Colorectal cancer (CRC) remains a major source of morbidity and mortality in the US, with an estimated 53,000 deaths in 2011.
Previous studies have shown that adenoma prevalence is higher in African-American patients as compared to whites, with greater risk for
multiple, more proximal, advanced neoplasia and higher mortality rates overall. These findings have influenced guidelines for screening
colonoscopy; In 2010, the AGA recommended that African-American patients be screened at 45 vs. 50. As multicultural groups continue
to grow and acculturate, how we view colorectal cancer in each ethnic and racial group must change and grow as well. Little research has
been done on the characteristics of adenomas seen in Hispanic patients, one of the major ethnic groups served at Lutheran Health Care, a large
community hospital in Brooklyn, New York. Our study aimed to both establish trends in polyp presentation within this group, and to address
new findings while affirming previous studies showing the need for further, race-specific data collection when establishing guidelines. Our
goal was to also establish trends in polyp presentation and address whether or not Hispanic patients served in our urban hospital were at
high or low risk for transformation to colorectal cancer based on these trends.
Last date updated on March, 2025