Bioremediation is a waste management technique that involves the use of organisms to remove or neutralize pollutants from a contaminated site. The traditional method used for leaching purpose is done through heap reactors whose charecteristics may vary much with that of the modern Bioleaching process. The traditional method is not uniform, difficult to control and mineral oxidation is slow whwere as Bioleaching is simple and inexpensive process. Here there are No sulfur dioxide emissions and No need for high pressure or temperature. Also Leaching residues less active than in physico-chemical processes.
OMICS Group International Journals are known for their high impact factor and a section of OMICS Group journals are indexed in the world noted science repository sites like Medline, PubMed Central, Obscure and Scopus. OMICS has more than 700+ peer-reviewed journals and organizes more than 3000+ International Scientific Conferences every year. Journal of Bioremediation & Biodegradation is the journal which competes with the good impact factor journals and it also publishes the articles which fall under the novel applications of biodegradation and biotransformation technology to soil, water, sewage, heavy metals and hydrocarbons. Journal of Bioremediation & Biodegradation addresses the study of microbial communities, genetic biodegradation, biotransformation technologies and also microbial degradation.
Last date updated on January, 2025