Special Issue Cancerscience-2011
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TRACK 8: OMICS in Cancer Research
        8(i): Oncogenomics
       8(ii): Cancer Research: Clinical & Experimental
      8(iii): Cancer: Genomics & Proteomics

JCST 2011/S10: 1948-5956-10000S10-1/Special Issue 2011
doi: 10.4172/1948-5956.10000S10

MicroRNAs induce tamoxifen sensitivity by down-regulation of estrogen receptor alpha signaling in breast cancer
Gary Guishan Xiao

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JCST 2011/S10: 1948-5956-10000S10-2/Special Issue 2011
doi: 10.4172/1948-5956.10000S10

Characterisation and impact of circulating tumor cell diversity on therapy response and metastasis formation
Katharina Pachmann

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JCST 2011/S10: 1948-5956-10000S10-3/Special Issue 2011
doi: 10.4172/1948-5956.10000S10

Bifi dobacterium Infantis on Lewis lung cancer in mice
Hong Zhu, Zhaojun Li, Shuhua Mao, Buyun Ma, Shengtao Zhou, Licong Deng, Taiguo Liu, Dandan Cui, Yaqin Zhao, Jianping He, Cheng Yi and Ying Huang

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JCST 2011/S10: 1948-5956-10000S10-4/Special Issue 2011
doi: 10.4172/1948-5956.10000S10

An investigation of PD-L1 expression and its association with tumor infi ltrating T cells in human cervical carcinomas
Xu Man, Wang Yuqi, Xu Guangxu, Geng Weipu and Tang Junying

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JCST 2011/S10: 1948-5956-10000S10-5/Special Issue 2011
doi: 10.4172/1948-5956.10000S10

To compare effi cacy and cost effectiveness of different 5ht3 blockers in acute and delayed nausea and vomiting:a randomized study
Shukla Piyush

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JCST 2011/S10: 1948-5956-10000S10-6/Special Issue 2011
doi: 10.4172/1948-5956.10000S10

Functional genomics to identify cancer targets
William C. Hahn

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JCST 2011/S10: 1948-5956-10000S10-7/Special Issue 2011
doi: 10.4172/1948-5956.10000S10

The anti-tumor role of gene UBTD1 and a positively regulatory loop between UBTD1 and p53
Xiaowei Zhang, Jin Li and Weijian Guo

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JCST 2011/S10: 1948-5956-10000S10-8/Special Issue 2011
doi: 10.4172/1948-5956.10000S10

Inhibition of pancreatic cancer stem cell characteristics in human and KrasG12D transgenic mice by resveratrol
R.K. Srivastava, S-N. Tang, M. Rodova, D. Nall and S. Shankar

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