JCST 2011/S8: 1948-5956-10000S8-1/Special Issue 2011
doi: 10.4172/1948-5956.10000S8 Intratumoral chemotherapy (ITC) as adjunct to standard therapy in NSCLC iiia-iv
prolongs life Wolfgang Hohenforst-Schmidt
JCST 2011/S8: 1948-5956-10000S8-2/Special Issue 2011
doi: 10.4172/1948-5956.10000S8 Endobronchial Intratumoral Chemotherapy (EITC): A New Modality for Palliation and
Potential Curative Therapy of NSC Lung Cancer Eugene P. Goldberg, Wolfgang Hohenforst-Schmidt and Seyhan Celikoglu
JCST 2011/S8: 1948-5956-10000S8-3/Special Issue 2011
doi: 10.4172/1948-5956.10000S8 Extra cellular matrix derived endogenous angioinhibitor tumstatin and its mechanism(s)
of action Sudhakar Akul
JCST 2011/S8: 1948-5956-10000S8-4/Special Issue 2011
doi: 10.4172/1948-5956.10000S8 The association between Charlson Comorbidity Index(CCI) and the burden of cancer Eun-Jung Kim
JCST 2011/S8: 1948-5956-10000S8-5/Special Issue 2011
doi: 10.4172/1948-5956.10000S8 Therapeutics and Toxicology of Liposome-Based Anticancer Drugs Alberto A. Gabizon
JCST 2011/S8: 1948-5956-10000S8-6/Special Issue 2011
doi: 10.4172/1948-5956.10000S8 High-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) screening and detection in normal, healthy
patient saliva samples: a pilot cluster randomized study Karl Kingsley and Deidre Turner
JCST 2011/S8: 1948-5956-10000S8-7/Special Issue 2011
doi: 10.4172/1948-5956.10000S8 Molecular basis of anti-infl amatory strategies in cancer cachexia Martins Thomas
JCST 2011/S8: 1948-5956-10000S8-8/Special Issue 2011
doi: 10.4172/1948-5956.10000S8 Nose bleed gone wild: Extramedullary plasmacytoma of the right nasal septum Erwin Jannino O. Ybanez
JCST 2011/S8: 1948-5956-10000S8-9/Special Issue 2011
doi: 10.4172/1948-5956.10000S8 Evaluation of dendritic cells and RANTES in patients suffering from ovarian cancer Jan Kotarski, Iwona Wertel and Wanda Rogowska
JCST 2011/S8: 1948-5956-10000S8-10/Special Issue 2011
doi: 10.4172/1948-5956.10000S8 Sam-Pointed Domain Ets Transcription Factor-1 (SPDEF-1, a.k.a. PDEF-1) is a Tumor
Metastasis Suppressor and its Mechanism(s) of Action Hari K Koul