Journal of Advancements in Genetic Engineering is one of the top leading journals in OMICS Group. The Journal provides the quality articles after a complete peer-review process, reviewed by minimum two reviewers of related field and accepted by the editor-in-chief of the journal. The word "gene" refers to parts of polymer that square measure needed for one cellular method or single perform, over the word refers to one tangible item. a fast idiom that's usually used (but not continuously true) is "one factor, one supermolecule" which means a singular factor codes for a singular protein sort during a cell. Another analogy is that a "gene" is sort of a "sentence" and "nucleotides" square measure like "letters". OMICS Group is among best open access publishers with expert reviewers and renowned scientists in its Editorial Board. Both editors and reviewers actively participate in the peer-review process and help in completing the review process within 21 days. Apart from this OMICS Group organizes more than 80 International Scientific conferences.
Last date updated on December, 2024