As per available reports about 281 journals, 66 Conferences are presently dedicated exclusively to Atrial Fibrillation and about 20295 articles are being published on the current trends in Atrial Fibrillation. In terms of research annually, USA, India, Japan, Brazil and Canada are some of the leading countries where maximum studies related to proteomics are being carried out. As reported in above mentioned articles Atrial fibrillation is the most common abnormal heart rhythm. It may cause no symptoms, but is often associated with palpitations, fainting, chest pain, or congestive heart failure. In AF, blood pools in the atria. It isn't pumped completely into the heart's two lower chambers, called the ventricles (VEN-trih-kuls). As a result, the heart's upper and lower chambers don't work together as they should. In AF, the normal regular electrical impulses generated by the sinoatrial node in the right atrium of the heart are overwhelmed by disorganized electrical impulses usually originating in the roots of the pulmonary veins. This leads to irregular conduction of ventricular impulses that generate the heartbeat.
The Journal of Nursing & Care is an academic journal – hosted by OMICS International – a pioneer in open access publishing–and is listed among the top 10 journals in Atrial Fibrillation. Each year research scientists have noticed a rise in the number of congresses being held in this field. The provides a unique platform to researchers and scientist to explore the advanced and latest research developments in the field of Atrial Fibrillation, thus bridging the gap between researchers and young scientists.
OMICS International – a pioneer in organizing 4th International Conference on Nursing & HealthCare hosted by OMICS GROUP Conferences-OMICS Group Conferences include data sessions and empirical papers. OMICS Group International Conferences provide an easy and affordable way to the sponsors and exhibitors to promote their program/ organization/ institution to the targeted academic as well as professional audience.
Our Group hosts over 700 leading-edge peer reviewed Open Access Journals and organize over 3000 International Conferences annually all over the world. Our Group journals have over 3 million readers and the fame and success of the same can be attributed to the strong editorial board which contains over 50000 eminent personalities that ensure a rapid, quality and quick review process. Our Group signed an agreement with more than 1000 International Societies to make healthcare information Open Access. |
List of major related journals
List of major related conferences
- 5th International BACCN Conference
- Effective Ward Manager
- Nurse Prescribing for Pain
- International Conference on Applied Science, Healthcare, Engineering and Computer Science
- "3rd International Conference on Nursing & Healthcare"
- 4th International conference on Nursing and Health care
- 45th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society
- GBCC 2015 (Global Breast Cancer Conference 2015)
- 2015 International Education Conference in Las Vegas
- International Conference on Healthcare, Aplied Science, Engineering and Computer Science
- Nurse Clinics
- Nursing Appraisal & Revalidation & Implementing the New NMC Code of Practice
- 9th European Congress on Violence in Clinical Psychiatry
- CAG2015: From Possibility to Practice in Aging: Shaping a Future for All
- International Conference of Health Care and Applied Health Sciences (Health-Toronto-2015)
- Second International Research Conference on Science, Health and Medicine 2015 (IRCSHM 2015)
- International Conference on Preventive Cardiology - ICOPC-2015
- 7th International Conference on Healthcare and Life Science Research (ICHLSR), 13-14, November, 2015, Singapore
- 5th National and 2nd International Mediterranean Pediatric Nursing Congress
- 19th International Nursing Research Conference
- World Congress on Nursing
- Diabetes Educator Course - TORONTO
- International Conference on Science, Healthcare, Engineering and Computer Science
- “Converging Cultures: Collaborations in Learning, Research and Study”
- Third International Conference on Global Public Health 2015
- 10th International Conference on Healthcare and Biological Research (ICHBR), 17-18 December 2015, Bangkok
- MacroTrend Conference on Health and Medicine: Paris 2015
- International Conference on Business, Management and Applied Science
- 9th International Conference on Healthcare and Life Science Research (ICHLSR), 27-28, December 2015, Kuala Lumpur
- International MacroTrend Conference on Medicine, Science and Technology - New York 2015
- International Conference on Healthcare, Applied Science, Engineering and Technology Research
- 9th International Conference on Healthcare Systems and Global Business Issues
- 2016 International Education Conference in Orlando, FL
- 2016 Winter Global Nursing Symposium
- Death Down Under 2016
- Emergency Care Conference
- The Early Years Conference 2016
- AccessAbilities Expo 2016
- 11th International Conference on Healthcare and Biological Research (ICHBR), Dubai, 21-22 February 2016
- Sixth Pan-Pacific Nursing Conference and First Colloquium on Chronic Illness Care
- 2016 Australian Pain Society 36th Annual Scientific Meeting (APS 2016)
- Modeling the Client's World with Innovative Strategies
- World Congress of Cardiology & Cardiovascular Health
- 2016 International Education Conference in Venice
- International Conference on Service Science and Innovation
- 2016 Summer Global Nursing Symposium
- 4th Asia-Pacific Global Summit & Expo on Healthcare
- 22nd International Association for Child & Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions
- Critical Care Nursing 1026
List of related associations:
This page will be updated regularly. |
This page was last updated on January 02, 2025 |