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Volume 6, Issue 4 (Suppl)

J Material Sci Eng, an open access journal

ISSN: 2169-0022

Materials Congress 2017

June 12-14, 2017

June 12-14, 2017 Rome, Italy

Materials Science and Engineering



World Congress on

J Material Sci Eng 2017, 6:4(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2169-0022-C1-068

EAFlong term industrial trials of utilization of char frombiomass andwaste residues as fossil coal substitute

Teresa Beone, Filippo Cirilli


Antonello Di Donato

Centro Sviluppo Materiali, Italy


iomass is a renewable resource having a steady and abundant supply, especially those biomass resources that are by-products

of agricultural and industrial activity. Its use is by supplying neutral carbon, can displace fossil fuels, and help reduce GHG

emissions while closing the carbon cycle loop. Every year End of life vehicles (ELVs) generate about 8 M tons of waste of which the

ferrous fraction represents about 70-75%, nonferrous metals about 5%. The remaining 20-25%, the ASR, contains rubber, ferrous

and non-ferrous metals, textile, fiber material, wood, glass and a relevant fraction (~40% wt) of polymers with high calorific value

(~25 MJ/kg). With a start date of January 1st 2015, the EU directive 2000/53/EC establishes the reuse and recovery of a minimum

of 95% ELV total weight. Therefore different ASR management options, such as further material and energy recovery, must replace

the landfilling. Steel produced starting from scrap, already needs less energy with beneficial effects on environment and economy

that are greater as increases the share of fossil fuels in total energy feeding. The replacement, in EAF practice, of fossil fuels with char

and syngas obtained from biomass, waste residues (i.e. plastics, automotive shredder residue (ASR), petrochemical sludge, etc.) can

further improve the environmental performance and the attractiveness of the EAF based route, eventually increasing the amount

of chemical energy respect electrical one, with beneficial effects on environment, economy and flexibility of the EAF process. The

feasibility of biochar as fossil coal substitute as charge material in EAF has already been proved in two previous European projects

(GREENEAF and GREENEAF2) were an intensive industrial utilization of biochar was foreseen. A test sequence of six consecutive

heats was carried out replacing standard anthracite with biochar. The results of the industrial tests indicate that utilization of char

as charge material can be done, but operating practice, environmental evaluation of off-gas emissions, for these new applications

needs to be optimized with long term experimentation. The results of industrial long term trials confirmed the feasibility of the use

of biochar as charge material, without significant modification in steel and slag analysis. This paper describer the industrial long term

trials with biochar in EAF, with the final target to replace fossil coal and new laboratory trials with plastic, ASR and petrochemical


Effect of surface treatment on oxidation behavior of Ni-base superalloys

Wojciech J Nowak, Bartek Wierzba, Paweł Pędrak


Jan Sieniawski

Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland


he materials used at high temperature, like in gas turbines or jet engines, need to fulfill a number of requirements, e.g. high creep

strength and oxidation resistance at a wide range of operating temperatures, environments and loading condition as well as a

suitable ductility at low temperature. Such properties are obtained in Ni-base superalloys, due to their microstructure consisting of

thermodynamically stable γ-Ni matrix with combination of strengthening γ’-Ni


Al phase. However, when one exposes the alloys at

high temperature, an oxidation process occurs and thematerial starts to forman oxide scale.The Ni-Cr-Al based alloys can be classified

into the three groups of materials in term of formed oxide scales: NiO-forming, chromia layer forming and an alumina forms alloys.

Formation of protective oxides like Al




or Cr




substantially increase the lifetime of the component exposed at high temperature.

To provide a resistance against oxidation a protective coatings such as MCrAlY (where M is mainly Ni or Co) or β-NiAl which are

an alumina forming materials are applied. However, coatings production is time consuming, results in additional component costs,

and can negatively affect alloy mechanical properties, such as fatigue strength. Therefore, another method to force material to form a

protective oxide scale is proposed in the present study. Namely, a different surface preparation of Ni-base superalloys, like grinding,

polishing, sand blasting, etc., on oxide scale formation during exposure at high temperature in Ar-O


atmosphere will be presented. It

was found that material ground material formed less non-protective NiO compared to polished one (Figure 1). The effect of surface

treatment on oxidation kinetics and oxide scale formation will be described as well.