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Journal Title ISSN Publication Fee (USD) Publication Fee (Euro) Publication Fee (GBP)
Abnormal and Behavioural Psychology 2472-0496 279 250 214
Acta Psychopathologica 2469-6676 1819 1705 1458
Acute and Chronic Disease Reports - 719 674 576
Advanced Practices in Nursing 2573-0347 1519 1424 1218
Advanced Techniques in Biology & Medicine 2379-1764 1819 1705 1458
Advancements in Genetic Engineering 2169-0111 1019 955 817
Advances in Applied Science Research 0976-8610 1019 955 817
Advances in Automobile Engineering 2167-7670 1519 1424 1218
Advances in Cancer Prevention 2472-0429 2419 2519 2619
Advances in Crop Science and Technology 2329-8863 2200 2300 2100
Advances in Dairy Research 2329-888X 1519 1424 1218
Advances in Molecular Diagnostics 2572-5645 519 487 416
Advances in Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety 2167-1052 1819 1705 1458
Advances in Recycling & Waste Management 2475-7675 1019 955 817
Advances in Robotics & Automation 2168-9695 580 519 444
Aerobics & Fitness - 919 862 737
Agrotechnology 2168-9881 919 862 737
Air & Water Borne Diseases 2167-7719 2200 2300 2100
American Journal of Advanced Drug Delivery 2321-547X 519 487 416
American Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology 2349-3917 619 580 496
American Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics 2349-7211 1000 937 802
American Journal of Ethnomedicine 2348-9502 1019 955 817
American Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 2393-8862 919 862 737
American Journal of Phytomedicine and Clinical Therapeutics 2321-2748 519 487 416
Analgesia & Resuscitation : Current Research 2324-903X 919 862 737
Anatomy & Physiology: Current Research 2161-0940 1819 1705 1458
Andrology & Gynecology: Current Research 2327-4360 1000 937 802
Andrology-Open Access 2167-0250 919 862 737
Anesthesiology Communications - 519 487 416
Angiology: Open Access 2329-9495 1819 1705 1458
Annals of Behavioural Science 2471-7975 519 487 416
Annals of Biological Sciences 2348-1927 919 862 737
Annals of Infections and Antibiotics - 519 487 416
Anthropology 2332-0915 1819 1705 1458
Applied Microbiology: Open Access 2471-9315 919 862 737
Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review 2223-5833 803 719 615
Archives in Chemical Research 2572-4657 1000 937 802
Archives of Inflammation - 519 487 416
Archives of Parasitology - 919 862 737
Archives of Science - 950 1050 900
Asian Journal of Plant Science & Research 2249-7412 519 487 416
Atherosclerosis: Open Access - 950 1050 900
Autism-Open Access 2165-7890 1519 1424 1218
Bioceramics Development and Applications 2090-5025 1019 955 817
Biochemistry & Analytical Biochemistry 2161-1009 1519 1424 1218
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Journal 2471-8084 1319 1236 1057
Biochemistry & Pharmacology: Open Access Journal 2167-0501 1819 1705 1458
Biochemistry & Physiology: Open Access 2168-9652 2200 2300 2100
Bioenergetics: Open Access 2167-7662 1519 1424 1218
Biological Systems: Open Access 2329-6577 1819 1705 1458
Biology and Medicine 0974-8369 1819 1705 1458
Biopolymers Research - 950 1050 900
Biosensors Journal 2090-4967 1019 955 817
Bipolar Disorder: Open Access 2472-1077 1519 1424 1218
Brain Disorders & Therapy 2168-975X 1519 1424 1218
Breast Cancer: Current Research 2572-4118 950 1050 900
British Biomedical Bulletin 2347-5447 1019 955 817
British Journal of Research 2394-3718 1819 1705 1458
Business and Economics Journal 2151-6219 803 719 615
Cancer Biology and Therapeutic Oncology - 519 487 416
Cancer Surgery 2573-542X 950 1050 900
Cardiovascular Investigations: Open Access - 519 487 416
Cardiovascular Pharmacology: Open Access 2329-6607 1819 1705 1458
Cardiovascular Therapy: Open Access - 1019 955 817
Cell & Developmental Biology 2168-9296 1219 1143 977
Cell Biology: Research & Therapy 2324-9293 1219 1143 977
Cellular & Molecular Medicine: Open Access 2573-5365 1219 1143 977
Cellular and Molecular Biology 1165-158X 2200 2300 2100
Chemical Informatics 2470-6973 519 487 416
Chemotherapy: Open Access 2167-7700 1819 1705 1458
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Open access 2572-5548 1019 955 817
Clinical & Medical Biochemistry 2471-2663 1019 955 817
Clinical and Experimental Psychology 2471-2701 1019 1019 817
Clinical and Medical Case Reports - 919 862 737
Clinical Dermatology Research Journal 2576-1439 519 487 416
Clinical Gastroenterology Journal - 619 580 496
Clinical Infectious Diseases: Open Access - 580 519 444
Clinical Microbiology: Open Access 2327-5073 1819 1705 1458
Clinical Neuropsychology: Open Access - 950 1050 900
Clinical Pediatrics: Open Access 2572-0775 1019 955 817
Clinical Pharmacology & Biopharmaceutics 2167-065X 2200 2300 2100
Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics - 519 487 416
Clinical Psychiatry 2471-9854 1000 937 802
Clinical Research on Foot & Ankle 2329-910X 2200 2300 2100
Clinics in Mother and Child Health 2090-7214 1519 1424 1218
Cloning & Transgenesis 2168-9849 1019 955 817
Colorectal Cancer: Open Access 2471-9943 919 862 737
Cosmetology & Oro Facial Surgery - 1019 955 817
Critical Care Obstetrics & Gynecology - 1819 1705 1458
Current Synthetic and Systems Biology 2332-0737 919 862 737
Dental Health: Current Research 2470-0886 1519 1424 1218
Dentistry 2161-1122 1819 1705 1458
Der Chemica Sinica 0976-8505 919 862 737
Der Pharmacia Sinica 0976-8688 519 487 416
Dermatology and Dermatologic Diseases 2376-0427 1019 955 817
Dermatology Case Reports - 1219 1143 977
Diabetes Case Reports 2572-5629 919 862 737
Diagnostic Pathology: Open Access 2476-2024 2041 1919 1681
Diversity & Equality in Health and Care 2049-5471 1519 1424 1218
Drug Designing: Open Access 2169-0138 1519 1424 1218
Electronic Journal of Biology - 1519 1424 1218
Emergency Medicine: Open Access 2165-7548 1819 1705 1458
Endocrinology & Diabetes Research 2470-7570 519 487 416
Endocrinology & Metabolic Syndrome 2161-1017 1819 1705 1458
Endocrinology and Metabolism: Open Access - 719 674 576
Endocrinology Research and Metabolism - 519 487 416
Entomology, Ornithology & Herpetology: Current Research 2161-0983 919 862 737
Environment Pollution and Climate Change 2573-458X 2300 2300 1945
Enzyme Engineering 2329-6674 719 674 576
Epidemiology: Open Access 2161-1165 2200 2300 2100
Epigenetics Research: Open Access - 319 299 256
European Journal of Experimental Biology 2248-9215 1519 1424 1218
Evidence based medicine and practice 2471-9919 1019 955 817
Family Medicine & Medical Science Research 2327-4972 1519 1424 1218
Fermentation Technology 2167-7972 1219 1143 977
Fibromyalgia: Open Access - 919 862 737
Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal 2150-3508 1668 1564 1337
Forest Research: Open Access 2168-9776 919 862 737
Fungal Genomics & Biology 2165-8056 1819 1705 1458
Gene Technology 2329-6682 919 862 737
General Medicine: Open Access 2327-5146 1819 1705 1458
Geoinformatics & Geostatistics: An Overview - 1019 955 817
Global Journal of Nursing & Forensic Studies 2572-0899 950 1050 900
Global Journal of Research and Review 2393-8854 519 487 416
Global Journal of Technology and Optimization 2229-8711 1519 1424 1218
Gynecology & Obstetrics 2161-0932 1819 1705 1458
Hair Therapy & Transplantation 2167-0951 1000 937 802
Head and Neck Cancer Research 2572-2107 1019 955 817
Health & Medical Economics 2471-9927 719 674 576
Health Care : Current Reviews 2375-4273 1019 955 817
Health Economics & Outcome Research: Open Access 2471-268X 803 719 615
Hepatology and Pancreatic Science 2573-4563 719 674 576
Herbal Medicine: Open Access 2472-0151 919 862 737
Hereditary Genetics: Current Research 2161-1041 1519 1424 1218
HIV: Current Research 2572-0805 1019 893 798
Hospital & Medical Management 2471-9781 1019 955 817
Human Genetics & Embryology 2161-0436 1519 1424 1218
Immunochemistry & Immunopathology 2469-9756 519 487 416
Immunogenetics: Open Access - 1219 1143 975
Immunological Disorders and Immunotherapy - 919 862 737
Immunology: Current Research - 950 1050 900
Immunome Research 1745-7580 1819 1705 1458
Immunotherapy: Open Access 2471-9552 1219 1143 975
Industrial Chemistry 2469-9764 1250 1250 1200
Industrial Engineering & Management 2169-0316 1027 919 786
Innovative Energy & Research 2576-1463 2200 2300 2100
Insights in Biomedicine 2572-5610 719 674 576
Insights in Blood Pressure 2471-9897 919 862 737
Insights in Chest Diseases - 519 487 416
Insights in Gynecologic Oncology - 950 1050 900
Insights in Neurosurgery 2471-9633 519 487 416
Insights in Pediatric Cardiology - 600 562 481
Intellectual Property Rights: Open Access 2375-4516 719 674 576
Internal Medicine: Open Access 2165-8048 1819 1705 1458
International Journal of Accounting Research 2472-114X 719 674 576
International Journal of Advance Innovations, Thoughts & Ideas 2277-1891 1250 1050 900
International Journal of Advancements in Technology 0976-4860 1519 1424 1218
International Journal of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine - 1519 1424 1218
International Journal of Applied Science - Research and Review 2349-7238 519 487 416
International Journal of Biomedical Data Mining 2090-4924 1519 1424 1218
International Journal of Clinical & Medical Imaging 2378-0248 1019 955 817
International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health - 1819 1705 1458
International Journal of Digestive Diseases 2472-1891 919 862 737
International Journal of Economics & Management Sciences 2162-6359 1027 919 786
International Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human Resilience 1522-4821 2200 2300 2100
International Journal of Inflammation, Cancer and Integrative Therapy 2381-8727 1250 1250 1200
International Journal of Mental Health & Psychiatry 2471-4372 919 862 737
International Journal of Microscopy - 519 487 416
International Journal of Ophthalmic Pathology 2324-8599 1819 1705 1458
International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 2329-9096 1819 1705 1458
International Journal of Public Health and Safety - 1819 1705 1458
International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy & Life Sciences 2278-0238 1250 1250 1200
International Journal of School and Cognitive Psychology 2469-9837 1219 1143 977
International Journal of Sensor Networks and Data Communications 2090-4886 1819 1705 1458
International Journal of Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Computation 2090-4908 1019 955 817
International Journal of Waste Resources 2252-5211 1019 955 817
Interventional Cardiology Journal 2471-8157 1319 1236 1057
Irrigation & Drainage Systems Engineering 2168-9768 1027 919 786
JOP. Journal of the Pancreas 1590-8577 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy 2155-6105 2500 2300 1945
Journal of Addictive Behaviors and Therapy - 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Addictive Behaviors, Therapy & Rehabilitation 2324-9005 919 862 737
Journal of Adenocarcinoma - 319 299 256
Journal of Advanced Chemical Engineering 2155-6105 919 795 708
Journal of Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering 2168-9792 1219 1143 977
Journal of Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery 2472-1905 919 862 737
Journal of Aging Science 2329-8847 1219 1143 977
Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Research 2471-2728 919 862 737
Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research 2155-6113 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence 2329-6488 1519 1424 1218
Journal of Allergy & Therapy 2155-6121 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Alzheimers Disease & Parkinsonism 21610460 2200 2300 2100
Journal of Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques 2155-9872 2200 2300 2100
Journal of Anesthesia & Clinical Research 2155-6148 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Anesthesiology and Pain Research - 319 299 256
Journal of Animal Health and Behavioural Science - 1519 1561 1218
Journal of Animal Research and Nutrition 2572-5459 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Animal Sciences and Livestock Production - 1519 1424 1218
Journal of Anthropology Reports - 1019 955 817
Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 2472-1212 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Antivirals & Antiretrovirals 1948-5964 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Applied & Computational Mathematics 2168-9679 803 719 615
Journal of Applied Bioinformatics & Computational Biology 2329-9533 919 862 737
Journal of Applied Mechanical Engineering 2168-9873 1519 1424 1218
Journal of Applied Microbiology and Biochemistry 2576-1412 519 487 416
Journal of Applied Pharmacy 1920-4159 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Aquaculture Research & Development 2155-9546 1519 1424 1218
Journal of Architectural Engineering Technology 2168-9717 2200 2300 2100
Journal of Arthritis 2167-7921 1027 1819 786
Journal of Astrobiology & Outreach 2332-2519 1519 1424 1218
Journal of Athletic Enhancement 2324-9080 1519 1424 1218
Journal of Autoimmune Disorders 2471-8513 919 862 737
Journal of Bacteriology & Parasitology 2155-9597 1219 1143 977
Journal of Bioanalysis & Biomedicine 1948-593X 1027 919 786
Journal of Biochemical and Microbial Toxicology - 219 205 176
Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology - 950 1050 900
Journal of Biodiversity & Endangered Species 2332-2543 1519 1424 1218
Journal of Biodiversity Management & Forestry 2327-4417 1019 955 817
Journal of Bioengineering & Biomedical Science 2155-9538 803 719 615
Journal of Bioequivalence & Bioavailability 0975-0851 3619 3393 2901
Journal of Biological and Medical Sciences - 519 487 416
Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Devices 2475-7586 1219 1143 977
Journal of Biomedical Systems & Emerging Technologies - 1027 919 786
Journal of Biometrics & Biostatistics 2155-6180 1697 1519 1298
Journal of Biomolecular Research & Therapeutics 2167-7956 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Biomusical Engineering 2090-2719 519 486 416
Journal of Bioprocessing & Biotechniques 2155-9821 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Bioremediation & Biodegradation 2155-6199 2200 2300 2100
Journal of Bioresearch Communications - 919 862 737
Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials 2155-952X 2200 2300 2100
Journal of Bioterrorism & Biodefense 2157-2526 2200 2300 2100
Journal of Blood & Lymph 2165-7831 1139 1019 871
Journal of Blood Disorders & Transfusion 2155-9864 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Blood Research & Hematologic Diseases - 519 487 416
Journal of Bone Reports & Recommendations 2469-6684 919 862 737
Journal of Bone Research 2572-4916 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Brain Research - 619 580 496
Journal of Cancer Clinical Trials 2577-0535 1219 1143 975
Journal of Cancer Diagnosis 2476-2253 3941 3619 3167
Journal of Cancer Research and Immuno-Oncology - 1219 1143 977
Journal of Cancer Science and Research 2576-1447 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Carcinogenesis & Mutagenesis 2157-2518 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation - 1819 2819 1500
Journal of Cell Biology & Immunology - 519 487 416
Journal of Cell Science & Therapy 2157-7013 1519 1424 1218
Journal of Cell Science and Apoptosis - 519 487 416
Journal of Cell Signaling 2576-1471 1519 1424 1219
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology - 950 1050 900
Journal of Chemical Biology & Therapeutics 2572-0406 919 862 737
Journal of Chemical Engineering & Process Technology 2157-7048 1519 1424 1218
Journal of Child and Adolescent Behaviour 2375-4494 2200 2300 2100
Journal of Childhood & Developmental Disorders 2472-1786 1249 1171 1001
Journal of Childhood Obesity 2572-5394 2067 1819 1630
Journal of Chromatography & Separation Techniques 2157-7064 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Civil & Environmental Engineering 2165-784X 1519 1424 1218
Journal of Civil & Legal Sciences 2169-0170 2200 2300 2100
Journal of Climatology & Weather Forecasting 2332-2594 1519 1424 1218
Journal of Clinical & Cellular Immunology 2155-9899 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Cardiology 2155-9880 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research 2155-9554 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Nephrology 2472-5056 1219 1143 977
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Neuroimmunology - 950 1050 900
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Oncology 2324-9110 939 880 753
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology 2155-9570 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Orthopaedics 2471-8416 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Pathology 2161-0681 2200 2300 2100
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Pharmacology 2161-1459 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Clinical & Medical Genomics 2472-128X 1019 955 817
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Endocrinology - 919 790 701
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Transplantation 2475-7640 950 1050 900
Journal of Clinical and Medical Case Studies - 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Clinical and Medical Sciences - 519 487 416
Journal of Clinical and Molecular Endocrinology 2572-5432 1519 1424 1218
Journal of Clinical Anesthesiology: Open Access - 1219 1143 977
journal of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine - 1219 1143 975
Journal of Clinical Developmental Biology 2472-1964 919 862 737
Journal of Clinical Diabetes - 950 1050 900
Journal of Clinical Immunology and Allergy 2471-304X 519 487 416
Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases & Practice 2476-213X 2055 1919 1650
Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials - 519 487 416
Journal of Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery - 1019 955 817
Journal of Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics 2472-1921 1019 955 817
Journal of Clinical Research - 1027 919 786
Journal of Clinical Research & Bioethics 2155-9627 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Clinical Respiratory Diseases and Care 2472-1247 1019 519 817
Journal of Clinical Toxicology 2161-0495 1705 1705 1218
Journal of Clinical Trials 2167-0870 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Coastal Zone Management 2473-3350 1219 1143 977
Journal of Communication Disorders, Deaf Studies & Hearing Aids 2375-4427 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Community & Public Health Nursing 2471-9846 2200 2300 2300
Journal of Community Medicine & Health Education 2161-0711 2200 2300 2100
Journal of Computer Engineering & Information Technology 2324-9307 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Congenital Disorders - 519 487 416
Journal of Contraceptive Studies 2471-9749 519 487 416
Journal of Coronary Heart Diseases - 1519 1424 1218
Journal of Cosmetology & Trichology 2471-9323 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Cytokine Biology 2576-3881 950 1050 900
Journal of Cytology & Histology 2157-7099 1139 1019 871
Journal of Data Mining in Genomics & Proteomics 2153-0602 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Defense Management 2167-0374 919 815 697
Journal of Defense Studies and Resource Management 2324-9315 1019 955 817
Journal of Dementia - 2854 2619 2317
Journal of Dental Pathology and Medicine - 950 1050 900
Journal of Dental Science and Medicine 2572-4835 950 1050 900
Journal of Depression and Anxiety 2167-1044 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Dermatitis - 1219 1143 977
Journal of Developing Drugs 2329-6631 1019 955 817
Journal of Diabetes & Clinical Practice - 950 1050 900
Journal of Diabetes & Metabolism 2155-6156 1819 1819 1458
Journal of Diabetic Complications & Medicine 2475-3211 1000 937 802
Journal of Diagnostic Techniques and Biomedical Analysis 2469-5653 1000 937 802
Journal of Down Syndrome & Chromosome Abnormalities 2472-1115 1519 1424 1218
Journal of Drug Abuse 2471-853X 1019 955 817
Journal of Drug Metabolism & Toxicology 2157-7609 1819 1600 1400
Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change 2157-7617 2200 2300 2100
Journal of Ecology and Toxicology - 950 1050 900
Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography 2157-7625 2200 2300 2100
Journal of Electrical & Electronic Systems 2332-0796 580 519 444
Journal of Electrical Engineering and Electronic Technology 2325-9833 719 674 576
Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 2380-2391 1219 1143 977
Journal of Environmental Hazards - 1019 955 817
Journal of Ergonomics 2165-7556 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Experimental Food Chemistry 2472-0542 1519 1424 1219
Journal of Eye & Cataract Surgery - 919 862 737
Journal of Eye Diseases and Disorders - 919 862 737
Journal of Fashion Technology & Textile Engineering 2329-9568 919 862 737
Journal of Fertilization: In Vitro - IVF-Worldwide, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biology 2375-4508 1219 1143 977
Journal of Fisheries & Livestock Production 2332-2608 2200 2300 2100
Journal of Food & Industrial Microbiology 2572-4134 803 719 615
Journal of Food Processing & Technology 2157-7110 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Food, Nutrition and Population Health - 1019 955 817
Journal of Food: Microbiology, Safety & Hygiene 2476-2059 1219 1143 977
Journal of Forensic Biomechanics 2090-2697 1519 1352 1157
Journal of Forensic Medicine 2472-1026 1019 955 817
Journal of Forensic Pathology - 1019 955 817
Journal of Forensic Psychology 2475-319X 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Forensic Toxicology & Pharmacology 2325-9841 719 674 576
Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications 2090-4541 1139 1019 871
Journal of Gastrointestinal & Digestive System 2161-069X 2200 2300 2100
Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer and Stromal Tumors 2572-4126 1000 937 802
Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications 1736-4337 1019 955 817
Journal of Genetic Disorders & Genetic Reports 2327-5790 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Genetic Syndromes & Gene Therapy 2157-7412 1119 1049 897
Journal of Genetics and DNA Research - 519 487 416
Journal of Genetics and Genomes - 1019 955 817
Journal of Genital System & Disorders 2325-9728 1419 1330 1138
Journal of Genome - 519 487 416
Journal of Geography & Natural Disasters 2167-0587 1019 955 817
Journal of Geology & Geophysics 2381-8719 1019 955 817
Journal of Gerontology & Geriatric Research 2167-7182 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Global Economics 2375-4389 1027 919 786
Journal of Global Research in Computer Science 2229-371X 300 281 239
Journal of Glycobiology 2168-958X 1519 1424 1218
Journal of Glycomics & Lipidomics 2153-0637 1519 1424 1218
Journal of Health & Medical Informatics 2157-7420 1027 919 786
Journal of Health Care and Prevention - 950 1050 900
Journal of Healthcare Communications 2472-1654 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Heart and Cardiovascular Research 2576-1455 719 674 576
Journal of Heart Health and Circulation - 519 488 410
Journal of Hematology & Thromboembolic Diseases 2329-8790 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Hepatitis - 1000 937 802
Journal of Hepatology and Gastrointestinal disorders 2475-3181 1019 955 817
Journal of HIV & Retro Virus 2471-9676 1219 1143 977
Journal of Horticulture 2376-0354 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Hotel & Business Management 2169-0286 1019 955 817
Journal of HPV and Cervical Cancer - 2322 2200 900
Journal of Hydrogeology & Hydrologic Engineering 2325-9647 719 674 576
Journal of Hypertension: Open Access 2167-1095 803 719 615
Journal of Imaging and Interventional Radiology 2471-8564 519 487 416
Journal of Immunobiology 2476-1966 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Immunological Techniques & Infectious Diseases 2329-9541 1219 1143 977
Journal of In Silico & In Vitro Pharmacology - 519 487 416
Journal of Infectious Disease and Pathology 2472-4998 950 1050 900
Journal of Infectious Diseases & Preventive Medicine 2329-8731 1019 955 817
Journal of Infectious Diseases & Therapy 2332-0877 2200 1819 2100
Journal of Infectious Diseases and Diagnosis 2576-389X 919 862 737
Journal of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases & Disorders - 919 862 737
Journal of Information Technology & Software Engineering 2165-7866 1519 1424 1218
Journal of Integrative Oncology 2329-6771 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Interventional and General Cardiology - 279 250 214
Journal of Kidney 2472-1220 1519 1424 1218
Journal of Lasers, Optics & Photonics 2469-410X 580 519 444
Journal of Leukemia 2329-6917 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Liver 2167-0889 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Liver: Disease & Transplantation 2325-9612 919 862 737
Journal of Marine Biology & Oceanography 2324-8661 919 862 737
Journal of Marine Science: Research & Development 2155-9910 2200 2300 2100
Journal of Mass Communication & Journalism 2165-7912 580 519 444
Journal of Material Sciences & Engineering 2169-0022 1697 1519 1298
Journal of Materials Science and Nanomaterials - 950 1050 900
Journal of Medical & Surgical Pathology 2472-4971 1519 1242 1219
Journal of Medical Diagnostic Methods 2168-9784 1519 1293 1136
Journal of Medical Implants & Surgery - 950 1050 900
Journal of Medical Physics and Applied Sciences - 519 487 416
Journal of Medical Physiology & Therapeutics - 919 919 919
Journal of Medical Research & Health Education - 519 487 416
Journal of Medical Toxicology and Clinical Forensic Medicine 2471-9641 819 768 657
Journal of Membrane Science & Technology 2155-9589 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Meningitis 2572-2050 919 862 735
Journal of Metabolic Syndrome 2167-0943 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Microbial & Biochemical Technology 1948-5948 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Microbial Pathogenesis - 919 862 737
Journal of Microbiology and Pathology - 580 519 444
Journal of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology - 519 487 416
Journal of Molecular Histology & Medical Physiology - 719 674 576
Journal of Molecular Imaging & Dynamics 2155-9937 919 862 737
Journal of Molecular Immunology - 919 862 737
Journal of Molecular Pathology and Biochemistry - 919 862 737
Journal of Molecular Pharmaceutics & Organic Process Research 2329-9053 2200 2300 2100
Journal of Morphology and Anatomy - 1019 955 817
Journal of MPE Molecular Pathological Epidemiology 2472-1220 600 562 481
Journal of Mucosal Immunology Research - 950 1050 900
Journal of Multiple Sclerosis 2376-0389 1519 1519 1519
Journal of Nanomaterials & Molecular Nanotechnology 2324-8777 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Nanomedicine & Biotherapeutic Discovery 2155-983X 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology 2157-7439 2719 2509 2509
Journal of Neonatal Biology 2167-0897 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Neoplasm - 519 487 416
Journal of Nephrology & Therapeutics 2161-0959 1139 1019 871
Journal of Neuroendocrinology Research - 519 487 416
Journal of Neuroinfectious Diseases 2314-7334 2200 2300 2100
Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology 2155-9562 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Neuropsychiatry 1758-2016 919 862 737
Journal of Neuroscience & Clinical Research - 519 487 416
Journal of Neuroscience and Neuropharmacology 2469-9780 919 862 737
Journal of Next Generation Sequencing and Applications 2469-9853 1819 1567 1406
Journal of Novel Physiotherapies 2165-7025 2200 2300 2100
Journal of Nursing & Care 2167-1168 2019 1893 1619
Journal of Nutraceuticals and Food Science - 1019 955 817
Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences 2155-9600 3779 3393 2995
Journal of Nutrition & Weight Loss - 1019 955 817
Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics - 950 1050 900
Journal of Nutrition Science Research 2473-6449 950 1050 900
Journal of Nutritional Disorders & Therapy 2161-0509 1519 1424 1218
Journal of Obesity & Eating Disorders 2471-8203 919 862 737
Journal of Obesity & Therapeutics - 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy 2165-7904 2535 2300 1930
Journal of Obesity and Metabolism - 950 1050 900
Journal of Oceanography and Marine Research 2332-2632 1519 1424 1218
Journal of Ocular Infection and Inflammation - 519 487 416
Journal of Odontology - 519 487 416
Journal of Oncology Medicine & Practice 2576-3857 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Oncology Research and Treatment - 1886 2300 900
Journal of Oncology Translational Research 2476-2261 1019 955 817
Journal of Oral Hygiene & Health 2332-0702 3519 2300 3419
Journal of Organic & Inorganic Chemistry 2472-1123 519 487 416
Journal of Orthodontics & Endodontics 2469-2980 1019 955 817
Journal of Orthopedic Oncology 2472-016X 2435 2300 2021
Journal of Osteoarthritis - 919 862 737
Journal of Osteoporosis and Physical Activity 2329-9509 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Otology & Rhinology 2324-8785 969 908 777
Journal of Paediatric Medicine & Surgery - 950 1050 900
Journal of Pain & Relief 2167-0846 2200 2300 2100
Journal of Pain Management & Medicine - 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Palliative Care & Medicine 2165-7386 2500 2300 2000
Journal of Patient Care 2573-4598 1919 1640 1459
Journal of Pediatric Neurological Disorders 2572-5203 1019 955 817
Journal of Pediatric Neurology and Medicine 2472-100X 1019 955 817
Journal of Perioperative & Critical Intensive Care Nursing 2471-9870 1019 955 817
Journal of Perioperative Medicine - 519 487 416
Journal of Petroleum & Environmental Biotechnology 2157-7463 1219 1143 977
Journal of Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems 2376-0419 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Pharmaceutical Microbiology - 600 562 481
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Emerging Drugs 2380-9477 519 487 416
Journal of Pharmaceutics & Drug Delivery Research 2325-9604 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Pharmacogenomics & Pharmacoproteomics 2153-0645 1519 1424 1218
Journal of Pharmacognosy & Natural Products 2472-0992 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Pharmacokinetics & Experimental Therapeutics - 950 1050 900
Journal of Pharmacological Reports - 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Pharmacovigilance 2329-6887 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Phonetics & Audiology 2471-9455 919 862 737
Journal of Phylogenetics & Evolutionary Biology 2329-9002 1027 919 786
Journal of Physical Chemistry & Biophysics 2161-0398 1519 1424 1218
Journal of Physics Research and Applications - 319 299 256
Journal of Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation 2573-0312 1019 955 808
Journal of Physiotherapy Research - 519 487 416
Journal of Phytochemistry & Biochemistry - 519 487 416
Journal of Pituitary Research & Treatment - 319 299 256
Journal of Plant Biochemistry & Physiology 2329-9029 1960 1760 1552
Journal of Plant Genetics and Breeding - 950 1050 900
Journal of Plant Pathology & Microbiology 2157-7471 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Plant Physiology & Pathology 2329-955X 1019 955 817
Journal of Plant Sciences and Agricultural Research 1000 937 802
Journal of Political Sciences & Public Affairs 2332-0761 1219 1070 958
Journal of Pollution - 1683 1519 1292
Journal of Pollution Effects & Control 2375-4397 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Polymer Science & Applications - 219 205 176
Journal of Powder Metallurgy & Mining 2168-9806 2200 2300 2100
Journal of Pregnancy and Child Health 2376-127X 2435 2300 2021
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2572-5483 1019 1019 1361
Journal of Probiotics & Health 2329-8901 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Prostate Cancer - 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Proteomics & Bioinformatics 0974-276X 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Psychological Abnormalities 2471-9900 1219 1143 977
Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy 2161-0487 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Pulmonary Medicine - 519 487 416
Journal of Pulmonology and Respiratory Diseases - 950 1050 900
Journal of Rare Disorders: Diagnosis & Therapy - 1019 955 817
Journal of Regenerative Medicine 2325-9620 919 862 737
Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS 2469-4134 1519 1424 1218
Journal of Reproductive Biomedicine - 519 487 416
Journal of Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility - 919 862 737
Journal of Research and Development 2311-3278 919 862 737
Journal of Respiratory Medicine - 2200 2300 2100
Journal of Scientific and Industrial Metrology 2472-1948 919 862 737
Journal of Sleep Disorders & Therapy 2167-0277 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Sleep Disorders : Treatment and Care 2325-9639 1419 1330 1138
Journal of Socialomics 2167-0358 1019 955 817
Journal of Speech Pathology & Therapy 2472-5005 950 2719 900
Journal of Spine & Neurosurgery 2325-9701 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Sports Medicine & Doping Studies 2161-0673 1027 919 786
Journal of Steel Structures & Construction 2472-0437 1019 955 817
Journal of Stem Cell Research & Therapy 2157-7633 1818 1705 1458
Journal of Steroids & Hormonal Science 2157-7536 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Stock & Forex Trading 2168-9458 1019 955 817
Journal of Surgery and Anesthesia - 1219 1143 977
Journal of Surgery and Emergency Medicine - 1019 955 817
Journal of Surgery Jurnalul de Chirurgie 1584-9341 1019 955 817
Journal of Surgical Pathology and Diagnosis - 619 580 496
Journal of Textile Science & Engineering 2165-8064 1027 919 786
Journal of Theoretical & Computational Science 2376-130X 1019 955 817
Journal of Thermodynamics & Catalysis 2157-7544 1688 1487 1219
Journal of Thrombosis and Circulation: Open Access 2572-9462 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Thyroid Disorders & Therapy 2167-7948 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Tissue Science & Engineering 2157-7552 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Tourism & Hospitality 2167-0269 1519 1339 1166
Journal of Tourism Research & Hospitality 2324-8807 1019 955 817
Journal of Traditional Medicine & Clinical Naturopathy 2167-1206 2200 2300 2100
Journal of Translational Neurosciences 2573-5349 1219 1143 977
Journal of Transmitted Diseases and Immunity 2573-0320 719 674 576
Journal of Trauma & Treatment 2167-1222 1819 2719 1458
Journal of Traumatic Stress Disorders & Treatment 2324-8947 1019 955 817
Journal of Tropical Diseases & Public Health 2329-891X 919 862 737
Journal of Tuberculosis and Therapeutics - 319 299 256
Journal of Tumor Research - 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Tumour Research & Reports 2475-3203 1219 1143 977
Journal of Vaccines & Clinical Trials - 219 205 176
Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination 2157-7560 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Therapy 2573-4482 1019 955 817
Journal of Vascular Medicine & Surgery 2329-6925 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Vasculitis 2471-9544 919 862 737
Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Health - 950 1050 900
Journal of Veterinary Science & Medical Diagnosis 2325-9590 1219 1143 977
Journal of Women's Health Care 2167-0420 1819 4019 1458
Journal of Womens Health, Issues and Care 2325-9795 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Yoga & Physical Therapy 2157-7595 1819 1705 1458
Journal of Yoga Practice and Therapy - 519 487 416
Lovotics 2090-9888 319 299 255
Lupus: Open Access - 1219 1143 977
Malaria Control & Elimination 2470-6965 1027 919 786
Mass Spectrometry & Purification Techniques 2469-9861 919 862 737
Maternal and pediatric nutrition 2472-1182 1019 955 817
Medical & Clinical Reviews 2471-299X 919 862 737
Medical & Surgical Urology 2168-9857 1519 1424 1218
Medical case reports 2471-8041 1819 1705 1458
Medical Microbiology Reports - 600 562 481
Medical Mycology: Open Access 2471-8521 619 580 496
Medical Reports & Case Studies 2572-5130 1139 1019 871
Medical Safety & Global Health 2574-0407 919 862 737
Medicinal & Aromatic Plants 2167-0412 919 862 737
Medicinal Chemistry 2161-0444 2019 1893 1619
Metabolomics: Open Access 2153-0769 803 719 615
Modern Chemistry & Applications 2329-6798 919 862 737
Molecular Biology: Open Access 2168-9547 1819 1705 1458
Mycobacterial Diseases 2161-1068 1819 1705 1458
Nano Research & Applications 2471-9838 1019 955 817
Natural Products Chemistry & Research 2329-6836 1219 1143 977
Neonatal and Pediatric Medicine 2572-4983 2200 2300 2100
Neuro-oncology: Open Access - 919 862 737
Neuroscience and Psychiatry: Open Access - 1019 955 817
Occupational Medicine & Health Affairs 2329-6879 3889 3619 3219
Oil & Gas Research 2472-0518 1250 1250 1200
OMICS Journal of Radiology 2167-7964 2200 2300 2100
Oncology & Cancer Case Reports 2471-8556 1819 1705 1458
Optometry: Open Access 2476-2075 2055 1919 1650
Oral Health and Dental Management 2247-2452 1819 1705 1458
Oral Health Case Reports 2471-8726 1019 955 817
Organic Chemistry: Current Research 2161-0401 919 862 737
Orthopedic & Muscular System: Current Research 2161-0533 1019 955 817
Otolaryngology: Open Access 2161-119X 2200 2300 2100
Pancreatic Disorders & Therapy 2165-7092 1519 1424 1218
Pediatric Care 2471- 805X 919 862 737
Pediatric Dental Care 2573-444X 1019 955 817
Pediatric Emergency Care and Medicine: Open Access - 519 487 416
Pediatric Infectious Diseases: Open Access 2573-0282 1519 1424 1218
Pediatrics & Health Research 2574-2817 719 674 576
Pediatrics & Therapeutics 2161-0665 1519 1424 1218
Pharmaceutica Analytica Acta 2153-2435 1819 1705 1458
Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry 2471-2698 1019 955 817
Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs: Open Access 2167-7689 919 862 737
Poultry, Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences 2375-446X 1019 955 817
Primary Healthcare: Open Access 2167-1079 1819 1705 1458
Psychology and Psychiatry: Open access - 950 1050 900
Rare Disorders: Diagnosis & Therapy 2380-7245 1019 955 817
Reconstructive Surgery & Anaplastology 2161-1173 919 862 737
Reports in Cancer and Treatment - 319 299 256
Reports in Disease Markers - 519 487 416
Reports in Thyroid Research - 919 862 737
Reproductive Immunology: Open Access - 919 862 737
Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders: Current Research 2161-038X 1519 1424 1218
Research & Reviews in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2320-1215 1519 1424 1218
Research & Reviews in Polymer 2249-8877 919 862 737
Research & Reviews: Drug Delivery - 519 487 416
Research & Reviews: Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences 2319-9857 719 674 576
Research & Reviews: Journal of Botanical Sciences 2320-0189 1519 1424 1218
Research & Reviews: Journal of Chemistry 2319-9849 719 674 576
Research & Reviews: Journal of Dental Sciences 2322-0090 919 862 737
Research & Reviews: Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 2347-7830 919 862 737
Research & Reviews: Journal of Educational Studies - 619 580 496
Research & Reviews: Journal of Engineering and Technology 2319-9873 519 487 416
Research & Reviews: Journal of Food and Dairy Technology 2321-6204 519 487 416
Research & Reviews: Journal of Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy - 719 674 576
Research & Reviews: Journal of Material Sciences 2321-6212 1519 1424 1218
Research & Reviews: Journal of Medical and Health Sciences 2319-9865 519 487 416
Research & Reviews: Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 2320 - 352 919 862 737
Research & Reviews: Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences - 519 487 416
Research & Reviews: Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis 2347-2340 519 487 416
Research & Reviews: Journal of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance - 300 281 241
Research & Reviews: Journal of Pharmaceutics and Nanotechnology 2347-7857 619 580 496
Research & Reviews: Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2347-2332 1019 955 817
Research & Reviews: Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicological Studies 2322-0139 919 862 737
Research & Reviews: Journal of Pure and Applied Physics 2320-2459 919 862 737
Research & Reviews: Journal of Social Sciences - 1019 955 817
Research & Reviews: Journal of Statistics and Mathematical Sciences - 1819 1705 1458
Research & Reviews: Journal of Veterinary Sciences - 519 487 416
Research & Reviews: Journal of Zoological Sciences 2321-6190 1219 1143 977
Research & Reviews: Medical and Clinical Oncology - 319 299 256
Research & Reviews: Neuroscience - 319 299 256
Research & Reviews: Research Journal of Biology 2322-0066 519 487 416
Research and Reports in Gastroenterology - 219 205 176
Research and Reviews - Orthopedics - 719 674 576
Research and Reviews on Pathogens - 300 281 241
Resources, Recycling and Waste Management - 519 487 416
Review of Public Administration and Management 2315-7844 1219 1143 977
Rheology: Open Access - 1019 955 817
Rheumatology: Current Research 2161-1149 1819 1705 1458
Rice Research: Open Access 2375-4338 2200 2300 2100
RROIJ: Journal of Medicinal & Organic Chemistry - 1019 955 817
Single Cell Biology 2168-9431 1519 1424 1218
Skin diseases & Skin Care - 600 562 481
Sociology and Criminology-Open Access 2375-4435 719 674 576
Spine Research 2471-8173 1519 1424 1218
Stroke Research & Therapy - 619 580 496
Structural Chemistry & Crystallography Communication 2470-9905 519 487 416
Surgery: Current Research 2161-1076 1819 1705 1458
The Neurologist: Clinical & Therapeutics Journal - 950 1050 900
The Psychiatrist : Clinical and Therapeutic Journa - 950 1050 900
Toxicology: Open Access 2476-2067 1250 1250 1200
Transcriptomics: Open Access 2329-8936 919 862 737
Translational Medicine 2161-1025 1019 862 737
Transplant Reports : Open Access - 950 1050 900
Trauma & Acute Care - 919 862 737
Tropical Medicine & Surgery 2329-9088 1019 955 817
Vector Biology Journal - 499 468 400
Veterinary Research Journal - 519 487 416
Virology & Antiviral Research 2324-8955 919 862 737
Virology & Mycology 2161-0517 1019 955 817
Virology: Current Research - 919 862 737
World Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology - 950 1050 900