Pigmentation in the oral cavity may be focal or diffusal. Some pigmentation is a sign or symptoms of internal illnesses in the form of blue, brown and black color changes which may be caused by endogenous and exogenous pigmentations. . Endogenic pigmentation is indicative of the presence of pigment organism such as hemoglobin and melanin. Theoretically , Melanin is a derivative of tyrosine, synthesized in melanocytes and accumulates in the form of melanic granules in the surrounding basal cells that protect against harmful effects. Exogenic pigmentation enters under the mucous membrane of direct trauma, rather than the indirect ingestion and absorption of the intestine. It is transmitted through the blood stream and goes through the epithelia. It is hard to determine the main cause of the occurrence of pigmented melanocyte changes. But it is safe to say that these are the results of changes in the body which therefore is necessary to analyze in detail . A lot of diseases of our system and can cause pathological and non-pathological changes in the oral cavity. They can be caused by a variety of systemic diseases, such as viral, bacterial diseases or other diseases caused by infected organs. Viral diseases can often be manifested as pathological changes in the oral cavity. The infection human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common infection caused by a sexually transmitted infection. The virus has a high affinity for squamous epithelium and is propagated in terminally differentiated epithelial cells which are approximately about 150 species of HPV in which 40 species cause infections in the genital region and some genotypes with malignant potential. Due to the microtrauma to the skin and mucous membranes during genital contact, it is easier to contract an infection of the basal layer of stratified squamous epithelium of the genital tract where the virus reproduces and disrupts normal cell cycle. Most people are unaware that they are carriers of HPV which the virus can be transmitted to their sexual partners referred as transient infection. It is believed that sexually active person has the possibility and the potential to contract HPV infection . The immune response of the body recognizes foreign agents and therefore fights against them. Thereby, 90% of HPV infections in our body sustain the infection within two years symptoms free
(Josipa Sanja Gruden Pokupec, Lidija GaviÃâ¡ and Ivana PaviÃâ¡: Oral Pigmented Lesions as a Consequence of the Human Papillomavirus)
Last date updated on March, 2025