A common allergy test, Skin Prick Test (SPT), is a simple, safe and quick test. It requires about 15-20 minutes and gives a quick diagnosis and management plan. This test is done by introducing a small amount of allergen into the skin which leads to a localized allergic response. This may be in the form of a flare (redness) or wheal (bump) at the site of testing. SPT is safe to use on all age groups, including babies. The skin prick test is normally done on the inner forearm, but, can also be done on other parts of the body like thigh or back etc. The allergens used as test are selected on the basis of discussions between the patient and the clinician. Up to 25 allergens can be tested in a single go.
Peer review refers to the work done during the screening of submitted manuscripts and funding applications. This process encourages authors to meet the accepted standards of their discipline and reduces the dissemination of irrelevant findings, unwarranted claims, unacceptable interpretations, and personal views. Publications that have not undergone peer review are likely to be regarded with suspicion by academic scholars and professionals.
Last date updated on January, 2025