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Volume 6, Issue 4 (Suppl)

J Spine, an open access journal

ISSN: 2165-7939

Page 67

July 24-26, 2017 Rome, Italy


Spine and Spinal Disorders



International Conference on

Neurology and Neuromuscular Diseases



International Conference on


The role of epidural steroids in the outcome of postoperative lumbar discectomy

Mohamed Shaban

Cairo University, Egypt


Intraoperative epidural corticosteroids have been used by some surgeons to decrease pain following surgery for a herniated

lumbar disc. The objective of this study was to determine if epidural steroid have significant role to improve the outcome of lumber

disc surgery.


We retrospectiveevaluated 321 patients who underwent unilateral lumbar discectomy from 2013 to 2016 in Faculty

of Medicine Cairo University. Multiple discectomy, laminectomyor recurrent procedures were excluded from analysis of 321

patient dividedinto two groups:Group(A) 157 patientwith epiduralsteroidpostoperative(40 mg methylprednisolone)group (B)

164 patient without use of steroid. The two groups was evaluated and comparedby pain relief as measured by consumptionof

postoperativepain medications;the lengthof hospitalstay; postoperativefunctionalstatus;and the time intervalfromsurgeryuntil

return to work.


The mean postoperativeanalgesic medications consumedwas 12.2±1.9 mg of morphine equivalents in the group (A)

versus 12.2±1.8mg of morphineequivalentsin the group (B). The mean hospital stay was less than two days in each group, and

the mean intervaluntil returnto workwas 21±3days in the group(A) versus25±3days in the group(B). Moreover,no statistically

significant difference was measured between both groups. The mean outcome scores, which are derived from a postoperative

assessmentof pain relief resulting from surgery, functionalstatus, and interval until return to work, were identical betweenboth



The use of epidural steroid administration after unilateral lumbar discectomy does not lessen postoperative

morbidity or improvefunctionalrecovery. Epiduralsteroiddoes not affect the outcomeof unilaterallumbardiscectomy. Themean

postoperative analgesic medications consumed was 12.2±1.9 mg of morphine equivalents in the corticosteroid group versus

12.2±1.8 mg of morphineequivalentsin the controlgroup. The meanhospitalstay was less than two days in each group, and the

mean interval until return to work was 21.2±2.7 days in the corticosteroidgroup versus 25.4±3.1 days in the control group.

Moreover, no statistically significant difference was measured between the steroid-treatedand control groups when the data

were stratified for sex, age, and site of disc herniation. The mean outcome scores, which are derived from a postoperative

assessment of pain relief resulting from surgery, functional status, and interval until return to work, were identical in the

corticosteroid and control groups. This study concludesthat epidural corticosteroidadministrationafter microsurgicallumbar

discectomyfor unilateraldisc herniationdoes not lessen postoperativemorbidityor improvefunctionalrecovery. The use of a fat

graft results in excellentclinical outcomeswith low incidenceof postoperativecutaneousCSF fistula or other complications.The

use of a fat graft is recommendedas a rapid, effective means of prevention and repair of CSF leaks following lumber spinal



Mohamed Shaban is currently working at Cairo University as a Special Surgeon. He has published many research works.

Mohamed Shaban, J Spine 2017, 6:4(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2165-7939-C1-005