Chronic constipation is a common problem that affects 2-30% of people in the Western World. A significant proportion of these patients i.e. about 30-50% suffer from obstructed defecation syndrome. In obstructed defecation feces do reach the rectum, but rectal emptying is extremely difficult. These patients have a feeling that defecation is blocked. Despite repetitive attempts, complete evacuation of rectal contents is not possible. The patients may also complain of prolonged and unsuccessful straining at stools, feelings of incomplete evacuation, digital removal of feces, and laxative abuse.
All the articles related to chronic constipation are published in chronic constipation related journals. One of the chronic constipation related journals is Internal Medicine open access. The journal is scholarly open access and peer reviewed journal. All the articles published in the journal are freely accessible to the readers.
Last date updated on March, 2025