Brain vessels play a relevant role in the development of malignant primary tumors. Previous studies performed in preclinical models of brain tumors demonstrated the irregular morphology of vessels in glioblastoma, characterized by multiple abnormalities in shape, permeability and relationship with the contacting structures, such as the basement membrane; however no data about microvascular structural alterations in the brain of patients affected by brain tumors have been previously reported. Brain tumors are a heterogeneous group of both benign and malignant neoplasms affecting the central nervous system, with 12 main categories and more than 100 subcategories, with distinct biological characteristics. Brain tissue used for our investigations was a small sample of macroscopically normal tissue obtained from the inner peritumoral area. No significant additional resection of brain tissue was performed in the patients. For the aforementioned reason Ethic Committee
approval was not requested for this study. In glioblastoma operations, the sample was taken from the inner peritumoral area as assessed by pre-operative brain MRI on T2 or flair and gadolinium T1 images. In meningioma operations, a sample of brain tissue was taken by parts of the cerebrum in a non-eloquent area contused but not infiltrated by the meningiomatous mass, whose removal was necessary to reach the optimal exposure and resection of the tumor.
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Last date updated on February, 2025