As per available reports about 105 journals, 162 Conferences, 30 workshops are presently dedicated exclusively to forensic psychology and about 366282 articles are being published on the current trends in forensic psychology. In terms of research annually, USA, India, Japan, Brazil and Canada are some of the leading countries where maximum studies related to forensic psychology are being carried out. As reported in “Physical and Psychological Child Abuse in Ethiopia: Implications for Intervention” article, The purpose of this study was to investigate prevalence of physical and psychological forms of child abuse in some selected elementary schools (Meskele-Kiristos Elementary School, Ediget-Felg Elementary School, Gimbrit Elementary School and Kilili Rufael Elementary School) in North Gondar. Three hundred twenty one children whose age ranges from seven to seventeen years were randomly drawn from these schools through simple random sampling technique using lottery method.
Data were gathered by questionnaire. Most children faced physical abuse in the form kicked with an object (73.8%), Pinching (78.5%) and slapping on head (70.73%). There was statistically significant difference between male and female children being victim of form kicked with an object (χ2=72.9, df=1, p<0.05), Pinching (χ2=28.1, df=1, p<0.05) and slapping on head (χ2=55.1, df=1, p<0.05). Male children were more victims of these types of physical abuse as compared to female children. Moreover, substantial proportions of children were suffering from psychological abuse through terrorising in the form of threatening with severe punishment (64.8%) and threatening to leave home (57%). Furthermore, sizeable proportion of children faced psychological abuse in the form of being seen as worthless/ useless/ by parent/caregiver (53.9%) and negative comments by comparing with others (62.1%). There was statistically significant difference between male and female children in psychological abuse in the form of being threatened with severe punishment (χ2=28.15, df=1, p<0.05) and in name calling (χ2=7.48, df=1, p<0.05). More proportion of boys experienced threatening with severe punishment and name calling as compared girls. Therefore, prevention efforts and policies should address physical and psychological abuse.
Journal of Psychology and Psychotherapy (JPP) is a peer reviewed medical journal that makes significant contributions to the major areas of psychology and explores the complexities and controversies facing psychotherapists along with the cutting edge of modern developments in psychotherapy. JPP is one of the best open access journals that aims to publish the most complete and reliable source of information on discoveries and current developments in the mode of original articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, etc. in the field and provide online access to the researchers worldwide without any restrictions or subscriptions.
Our Group hosts over 700 leading-edge peer reviewed Open Access Journals and organize over 3000 International Conferences annually all over the world. Our Group journals have over 3 million readers and the fame and success of the same can be attributed to the strong editorial board which contains over 50000 eminent personalities that ensure a rapid, quality and quick review process. Our Group signed an agreement with more than 1000 International Societies to make healthcare information Open Access. |
Forensic Psychology and related journals
List of major Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and related Conferences
- Education, Psychology, & Humanities 2015 Conference
- International Conference on Applied Psychology
- Qualitative Methods in Psychology Conference 2015
- 2015 International Symposium on Education and Psychology
- 19th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology
- The 2nd International Conference on Educational Psychology and Applied Social Psychology
- 11th Days of applied psychology
- ASEAN Student Conference on Urban Psychology
- 2015 Fall Global Symposium for Psychology Professionals
- 12th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age 2015
- International Conference on Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems (MLPRIS 2015)
- The 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods – ICPRAM 2016
- The Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition (AIPR2016)
- 9th European Congress on Violence in Clinical Psychiatry
- Current Psychiatry/AACP 2015 Psychiatry Update Encore Presentation
- EPA 2016: 24th European Congress of Psychiatry
- 12th International conference on Psychiatry “Psychiatry in General Medicine”
- 23rd Annual International STRESS AND BEHAVIOR Neuroscience and Biopsychiatry Conference
- 22nd International Association for Child & Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions
- 9th World Psychotherapy Conference Asia 2015
- 1st PPS Conference on theme of Mental Health
- Improving Mental Health Crisis Care
- 3rd International Congress on Clinical & Counselling Psychology 2015 (CPSYC)
- 6th ICEEPSY International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology
- 3rd CPSYC International Congress on Clinical and Counselling Psychology
- 2015 Social Psychology Conference
- International Psychology Conference Dubai 2015
- 2015 International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Learning - Fall Session (ICEPL 2015-Fall)
- 3rd Global Conference On Psychology Researches
- 4th World Conference on Psychology and Sociology
- 2016 Taiwan International Conference on Education and Psychology (ICEP 2016)
- 2016 Spring Global Symposium for Psychology Professionals
- International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
- 11th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology
- 2nd icH&Hpsy International Conference on Health and Health Psychology
- IACCP2016 - The Interational Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology 23rd Internatonal Congress
- 2016 Fall Global Symposium for Psychology Professionals
- The International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences in Itatly
- 22nd International Association for Child & Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions
- International, interdisciplinary research conference Cognitive adventures
- Liberal Arts, Sciences, and Mass Media 2015 International Conference
- 3rd Asia Pacific Behavioural and Addiction Medicine Confrebce (3rd APBAM 2015)
- The 2015 International Advance Innovation Humanities & Social Sciences Research Conference in London
- 14th International Conference on Humanities and Social Science (HUSOC), 22-23 February 2016, Dubai
- International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences
- International Conference on Arts, Culture and History
- 3rd Global Conference on Business and Social Science 2015 (GCBSS 2015)
- 13th International Conference on Social Science Research (ICSSR), December 18-19, 2015, Bangkok
- 9th International Conference on Teaching, Education and Learning (ICTEL), 19-20 December, Thailand
- 2016 Australian Pain Society 36th Annual Scientific Meeting (APS 2016)
List of major Forensic Psychology Societies
- International Association for Correctional and Forensic Psychology
- Society for Police and Criminal Psychology
- American Psychology-Law Society (Div 41 of APA)
- Oregon Psychological Association
- Oregon Board of Psychologist Examiners
- American Board of Forensic Psychology
- Pacific University School of Professional Psychology Forensic Track
- British Psychological Society
- National Association of Forensic Counsellors
- APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct
- EthnoMED
- APS College of Forensic Psychologists
- American Board of Forensic Psychology
- American Board of Professional Psychology
- American College of Forensic Examiners (ACFEI)
- American Psychological Association (APA)
- New York state psychological associations
This page will be updated regularly. |
This page was last updated on January 03, 2025 |