Special Issue Cancerscience-2011
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Cancerscience-2011 Posters

JCST 2011/S13: 1948-5956-10000S13-1/Special Issue 2011
doi: 10.4172/1948-5956.10000S13

Isolation and immunomodulatory potential of oryzanol from crude rice bran oil in experimental animal models
Somsuvra B. Ghatak

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JCST 2011/S13: 1948-5956-10000S13-2/Special Issue 2011
doi: 10.4172/1948-5956.10000S13

Cancer and quality of life
Sibel Eyigor

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JCST 2011/S13: 1948-5956-10000S13-3/Special Issue 2011
doi: 10.4172/1948-5956.10000S13

The usefulness of preoperative determination of CEA and TPS concentrations in patients with colorectal cancer
Robert Partyka, Artur Sandelewski, Przemyslaw Jalowiecki and Danuta Kokocinska

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JCST 2011/S13: 1948-5956-10000S13-4/Special Issue 2011
doi: 10.4172/1948-5956.10000S13

Effect of counseling intervention post mastectomy for women undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy on their quality of life
Nessrien O. El-Sayed and Zeinab Hussein Ali

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