Representative T2-weighted images displaying infarction 48h post MCAo are the corresponding images to T2*-weighted images shown in figure 1 and derive from the same MRI slices and animals
(A). Differences in infarct volumes obtained 48h post MCAo are shown for all treatment groups. Groups are the same as in figure 1. Median for each group was indicated as red dotted line. Each column represents infarct volume as percentage of total individual brain volume for one animal. *p < 0.05 for 1E+06 ASC group vs. control group and 5E+04 ASC group
(B). ASC = adipose tissue derived stem cell; ΔCSI = difference in cell signal intensity. MCAo = middle cerebral artery occlusion.
Figure 2: MRI analysis of infarct size 48h post MCAo.