of water to the land or soil. It is used to assist in the growing of agricultural crops, maintenance of landscapes, and revegetation of disturbed soils in dry areas and during periods of inadequate rainfall. Additionally, irrigation also has a few other uses in crop production, which include protecting plants against frost, suppressing weed growth in grain fields and preventing soil consolidation. In contrast, agriculture that relies only on direct rainfall is referred to as rain-fed or dryland farming. Irrigation systems are also used for dust suppression, disposal of sewage, and in mining. Irrigation is often studied together with drainage, which is the natural or artificial removal of surface and sub-surface water from a given area. Irrigation has been a central feature of agriculture for over 5000 years, and was the basis of the economy and society of numerous societies, ranging from Asia to Arizona.

The Irrigation & Drainage Systems Engineering Journal is an academic journal – hosted by OMICS International – a pioneer in open access publishing–and is listed among the top 10 journals in Irrigation. Each year research scientists have noticed a rise in the number of congresses being held in this field. The Irrigation & Drainage Systems Engineering Journal provides a unique platform to researchers and scientist to explore the advanced and latest research developments in the field of Irrigation, thus bridging the gap between researchers and young scientists.

Irrigation is the watering of land to make it ready for agriculture. If you want to start a strawberry farm in the desert, irrigation will be necessary.Agriculture, with its allied sectors, is certainly the most important food source and supplier in Asian Countries, additional therefore within the immense rural areas. It conjointly contributes a major figure to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Agriculture, in terms of food security, rural employment, and environmentally sustainable technologies like conservation, preserved resource management and diversity protection, which are important measures essential for integrated rural development.

OMICS International – a pioneer in organizing international conferences, International Conference on Agricultural & Horticultural Sciences - hosted by OMICS International Conferences-OMICS International Conferences include data sessions and empirical papers. OMICS International Conferences provide an easy and affordable way to the sponsors and exhibitors to promote their program/ organization/ institution to the targeted academic as well as professional audience.

Our Group hosts over 700 leading-edge peer reviewed Open Access Journals and organize over 3000 International Conferences annually all over the world. Our Group journals have over 3 million readers and the fame and success of the same can be attributed to the strong editorial board which contains over 50000 eminent personalities that ensure a rapid, quality and quick review process. Our Group signed an agreement with more than 1000 International Societies to make healthcare information Open Access.



List of Drainage systems related journals

Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering

ACI Structural Journal

    Agronomy for Sustainable Development

    AICHE Journal

    Automation in Construction

    Biochemical Engineering Journal


    Bioresource Technology

    Building and Environment

    Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering

    Coastal Engineering

    Composite Structures

    Computers and Structures

    Construction and Building Materials

    Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology

    Ecological Engineering

    Energy and Buildings

    Engineering in Life Sciences

    Engineering Structures

    Environmental Geochemistry and Health

    Environmental Modelling and Software

    Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology

    Indoor Air

    International Journal of Impact Engineering

    International Journal of Sustainable Transportation

    Journal of Biological Engineering

    Journal of Composites for Construction

    Journal of Constructional Steel Research

    Journal of Earthquake Engineering

    Journal of Environmental Management

    Journal of Environmental Quality

    Journal of Environmental Sciences

    Journal of Hazardous Materials

    Journal of Polymers and the Environment

    Journal of Structural Engineering

    Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing

    Ocean Engineering

Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics

    Process Safety and Environmental Protection

    Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology

    Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering

    Science of the Total Environment

    Soils and Foundations

    Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment

    Structural Control and Health Monitoring

    Structural Safety

    Thin-Walled Structures


    Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice

    Water, Air, and Soil Pollution


List of Drainage systems related  conferences


7th Regional Symposium on Infrastructure Development

EACEF5 - 5th Euro Asia Civil Engineering Forum Conference 2015

International Conference on Disaster Management and Civil Engineering (ICDMCE'15)

2015 International Conference on Civil Engineering and Geology (ICCEG 2015)

6 th International Conference On Innovative Trends in “Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering for Sustainable Infrastructure Development” (CEAESID- 2015)

7th Asia and Pacific Young Researchers and Graduates Symposium (YRGS 2015): Innovations in Structural Engineering Practices

Concrete 2015 - National Conference of the Concrete Institute of Australia

CECAR — Civil Engineering Conference in the Asian Region

SMAR 2015 - 3rd conference on Smart Monitoring Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures

BIM 2015 — International Conference on Building Information Modelling (BIM) in Design, Construction and Operations

Smart City 2015 — Smart City Landscape 2015

ICSSC 2015 - International Conference on Sustainable Structural Concrete

ASA 2015 — 49th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association

PLSE 2015 — Second International Conference on Performance-based and Lifecycle Structural Engineering

SIPDA — International Symposium on Lightning Protection

Smart Cities’ – Exhibition and Conference for South - East Europe

Sustainable City 2015 — 10th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability

International Conference On: Conservation Of Architectural Heritage

4th international Conference on Structural and Geotechnical Engineering

Weiterbildung — Schimmelpilzsanierung Modul 1: Sachkunde

ICCRRR 2015 - 4th International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting

Building Simulation 2015

71th RILEM Annual Week

CUPD 2015 — The 1st International Conference on Urban Planning & Development

BCEE2 — 2nd International Conference on Buildings, Construction and Environmental Engineering

BMC 11 - 11th International Symposium on Brittle Matrix Composites

Shotcrete for Underground Support XII

SPU15 — Smart Parking UAE

List of Drainage systems related Institutes

•    State Key Laboratory of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
•    Water Research Institute,Italy
•    Beijing Drainage Group Co., Ltd, Beijing
•    State Key Laboratory of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
•    Taibah University, Almadinah
•    Hong Kong University of Science & Technology,Hongkong
•    Drainage Services Department, Government of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region,Hongkong


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This page was last updated on February 05, 2025

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