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Open Access Publishing

open access
  • Open Access publications are very important for communication of research findings worldwide. The benefits of Open Access journals are apparent enough to raise awareness among scientists and other stakeholders to support for more Open Access Publications from the publishing groups. The traditional publishing model required authors to relinquish their rights, thereby placing limitations on the impact and exposure of their work. However, in the scientific community, scholarly articles are written mainly for creating an impact to wider audience with minimal interest in the financial rewards or royalties. This has resulted in the publishers becoming sole beneficiaries, making millions in profits, while the scientists and the public suffer the consequences of high costs and the lack of access to expensive scientific journals.
  • To overcome this problem, Open Access publishing has been made a prerequisite for getting support from funding agencies. Universities, libraries, publishers, and governments insist that their scholars should publish their research work through freely available repositories.
  • The Open Access initiative has opened a new realm of publishing models by encouraging more Open Access publishing groups to deliver sustainable Open Access publications and research data. Various publishers like PubMed, Biomed Central, and PLoS One have emerged as promising tools to provide immediate free Open Access of scientific publications to the users. Continuous growth is ensured to take place within the scientific arena as Open Access publishing starts to move into the mainstream.