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Volume 6, Issue 4 (Suppl)

J Spine, an open access journal

ISSN: 2165-7939

Page 54

July 24-26, 2017 Rome, Italy


Spine and Spinal Disorders



International Conference on

Neurology and Neuromuscular Diseases



International Conference on


Spinous process osteotomy – bone and soft tissue preserving extensile approach to multilevel spinal

pathology – our experience and outcomes

Chandrasekaran Marimuthu

Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, India


Surgical treatment of multilevel spinal pathology involves exposure at all levels with complete stripping of para spinal

muscles. Minimally invasive endospine procedures are a good option for one or two level pathologies but have its own learning curve

and availability. More than two levels and intradural pathologies cannot be addressed by endospine systems.

Materials &Methods:

It’s a retrospective study involving all those patients who underwent multilevel decompression with or without

spinal stabilization; intradural tumor excision through spinous process osteotomy at our department during the period from January

2015 to December 2015. Total of 17 patients were found to have undergone the above mentioned procedure. Two of them had

intradural tumor excision, four patients decompression with stabilization for lumbar spinal stenosis with instability, and remaining

all for three or more levels lumbar spinal stenosis.


All the patients were followed for a period of one year except in one, whose follow up was lost at six months. Functional

outcome was assessed using VAS scoring for leg pain and back pain, ODI and neurological recovery. The average VAS of six, seven

for back pain and leg pain respectively improved to two and ODI from 70% to 15% in patients with spinal stenosis. Two patients had

hematoma which subsided with conservative measures alone and superficial wound infection in one patient. Another patient had

small dural tear managed with Gelfoam packing alone. Postop CT/MRI revealed preservation paraspinal musculature on the non-

dissected side and 22% of asymptomatic non-union at the osteotomy site.


Spinous process osteotomy in multilevel spinal pathologies is a bone and soft tissues preserving extensile approach by

which multiple spinal pathologies can be addressed with excellent functional outcome.


Chandrasekaran Marimuthu has completed MBBS and MS in Orthopedics. He specializes in Orthopedic Surgery, Sports Medicine and Traumatology.

Chandrasekaran Marimuthu, J Spine 2017, 6:4(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2165-7939-C1-005