Liver abscess is a common problem in India and is associated with high morbidity and mortality. The incidence of amoebic liver
abscess has been reported to vary between 3% and 9% of all cases of amoebiasis, which is found in up to 20% of Indian population. In
India, the occurrence of amoebic liver abscess is endemic. Although colonic amoebae are mainly responsible for the development of abscess
but most patients with abscess do not have coexistent amoebic colitis. Jaundice in patients with amoebic liver abscess is a frequent occurrence.
Its incidence varies between 6% and 29%. During the course of illness, one-third of the patients may develop clinical jaundice. The
cause of jaundice in patient with amoebic liver abscess has not yet been established. It is thought to be either due to secondary infection of ALA,
or pressure of the abscess on hepatic ducts, while other views are that it is due to parenchymal destruction or cholestatic in nature.
This study was designed to study the incidence and the actual cause of hyperbilirubinemia in patients with amoebic liver abscess.
Last date updated on December, 2024