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Figure 3: Tanycyte distribution and SVCT2 immunoreaction in hypothalamic cells. Tanycytes are specialized hypothalamic glial cells that can be classified as alpha and beta-tanycytes. The tanycytes located in the dorsal walls of the third ventricle are classified as alpha tanycytes, which are involved in neurogenic activity (stem-like cells). Beta-1 tanycytes are located in the lateral lower area of the ventricle and develop elongated cell processes that form a bow through the arcuate nucleus and reach the lateral sulcus of the infundibular region in the lateral hypothalamus. A. SVCT2 and B. vimentin expression analysis in hypothalamic alpha and beta tanycytes. Detailed tanycyte structure and vimentin immunoreaction are observed in C and D. The fluorescence analysis of vimentin (red) and nuclei (Topro in blue) was performed using confocal spectral microscopy (Zeiss 780 equipment), tile scanning, Z-stack imaging and rendering analysis (process of generating an image from a model). E-G. Alpha-tanycyte distribution after infection with adenovirus-GFP (E) or fluorescence analysis of vimentin (F) and SVCT2 (G). IIIV, Third ventricle; AN, Arcuate nucleus; ME, Median eminence. Scale bars in A and B, 800 μm; in C and D 400 μm; and in E-G, 200 μm. |