Biology is burdened with lots & lots of data say for example gigabases of DNA sequences, to overcome this threat biologists are using mathematical techniques, which in turn brings a novel strategy at examining the life processes.
Computational Biology is somewhat different from that of biological computation which includes computer engineering, computer science, using biology to build computers, while it is somewhat similar to bioinformatics which includes biological data to develop algorithms.
OMICS Group runs more than 700+ peer-reviewed journals which include many top journals; it gives a wider platform to the scientists, students to share their views worldwide.
OMICS Group also publishes one of the most top journals in Computational Biology which is named as Journal of Applied & Computational Mathematics which maintains the regular issue releasing frequency and publishes the recent trends and developments in the area of biological computing.
Computational Biology top journal, a peer-reviewed, international reputed open access journal publishes original innovative, and highest quality research, review, opinion, short commentary, perspective articles in the area of Mathematical modeling and simulation, Designing biological databases, Ecology, Evolution, anatomy, molecular biology, New tools for computational biology, Management of biological databases, biological computing, Pattern detection & matching, genomics etc.
Last date updated on March, 2025